Under the refraction of sunlight, the silver streamer sword is full of colorful light. With the movement of the sword body, the light spot reflecting the sun also flows on the sword body.

When the light spot slowly flows from the handle to the tip of the sword, Luo Zheng's pick sword points to Mo Yuxin's neck, only an inch away from Mo Yuxin's white neck.

At this distance, as long as Luo Zheng's Liuguang sword is slightly turned, Mo Yuxin's head will fall to the ground!

"I don't know what it is to burn blood essence. As for your damage to Shouyuan, it has nothing to do with me. However, after burning real blood, your strength may increase greatly in a period of time. Naturally, I won't give you this opportunity. If you move again, you will die!" Luo Zheng's face is expressionless, his tone is very cold, and he doesn't have the slightest pity for jade. The streamer sword in his hand is one centimeter toward Mo Yuxin's neck. Under Luo Zheng's precise control, the tip of the sword has pierced her soft skin, and a trace of blood is flowing out of the wound.

Although Luo Zheng doesn't know exactly what means it is to burn essence and blood, at the cost of losing Shouyuan, he must be able to greatly increase Mo Yuxin's strength. Since Luo Zheng has the advantage, he will not let Mo Yuxin succeed.

Mo Yuxin felt the cold sword in her neck. At this moment, she was just like a puppet, standing still.

She had never been so close to death in her life.

Pei TIANYAO, who is beside the fighting field, is also relieved. Although Luo Zheng's words are merciless, at least he still frightens Mo Yuxin and makes her dare not burn her blood essence. As for whether Luo Zheng will kill Mo Yuxin, Pei TIANYAO is not so worried.

Although Pei TIANYAO never practices Kendo, he knows that Kendo requires a high quality of practitioners. Although he does not follow the five commandments and ten commandments as Pei TIANYAO practices Buddhism, the minimum requirement of Kendo is integrity.

It fully shows that Luo Zheng is not a ruthless person. What he says is mostly to scare Mo Yuxin.

Pei TIANYAO was able to think of this because he was old and had a lot of exhibitions. His experience in seeing people and things was far more than that of Mo Yuxin!

But Mo Yuxin is still young and a girl. How can she think of so much?

Luo Zheng utters the cruel words without expression, which immediately frightens Mo Yuxin. He How dare you kill me!

Mo Yuxin may be very surly and cruel in her daily life, but she is actually a girl who is not fully mature yet. Even if she accepts the task of Qingyun sect and goes out for adventure, she is protected by several elder martial brothers.

Now we have to face such a hateful guy, who actually wants to cut off his head!

Her long eyelashes trembled slightly, her eyes turned red instantly, and then the big tears rolled out and hit the ground, and soon the ground in front of her was wet.

Holding a sword to force a girl to cry, Luo Zheng's heart is really uncomfortable. If he can choose, he really doesn't want to fight Mo Yuxin, which really gives him a headache. However, he knows that he can't be soft hearted at this time. If soft hearted really makes her burn essence, the victory is still uncertain!

"It's no use crying. It's your only choice to admit defeat," Luo Zheng said coldly.

Mo Yuxin suddenly turns her head and startles Luo Zheng. She quickly shrinks the streamer sword back. Then she hears Mo Yuxin crying and saying, "I give up!"

The referee, who had been waiting for a long time, nodded and preached: "xiaoyufeng, Luozheng, win! My disciple Mo Yuxin is defeated

After Luo Zheng removes the Liuguang sword, Mo Yuxin lowers her head and steps down the competition arena. Pei TIANYAO, who is standing outside the competition arena, wipes Mo Yuxin's head with a loving expression on her face. However, as a stubborn child, Mo Yuxin opens Pei TIANYAO's hand and sits down in a corner.

Pei TIANYAO has always been like Mo Yuxin's brother. He is also very clear about Mo Yuxin's temper. This way, she will suffer some setbacks, and her future mentality will be better.

The key is that Luo Zheng did well in the competition, at least avoiding the cost of letting Mo Yuxin burn her blood essence and reduce her life span

Burning blood essence is generally used in the crisis of life and death, because a fight, reduce life, this kind of thing only Mo Yuxin can do.

So Pei TIANYAO nodded to Luo Zheng in front of the competition field, showing a smile of thanks.

Luo Zheng also responded with a smile and walked out of the competition.

Both knew that there was bound to be a war between them.

Looking at Luo Zheng walking down from the competition field, there are all kinds of feelings in tutor Wen's heart.

Since he led the disciples of xiaoyufeng to participate in the whole peak competition, his most dream is that there will be disciples in xiaoyufeng to enter the top 100.

However, Zuo Yun had a bad start, and immediately put the mood of tutor Wen and several other tutors of xiaoyufeng to the bottom.

As a result, what tutor Wen didn't expect was that Luo Zheng was invincible from beginning to end. He was strong when he was strong. He kept an invincible momentum all the way to this stage.In addition to an exclamation, Wen tutor really did not know what to say.

