This black dress woman's appearance is certainly extremely beautiful, but it exudes a disturbing atmosphere.

That evil star feels this woman's strong after, the facial expression slightly sinks, grimly smile way: "who are you?"

"Want to know my name?" A playful smile appeared on the black dress woman's face, "kill it, then you are qualified..."

Then the fusion monster at her feet suddenly moved.

Dozens of different stumps, crawling on the ground, pounced on the evil star.

Seeing the attack of the fusion monster, the evil spirit snorted. The turbulent fusion energy erupted like waves, and then turned into crescent moon, hitting the surface of the fusion monster.



The powerful energy of the fusion way dissipates everywhere, and some of the energy even hits the black dress women.

However, this fusion energy never hurt her white and delicate skin, and even her black hair never drifted. Her head was as straight as a bangs, as if hanging a plumb.

She doesn't care if the fusion monster can win this person. Instead, she is observing the movement of the fusion energy.

"It's really the 12th floor..."

"In those years, there were seven ways to use Tao energy, the most perfect of which were the magic sword canon and the thousand gods melting technique. The people who created these seven ways were all of the same generation as the captain, but his way didn't belong to any of the seven ways..."

"Who created another one? Should not It has been proved that the way of Rongshen can't work, and no one will die on it. Does he create it by himself? "

After making some inference, the black dress woman's eyes showed a touch of surprise.

At the moment, the fusion monster under her feet has been blasted out of a big pit by the evil star. After several more bombardments, it will be fragmented again.

"I want to see Your real strength, "said the woman in the black dress, with a little bit of tiptoe.

The black air of death wanders around in those remnant limbs, and the strength of the fusion monster is greatly increased. A fierce breath is emitted from the fusion monster.

This, that evil star's facial expression finally had not small change!

"That's not enough for me to fight!"

With the roar of the evil spirit, the energy of rongdao burst out again.

The original crescent shaped channel energy changes into a diamond, and the surface layer of the diamond is divided into layers.

As soon as the black dress woman's eyes swept, she counted the layers clearly, and her eyes once again showed the color of shock, "there are 21 layers..."

The crescent shaped fusion energy can't see the level at a glance, but can only understand it, which shows that this guy has more than enough control. But he should find that the higher the level is, the more difficult it is to control the fusion energy. After more than 12 levels, he can only change the shape, and can't hide the level he contains.

This kind of means seems simple and clumsy, but in fact it is efficient and powerful. What's more, this kind of simple means is definitely his own exploration!

In the black dress women ready to enhance the strength of the integration of monsters, a deafening sound burst out.

The whole fusion monster has turned into fly ash

What the black long skirt woman sees is a blazing white light.

Her eyesight has not yet recovered, a figure has rushed to her, a hand around her neck, knee directly against her abdomen.


Then the woman in the black dress was pressed on the ground.

That evil star almost did not have any hesitation, he knew this woman's formidable, surpasses his imagination.

If you want to defeat her, you have to take advantage of it!

"You are so beautiful that you are suitable to be my woman. Ha ha ha But what a pity

While he was laughing, he coagulated a diamond shaped fusion channel energy, without any drag, and stabbed hard at the black dress woman's face.

"Twenty ninth floor? My God? How many levels can this guy push the fusion energy to... "

The black dress woman didn't resist and move. She focused all her attention on Tao energy, as if she had ignored life and death, or didn't take her life seriously at all.


The white light exploded again.

In the eyes of this evil star, such a terrible power is enough to destroy everything.

No matter how strong the woman is, she can't bear the blow.

But when the light disappeared, the woman's beautiful appearance appeared in front of Shaxing unharmed.

She hasn't been hurt

It was like a long hair stretched by a plumb, which was radioactive and scattered on the ground, and none of it was broken.

There was no scar on her white cheek. It seemed that the blow did not exist.

After appreciating the man's shocked expression, the black dress woman said with a smile, "have you ever heard of Hunyuan reengineering?"

She didn't mind that the man pressed himself under his body. Instead, she told the story like a story. "When you break through to a certain level on the other side, there will be a limit to bear the power of Shenjun. No matter who you are, you can't go any further. Otherwise, the physical body will be crushed by the power of the other side. If you want to continue to move forward on the other side, you have to rebuild through Hunyuan. At this time, the physical body will be destroyed To a terrifying situation... ""You Have you experienced the reconstruction of Hunyuan? " That evil star cold voice asks a way.

"Well," the woman in the black dress said with a smile, "no matter how strong you are, you are just like an ant biting the metal. You can't hurt me..."

Hearing this, the evil star seemed to fall into the ice cellar.

How talented is he?

It's a pity that I've been trapped in the inner world, and I don't know much about the big world.

The level that the woman in the black dress said was completely beyond his imagination and understanding

But even so, Shaxing didn't mean to beg for mercy. His eyes were like snakes. He was still staring at the woman coldly. He just hit her with all his strength and couldn't hurt her. He didn't know what to do for a moment.

Black long skirt woman's body is like snake general, lightly twist, her that arm is like boneless general, wrapped in this evil star body.

The seemingly soft body contains strength that he can't resist at all.

After a while, she turned around and pushed the man to the ground. She looked down at the man and said with a smile, "you have a lot of courage If you want me to be your woman, you are far from qualified. How about becoming a teacher and being my apprentice? "

This evil star didn't expect that she suddenly put forward this request. If there was another person, I'm afraid he would be too busy to agree in this situation. However, he said with a smile, "heaven and earth produce evil gods, so I can't teach myself. No one in this world can be my teacher and father! You kill me

"Evil god..."

Hearing this name, the woman in the black dress couldn't help laughing, "do you really think that I can't kill you with a place of hope?"

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