At the moment of the magic eye's coming, the whole body world suddenly trembled.

Almost all the creatures raised their heads at that moment

The power of Shinto is far higher than that of Shinto, and the power of the other side is far higher than Shinto. These three kinds of energy are qualitative changes, which are one order of magnitude less.

In this way, qianluo Zheng collected most of his own strength, and only measured a divine power on the red stone.

But at this moment, the power of the other side of the magic eye, which Luo Zheng is exerting now, also has dozens of divine power.

The momentum contained in it can naturally shake the whole inner world.


The chaotic sea is oppressed by this force and rushes in all directions.

When the sea water rushes to the edge of the inner world, it is blocked back by the invisible wall formed by the thousand Brahman realm, and turns into a thousand feet high tsunami, pushing toward those continents.

On those continental margins, there are thousands of villages and cities.

When they saw the mountain like tsunami in the distance, all of them looked frightened.

The powerful warrior and the true God began to run away, while ordinary people did not even have the chance to escape. In the face of such natural disasters, ordinary people were just as powerless as ants.

Just as the tsunami was about to roll across the continents, Luo Zheng's inner incarnation gently raised his arm.

He naturally did not allow such disasters to happen

All the continental margins, those long coastlines, all at the same time, there was a wall of air.


Even though these tsunamis are extremely powerful, they can't cross the air wall.


"It's a miracle!"

"God bless us!"

"The Creator..."

Those who see this scene, have knelt on the ground, constantly worship.

When they contributed their power of belief, Luo Zheng felt that Tao Yun was also increasing

In order to increase the power of belief in the inner world, some true gods will continue to create disasters, and then come forward to save, so that the people in the inner world will be grateful and believe in the Lord as before.

Some powerful warriors and true gods are looking at the sky with solemn faces.

These people's perception has been very strong. They have noticed that something extremely powerful is coming, and its power is countless times stronger than that of the nine stars.

It's hard for them to imagine that there is such a powerful existence in the world!

Liuhuazong, Mingshan, a small pavilion.

A beautiful woman made tea for Luo Nian. This woman is the saint of Liuhua sect. She is well-known in this continent. I don't know how many young heroes love her.

She just handed the cup to ronian, who suddenly raised her head.

The saint of Liuhua sect also felt the strong breath and looked a little alarmed.

The suppression of such forces is enough to destroy a continent

The saint looked up at the sky and said, "I don't know what's coming down..."

"I'll go and have a look!"

Of course, ronian knows that the things that come can produce such power. No one else in the world can do it except his father.

"But it's too dangerous. Mr. Luo, you..." Said the saint.

Even though Luo Nian defeated the three old monsters of tianjuezong and ranked first in the mainland, there was still a big gap between them and the things falling from the sky.

"Don't worry, it should be all right," Luo Nian quietly squeezed her catkin like hand, and then she made a big move and disappeared

When he walked out of the autobiography channel, he looked up and saw a huge eyeball!

An inexplicable emotion rose from his heart.

At this moment, he thought of death and wanted everything that could frighten him.

In an instant, ronian's spirit almost collapsed.

Fortunately, Luo Zheng found Luo Nian for a while. With a wave of his hand, a space had covered Luo Nian, completely isolating him from the outside world. At the same time, he cut off the power of fear from the evil eye.

"Hoo Hoo..."

Luo Nian gasped heavily, and his whole body was still tense.

"How can nianer be so reckless!"

Looking at Luo Nian's appearance, Luo Zheng reproached.

After breathing for a long time, Luo niancai calmed down, "I I thought it wasn't that dangerous... "

How dare other people approach with such a panic? Luo Zheng did not make any precautions.

Only luonian didn't have any worries and came directly. How can luonian's cultivation bear the power of fearing the devil's eye?

"Go down, I want to carry this thing now," Luo Zheng said with a wave, and the space enveloping Luo Nian moved directly to the mainland.

After driving Luo Nian away, Luo Zheng began to concentrate on carrying the fearing eye.


When the fearing eye drops to a certain height, the Sanskrit on the edge of the inner world finally moves.The Sanskrit began to shine, and then began to absorb the chaotic sea water, which turned into a pale gold chain extending from the edge of the inner world.


A huge chain was wrapped around the eye.

Next is the second Sanskrit Culture out of the chain, the third, the fourth, the fifth The tenth

Finally, the Sanskrit with pale gold chains reached 104.

"If it is the other side of the ten Sanskrit realm, carrying this magic eye, will the inner world collapse?" Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

A considerable number of people in Longcheng did not open the Sanskrit realm.

They did enter the other side and get the other side keepsake, but they could not load it into the inner world and exert their real power.

A small number of people, such as Yin yuehuan, Su Kuan and others, have opened the ten Vatican realm. These people are more powerful than ordinary people on the other side, and are competent for the position of flag leader. At least they can give full play to the power of the keepsake on the other side.

Luo Zheng has never heard of the hundred and thousand Buddhist realms.

After the pale gold chains entangle the magic eye, they release the golden light all over the sky again, which reflects the whole world in the body into a day. In a moment, all the chains have disappeared, leaving only the magic eye suspended in the air.

At that time, the magic eye was like a tamed beast. It had been integrated with the internal world. Like the nine stars, even though it contained powerful power, it would not exert pressure on the internal world. At the same time, the magic eye also completely opened the door to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng once again interpreted the magic eye itself

After a while, a touch of surprise appeared on his face, and then he scattered his inner incarnation and opened his eyes.

"This eye It's originally called the eye of the mind. In the long history of the eye fearing clan, 19 of them were born Two of them were left in the temple of Tian Kui! "

"The power of arousing fear is the natural power of the fear of the eye. Any fear of the eye can use it."

"But the eye of the mind has another ability, which is the real vision."

Think of here, Luo Zheng's eyebrows suddenly raised, from his right eye to bloom a wisp of white light.

In the cultivation chamber of the sword training tower, there is a huge cave fantasy. The clustered long swords, giant swords and even Yupu under the buttocks are not real. Yiluo Zheng's strength can't be seen through.

But in the vision of Luo Zheng's right eye, all the illusions disappeared, and he sat in a bare room

"This ability..."

Luo Zheng raised his eyebrows, and at the first time he thought that it was the book "sword tattoo" in Zhenyi sword Pavilion.

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