Luo Zheng was born with divine power, and his physical body was so strong that he would not be hurt if he was smashed by a spirit weapon. If he could do this, it would be a chance encounter for Luo Zheng, but he could not envy it.

But this guy's soul is so strong, too?

If so, God is unfair.

The general warrior always has a bias. The swordsman is agile and sharp. The swordsman is aggressive and destructive. The assassin is secretive and has the ability to kill with one strike.

Few people can master everything. After all, there are too many geniuses in this era. If you are strong in every aspect, you are weak in every aspect, and all-round talents are mediocre, because even the most gifted warrior can't be strong in every aspect. People's longevity is limited. If you invest a lot of time in one aspect, you are doomed to be unable to cultivate in other aspects.

But Luo Zheng is a perfect all rounder.

In the eyes of many people, this is almost impossible, especially when Luo Zheng is only 17 years old and has only congenital duality!

In other words, they don't believe that Luo Zheng just defeated Jiang Shili at the soul level, but they don't believe that there are such perfect generalists in the world!

Seeing the disbelief of the crowd, the disciple who told the story snorted coldly and shook his head.

On the contrary, another person came out and said, "he's right. Jiang Shili really suffered a loss in the contest at the soul level. I don't know how strong Luo Zheng's soul is, but I can be sure that Jiang Shili's soul strength is far less than Luo Zheng's

The contest between souls is so simple, there is no variable.

Hear another person also say so, all deeply absorb a cool air, Leng Leng of all speechless.

As the saying goes, people are more angry than people, goods are better than goods.

Unconsciously, Luo Zheng from the humble Xiaoyu peak to kill, in the peak than shine, has let the vast majority of people can not afford! Because Luo Zheng has become the existence they look up to!

This is true among people. If a person is just a little stronger than you, you may be interested in comparing with him. However, if he is much stronger than you and becomes the existence you look up to, then the mind of comparison will be cut off.

Now the situation is like this. The image of Luo Zheng is an insurmountable mountain in their heart, which they may not be able to cross in their whole life.

Shi Jingtian looks at the battle of Bi douchang and frowns slightly.

From his perspective, it is natural to see the risk of a fight between the two. In this kind of life and death battle, if you don't grasp the size properly, one party will die, or even the two may die together.

However, it is impossible for Shi Jingtian to stop fighting for this reason. A warrior is not a flower in the greenhouse. If he wants to be a strong one, he is doomed to accept the baptism of blood and fire. This is why Qingyun sect issues so many dangerous tasks, and why many warriors choose to join the army for training. Only when they walk on the edge of death can they squeeze their potential To the limit.

Only Shi Jingtian had a little doubt.

Why did Jiang Shili fight so hard? It seems that he didn't fight for victory, but killed himself. Is it because Luo Zheng has a grudge against Jiang Shili?

Although Shi Jingtian encouraged his disciples to give full play to their strength, both of them were gifted disciples of Qingyun sect. Luo Zheng's talent moved Shi Jingtian and made him cherish his talent. For Luo Zheng's future, Shi Jingtian even had his own calculation. If Luo Zheng was assassinated by Jiang Shili, he would be a little sad.

At this time, a deacon sent a jade slip. The deacon was sent down by elder Xu to investigate Luo Zheng's cultivation materials during this period.

Mr. Xu took the jade slip in his hand and handed it to Shi Jingtian.

Shi Jingtian grabs the jade slip and starts to browse it. His brow is wrinkled even more.

When elder Xu saw Shi Jingtian's ugly face, he asked, "Lord, what is recorded in the jade slips?"

Shi Jingtian threw the jade slip to elder Xu, "see for yourself!"

Elder Xu unfolded the jade slip and saw that his face also changed greatly.

"In November, on fire day, Luo Zheng went into the magic fish deep pool for the first time and dived 130 meters! It's just another great talent of our family to dive to this point. If it's suitable for cultivation, it will shine brilliantly. Thank you, Deacon Cao. "

"In December, on the water day, Luo Zheng entered the seven star sword stage for the first time. He broke through the level eight difficulty and suddenly realized the meaning of the sword. Since the founding of our sect, there has never been such a disciple, and it is hard to describe his talent once in ten thousand years Deacon song, your honor. "

When elder Xu saw this, his face became more and more ugly.

