Seeing the black area, Luo Zheng's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

It's just adsorbed on his back, and he can still accept it.

But look at this situation, black spots will spread to the whole body sooner or later. If the whole body is covered with black spots, then It's too much of a hindrance.

Under the touch of this black spot, the hand feel is very rough, and the hardness is extremely high, even if Luo Zheng's transport capacity is difficult to press down.

After thinking for a while, he made a sudden effort.

The back muscles swell up, and under the strong pressure, they try to force the stone out of the body.

But no matter how Luo Zheng urged his strength, the black spot did not move. It seemed to have completely integrated into his body and become a part of his body.

Then he made various attempts, but still did not respond.

"Nine five two seven, what should we do with this thing?" Luo Zheng asked.

It was a complete accident that this sealing stone was inhaled into the body

Now Luo Zheng has nothing to do with it.

"I don't know Stone seals are usually used to refine utensils. One of the characteristics of this thing is that it can fully integrate the other side keepsake, so a stone seal is equivalent to a first-class treasure on the other side, "replied 9527.

The reason why there is a qualitative leap between Tao Bao on the other side and Tao Bao on xuanzun is the gap between the integrated Keepsake on the other side.

The more powerful the other shore Keepsake is, the higher the requirement of refining materials is!

If you take a xuanzun Daobao and fuse it with the other side keepsake, it will collapse in the process of fusion, and Daobao itself can't fuse the other side keepsake.

For example, how can the third-class Dao Bao on the other side integrate the keepsake within the range of one to ten? The second-class Dao Bao on the other side can integrate 11 to 20, and the first-class Dao Bao on the other side can integrate 21 to 30.

There is one detail that Jiuqi and others did not mention.

Most of the first-class other shore tokens that can be integrated by Dao Bao can only reach 30 days, that is, Yu Shengtian.

However, only Fengshi and some rare objects can pass this restriction and merge with the other shore Keepsake above the thirty fold sky.

"In that case, my body can be regarded as a treasure on the other side?" Luo Zheng asked suddenly.

Luo Zheng's body is a different species.

There was an ancient god refining the body, which could cross the sea of true meaning, but the ancient god refining the body and cultivating the true meaning of another layer of Tao.

The true meaning of this layer of Tao is called "the true meaning of Lifa holy body". With the disappearance of ancient god's body refining method, the people who practice the true meaning of this layer of Tao naturally disappeared.

In fact, Luo Zheng found a new way to enter the sea of true meaning by the calcination of true fire.

As for the breath of true meaning emanating from his body, it did not exist in the past. Even in 9527, we can not tell its origin. Whether it can integrate the other shore Keepsake is unknown.

When asked this question, 9527 was stunned for a while, and then said, "yes That's interesting! "

At first, 9527 was not interested in Fengshi, but now he is paying more attention to it.

The other side is a complex and mysterious world. There are a large number of other side keepsakes that can be integrated, which can greatly enhance the strength of the true gods, but there are a considerable number of other side keepsakes that cannot be carried.

For example, there is a kind of other shore Keepsake called "duyaocao" in liuchongtian. The toxin contained in it is extremely fierce, but no one dares to fuse this other shore keepsake. After the fusion, the toxin of the other shore Keepsake will also destroy himself. Therefore, "duyaocao" is very suitable for building other shore treasure. The first choice for many third rate other shore treasure is "duyaocao".

There are many other keepsakes like "poisonous grass". It depends on whether these things agree with Luo Zheng's true meaning.

After listening to the words of 9527, Luo Zheng had a faint expectation in his heart. He just thought about it and said with a bitter smile: "the problem now is how to deal with these black spots..."

After thinking about it, 9527 said, "you can burn it with fire and have a try..."

The solution of sealing stone was inhaled into Luo Zheng's body when he was burned by Jinwu magic fire. Since he can't get it out, he can try to integrate it into his body completely.

Luo Zheng's eyes flashed slightly, "you can try it!"

Then he gently twisted his hands, and a wisp of red flame rose quietly, which was about to wrap himself.

As the fire burned, gold swirls appeared on his body again.

Just as the golden whirlpool was flowing, the stone solution did not move

"Come again!"

Seeing this, Luo Zheng continued to urge the fire Shinto.

The turbulent flames kept coming into Luo Zheng's body.

After about a long time of incense burning, in the detection of Luo Zheng's divine sense, the black spot on the back finally got a little loose!

"It's really effective," Luo Zheng's mouth slightly tilted, and his eyes showed a touch of joy, so he urged the fire more severely.


The cave of Jianlian pagoda is red by the fire released from Luo Zheng's body.

After three or four hours of calcination, this black spot had become very flexible. Luo Zheng tried to force it out of the body again, but it was like gangrene attached to bones, and it melted into the body.Under Luo Zheng's constant calcination, more and more black spots are loose, but the next scene that makes Luo Zheng want to cry appears.

The black sealing solution began to swim along Luo Zheng's back, extending from his back to his neck, legs, chest and other parts. In a moment, his whole body seemed to be smeared with charcoal. Except for those golden swirls, his whole body was black and black, only his shining eyes blinked.

"I'm in trouble..."

Luo Zheng couldn't laugh or cry.

But now that he has come to this stage, Luo Zheng has no choice but to continue.

Just as he kept burning, Luo Zheng gradually had a strange feeling. He felt that those black spots were completely integrated with himself, as if they were part of his body. There was an extra layer of skin that could be manipulated, resulting in a tacit understanding.

This kind of tacit understanding is very strange. It's like having a hand and a foot out of thin air. At the beginning, I felt like I had three heads and six arms. Although I'm not used to it, it really exists.

"Take it!"

After this tacit understanding, Luo Zheng's mind moved slightly.

Black spots all over the body immediately sneaked into the body, white skin appeared again.

Seeing this scene, 9527 was also surprised for a long time and murmured: "how do you feel You have absorbed a strange ability... "

Luo Zheng doesn't think so.

Along the way, his body absorbed a lot of messy things, but this time it was very unexpected.

His body was shocked again, the black spots in his body surfaced again, and the whole person became a piece of black charcoal.

Then Luo Zheng got up and walked out of Yupu.

One of the long swords clumped on the cave was loose, and they flew to Luo Zheng.

But Luo Zheng didn't pull out his sword, he just stretched out his arm.

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