Countless panacea, various top-level cultivation methods, and even inherited the excellent blood of the elders of the family.

As soon as most of the scholars were born, they had incomparable advantages over the grassroots.

But just because of their special status, they have created quite a number of dandies who live a luxurious life every day. Relying on the cultivation of the panacea, there is an empty realm, but the strength is extremely low.

Luo Zheng didn't think that all the scholars were like this, otherwise the scholars in the imperial capital could not be prosperous forever. There must be many scholars among them, who not only had outstanding talents, but also practiced and worked hard.

The present group of scholars obviously belong to the former.

These guys don't go to hunt the phantom animals honestly, but they want to blackmail other people's crystal fragments. It's too unpromising.

Moreover, their target is not the scholar's children. Luo Zheng observes nearby. If any scholar's children pass by, they will let them go without saying a word, but if there are trial disciples, they will not let them go anyway.

Is Qingyun Zong indifferent to such public looting?

Luo Zheng didn't know. In fact, these guys didn't do it once or twice. A few years ago, someone found that there was a necessary way from the second floor to the third floor of the bloody mountain. As soon as some scholars turned their heads, they gathered a group of people to block here and collect "tolls".

At that time, Qingyun sect just opened one eye and closed one.

When the scholars saw that Qingyun sect had let them go, this set of experience spread among them. Therefore, every time there was a bloody trial, a group of scholars stopped here after discussing in advance.

There are not many magic beasts in the first and second layers, and there are too many people fighting for them. Many people find that they can't complete their goals within the given time. In order to pass the blood test, they will choose to go to the third layer to fight for once.

Before reaching the third level, they would deprive all the crystal fragments in the hands of these test disciples.

The test disciples are afraid of their large number or their status. Most of them will honestly hand over the crystal fragments. Luo Zheng stands beside them for a while, and then he sees that there are several test disciples with good strength. They are angry but helpless to hand over their crystal fragments.

More test disciples stood in the distance, hesitating on their faces. They didn't know whether to hand over the crystal fragments to the third layer or to return them.

Of course, not all grass-roots students are so honest.

Luo Zheng stood beside him for a while, and then he saw a strong man, two meters tall and like an iron tower, carrying a huge sword one person high, walking towards the checkpoint.

When he found out, he stopped

That iron tower strong man copper bell general eyes stare up: "what's the matter?"

"If you want to pass here, leave all your crystal fragments first!" A scholar disciple said.

The iron tower strong man's face turned black, looked at the group of scholars in front of him and asked, "what's the reason? Why should I give you my things? What did Qingyun sect ask you to do

"Hey, why? We have a lot of people. If you don't hand in crystal fragments, don't think about it! " Another scholar said.

The iron tower strong man was obviously the kind of person who would not suffer losses. His black face was already full of rage. He took down the huge sword behind him and waved it in his hand like a windmill. "I bah! Want me to hand over the crystal fragments, call me three grandfathers, I see if I can reward you grandsons! I'll chop whoever dares to stop me! "

Luo Zheng stood not far away with a smile on his face. The strong man of the iron tower was not weak, and this group of scholars finally met the tough stubble.

The iron tower strong man swung his huge sword and dashed towards the checkpoint. The iron tower strong man had great power, and the huge sword was even more powerful. When he swung it, the wind was whistling, and the strong wind was just hurting his face.

Since these scholars can do such things, they can't be too strong.

In the face of the impact of the iron tower strong man, the group of scholars kept yelling and scolding, but they all retreated towards both sides, revealing a gap in the middle.

Just now, the trial disciple who was still hesitating saw the gap, and his heart suddenly jumped. Some bold and quick minded people took aim at this opportunity and rushed behind the strong man of the iron tower.

Seeing this scene, more trial disciples also joined in the ranks.

The checkpoint formed by the gentry's children has collapsed at the moment, and the trial disciples with deep resentment rush away like fish who have released the sluice. Seeing this, Luo Zheng followed the crowd and rushed away.

The more than 20 gentry's children saw this scene, and their faces were full of anger. They didn't expect that this would happen. They didn't expect that one person would follow so many people.

When they reacted, many test disciples had slipped through their level and entered the third level of bloody mountain.

"Stop them!" One of them, a scholar in blue, roared.Seeing this, the children of other taxi clans knew that they could not let others pass, otherwise they would run away.

It has to be said that although they are not strong enough, they can still exert great power with some weapons and magic weapons given by the family.

These scholars quickly gathered around and wanted to plug the gap and restore the checkpoint.