It's a pity that Su Lingyun is not here. If Su Lingyun is here to see her valued disciple, who has achieved so much, what's her expression? Teacher Wen thought in his heart.

Now the whole burning emperor is in the air. The burning palace is in civil strife. Several princes are busy competing for power. Su Lingyun is also in the middle of it. It's a pity

After all, tutor Wen and Su Lingyun are at the same peak, and they are very familiar with each other, so he also pays attention to the trend in the burning heaven palace. According to the news of collector Su Lingyun, only tutor Wen's position is too low, and he is not as well-informed as Tianqiong. It is not clear that Su Lingyun has been banned.

But Su Lingyun's news completely disappeared, and the tutor naturally guessed that Su Lingyun's situation would not be much better.

It's a pity that he can't help.

At this time, the teacher's eyes suddenly lit up!

Luo Zheng!

Maybe Luo Zheng can help Su Lingyun!

Luo Zheng beat Mo Yuxin, as long as the back does not play abnormal, into the first three is a sure thing! He is qualified to go to Qingyun road!

If he really passed the examination of Qingyun Road, once he stepped into the cloud hall, he would be qualified to help Su Lingyun.

After entering the cloud hall, Luo Zheng's strength may not be able to reach the level of elder Xu of Qingyun sect or leader Shi Jingtian in a short time, but his status is different. After all, Luo Zheng's future is limitless. Even Shi Jingtian should listen to his words!

Since the disappearance of Su Qian, the emperor of the burning palace, the only one who can control the burning Dynasty is Shi Jingtian.

Qingyun sect played an indispensable role in the history of the burning heaven Dynasty, and even some emperors were promoted to the throne by Qingyun sect, so before Qingyun sect, it was enough to control the whole burning heaven palace.

However, since Su Qian stepped into the cloud hall with amazing talent, his strength is three points stronger than that of Shi Jingtian. Therefore, since Su Qian ruled the dynasty of burning heaven, the dynasty of burning heaven was separated from the control of Qingyun sect. After all, Su Qian's position is no less than that of Shi Jingtian.

However, Su Qian and Shi Jingtian worked together in yundian, so there would be no contradiction between the two giants.

Now that the emperor Su Qian is missing, it's a good time for Shi Jingtian to regain control of the chaos. It's strange that Shi Jingtian doesn't seem to have this plan. Instead, he lets several princes fight in the palace.

He can only analyze so many things from the information he gets. No matter how much information he gets, he can't get it from his position.

Looking at Luo Zheng sitting on his knees, tutor Wen decides to have a good talk with Luo Zheng after the whole peak contest. If he really remembers Su Lingyun's kindness, he will not sit back and ignore him!

In fact, most of the people's positions have been settled, only the top five positions are still controversial!

First of all, there are two black horses, one Luo Zheng and the other Hua Tianming. So far, they are all unbeaten. Luo Zheng even defeated Mo Yuxin because he defeated Mo Yuxin, who has the body of qingluan. Everyone thinks that he can lock in the top three. As for whether he is the first or the second or the third, it's impossible to predict.

However, after entering the reincarnation competition, Hua Tianming didn't show too strong strength and won easily, so we think that Hua Tianming is qualified to enter the top five.

If there is no difference between the two disciples, the first one is Pei Yao.

As for Mo Yuxin, she seems to have suffered a great blow. Her mental condition is not very good. It is not clear whether she will go to war. If she goes to war, she should enter the top five with her strength.

However, in fact, there is a key person who controls the ranking of the whole peak to big ratio. As long as he participates in it, I'm afraid all these people will have to move one behind.

This person is Li Yifeng.

Li Yifeng is the first pro disciple in Qingyun list. His name is not in vain. Li Yifeng's toughness is almost universally acknowledged.

However, Li Yifeng is still closed, I don't know if he will be mixed in at the last moment of the reincarnation, so he has become an exceptional factor, not to be taken into account.

These people will decide the top position of the Qingyun list and the ranking of the whole peak to big ratio. What we are most concerned about is the collision between them.

Of course, it's not that the mountain disciples don't care about other people's competition. After all, the battle between the top 100 will determine the ranking of the 33 peaks, which is also very important for the mountain disciples.

Just in the expectation of the crowd, the referee finally announced an extremely important match: "Wang Yun, the pro disciple, against Luo Zheng!"

Wang Yungang had just stepped into the competition arena, and he was about to challenge Luo Zheng, and he said that he would compress his cultivation from the divine realm to the congenital secret realm. As a result, Luo Zheng was more tugged than Wang Yun, and directly responded to Wang Yun's challenge. Wang Yun didn't need to suppress his cultivation, so he fought fairly!Two people have not met before the spark taste is full, now two people finally met in the reincarnation.

All the disciples are clear. I've seen some of them!

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