Shi Jingtian sneered: "the first time I enter the seven star sword platform, I can break the level 8 difficulty. Hum, I'm afraid I haven't had such a demon disciple since the establishment of Qingyun clan. Moreover, I suddenly realized the meaning of the sword. It seems that Luo Zheng is still hiding his strength. If it wasn't for this time, I'm afraid I would not know the existence of this boy! The two deacons found that Luo Zheng had great talent. If they dig out Luo Zheng, they will naturally get a lot of rewards. After all, this is one of their duties! ""But this level of newspaper was blocked by several real people! That day, immortal dome and immortal Ziqing, right? The two old people just rely on the resources of Qingyun sect to cultivate themselves to the extreme, and they think they are a green onion in Qingyun sect.... "

Shi Jingtian said as he gazed at the competition field, his eyebrows picking again, and continued: "I don't know what contradiction those two old guys have with Luo Zheng. They are just like killing Luo Zheng. Moreover, they are brave enough to move their hands and feet above the whole peak Dabi! Jiang Shili is Ziqing's disciple, right? No wonder a shot is a fatal killing move! "

Hearing this, Xu Chang's face changed again.

Judging from the jade slips, Ziqing and Tianqiong are indeed in conflict with Luo Zheng, but it's a bit too lawless to let their own disciples kill Luo Zheng in Quanfeng Dabi.

And Shi Jingtian said that, elder Xu also noticed that from Jiang Shili's method, Ziqing and Tianqiong were doing it!

"Master Shi, why don't I go down and end this fight?" Elder Xu asked, although it's not a good thing to end the bickering rashly, today's situation is rather special.

"No!" Who knows that Shi Jingtian waved his hand and said: "look at the current situation, Jiang Shili may not be Luo Zheng's opponent. Let's see the situation first!"

The battle between Luo Zheng and Jiang Shili is still going on.

Now that Luo Zheng's broken throwing knife has appeared, he doesn't have to hide it.

Although Jiang Shili's means of concealment are very clever, the arena is only so big. There are only hundreds of shadows in the arena, and Jiang Shili is destined to hide in one of them.

"The phantom of heaven!"

Luo Zheng manipulates six demons to shuttle among the shadows. The demons constantly penetrate the shadows. If Jiang Shili hides them, he will be knocked out by the demons.

At the same time, Luo Zheng's broken throwing dagger revolves around him crazily. Every time the broken throwing dagger reverberates out, it can instantly penetrate more than a dozen shadows.

Such a shadow to screen, can always force Jiang Shili out!

Just after Luo Zheng had just leveled a corner, the broken Throwing Knife shot at several shadows in front.

One of the shadows flashed out. It was Jiang Shili who was hiding in it. Jiang Shili jumped out and shot the snake shaped dagger in his hand again.

Seeing the snake shaped dagger, Luo Zheng sneered, and the broken dagger went up.


Under the crisscross of Throwing Knife and dagger, the snake dagger is broken out again.

The left and right sides of the snake shaped dagger have been smashed. It is estimated that it will be destroyed if it is hit by Luo Zheng's broken Throwing Knife once more.

Jiang Shili is miserable now. He was chased by Luo Zheng. Compared with his opponent before Luo Zheng, he seems to be more miserable.

In fact, his strength is stronger than Wang yanmiao and others, at least better than most of his disciples!

If Jiang Shili's strength is taken out alone, his strength can really rank in the top five of Qingyun Zong, or even higher.

Because his double killing moves are hard to resist even those Pro disciples.

Just like Luo Zheng half a year ago, he also used a soul attack to cooperate with the broken Throwing Knife, which almost killed Wang yanmiao. It is conceivable that Jiang Shili exerted the power of these two moves with the strength of Zhao Shenjing.

But his two moves were completely restrained by Luo Zheng.

Soul attack not only has no effect on Luo Zheng, but will be countered by Luo Zheng!

As for his short sword raid I don't know where the broken Throwing Knife in Luo Zheng's hand was picked up. The power of a broken throwing knife is ten times stronger than his short sword!

It makes no sense

Jiang Shili wants to give up. He even has a hunch that if he doesn't admit defeat to the referee, he will probably die in Luo Zheng's hand.

Just as he was forced out, he immediately lurked in another dark shadow. Just as Jiang Shili was about to admit defeat, a real yuan sound came from his ear.

Jiang Shili's face changed as soon as he heard it.

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