In this process, the trial disciples who followed the iron tower strong man Chong card were also fierce. In the face of the attack of the scholar's children, they either rose up to fight back, or they were out. At this time, anyone would burst out with certain strength.

So a scuffle began.


A trial disciple screamed, but the trial disciple was besieged by three scholars. One of them, holding a long sword shining with green light, stabbed the trial disciple in the stomach.

Although we are all in the magic array, we will not be hurt, but the pain is real.

After the scream, the trial disciple was immediately surrounded by a little light, and the trial disciple was out.

But the scholar's children were not much better. One of them stopped another trial disciple in the process of charging. The trial disciple's appearance was not amazing, but his strength was very deep. He pushed his hand and patted him.

With such a gentle pat, it seems that a strange force rushes into the scholar's body. The scholar's whole body begins to twitch, tremble and fall to the ground. In a moment, countless light spots wrap him up again, and the scholar's son is also out.

Luo Zheng's steps were very light and fast. Although many scholars intercepted him, he was like a petrel in a storm. He kept dodging and moving around the attacks and drove straight ahead.

After looking back at the chaotic scene, he was preparing to leave. He didn't want to meddle in his own business. It was his business to seize the time to accumulate crystal fragments.

At this time, he glanced at Mo can in the crowd.

Mo can is just in the realm of bone refining. Just stay on the first floor of the bloody mountain. Now he wants to rush to the third floor, which Luo Zheng didn't expect.

Fortunately, Mo can's strength is relatively weak and has not received much attention. He is stumbling forward.

But a scholar's son noticed Mo can and followed him quietly. The scholar's son was holding a bloody dagger and was about to stab Mo can in the back.

If the dagger is stabbed, Mo can will be eliminated on the spot.

At this critical moment, Luo Zheng suddenly quickens his pace, rushes forward, grabs Mo can and drags him back.

Just because of Luo Zheng's tug, it was the dagger of the scholar's children, which was suddenly empty.

Mo can doesn't know what happened. When he reacts to it, he realizes that someone has just stabbed him.

Later, he felt a moment of fear. He said gratefully: "brother Luo Zheng, I..."

Luo Zheng didn't have time to listen to him, because the scholar's son was so angry that he took up the dagger and threw it at Luo Zheng again. The dagger came straight to Luo Zheng's neck. The angle was very tricky and insidious, and he tried to pursue a kill.

"Die! Red sandalwood inch strength

Luo Zheng smashed his fist and hit the scholar's son in the chest. The scholar's son fell to the ground with a dagger. There were seven slight explosions on his body, and seven huge blood holes burst out in his chest. After Luo Zheng's strength was improved, the power of red sandalwood Cunjin was improved, and the destructive power displayed in the opponent's body was quite terrible.

Each light spot floated out and wrapped up the scholar's children. With one punch, the scholar was eliminated.

By this time, the scuffle is coming to an end.

The trial disciples who should have rushed have already rushed, but those who didn't have time to rush have been basically eliminated.

Of course, many of the scholar's children were eliminated in the chaos, and only a dozen of the more than 20 scholar's children were left at this time.

Those scholars were very depressed at this time. According to the predecessors who used this method, it was the easiest and easiest way to enter Qingyun sect by blocking the way and robbing.

So most of them feel that they can pass the bloody test even if they lie down. Unexpectedly, one person's punching card will lead so many people to join in, and the situation suddenly gets out of control. They have been eliminated more than ten people at one time.

At this time, however, Luo Zheng eliminated another scholar.

Those scholars were very depressed, and there was no place to vent their anger. Now Luo Zheng became the target of public criticism.

"Let's go!"

Looking at those gentry children surrounded, Luo Zheng directly threw Mo can out.

"Get rid of this kid!""It's really boring. My cousin has been eliminated!"

"I didn't expect that these humble grassroots would dare to resist! Kill him

Under the fury, all the gentry's children also lost their rationality, one by one, like a wolf attacking a tiger, rushed to Luo Zheng one after another.

Half of them are refining the dirty and the other half are refining the marrow. In their hands, they still have all kinds of treasures with different shapes and great power. Any one of them is at least a medium-grade Xuan ware.

Luo Zheng didn't panic. He knew that the more flustered he was, the more trouble he would be.

His eyes narrowed like a cat, and his eyes were carefully fixed on the son of the gentry in blue.

At the moment when these gentry children rushed up, Luo Zheng went against the road. He suddenly got close to the ground and grabbed the blue clothed gentry.

If you want to catch a thief, you should catch the king first. He noticed earlier that this young gentleman in blue seems to be the one who is organizing these young scholars, so you should control him first.

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