Luo Zheng deeply agrees with what Ling Shuang said.

The simple pursuit of the power of God is important, but the ability of other shore Keepsake is more important.

For example, the divine power of the eye of the mind may not be powerful. The power of the other side is only tens of divine power, but the two abilities of the eye of the mind are very useful.

After all the dark boxes on the tray are turned over, all the other shore keepsakes are presented to the public.

Everyone's eyes are fixed on those other shore keepsake, choose their favorite other shore keepsake, if you see, for a while, naturally go straight to their goal.

One of the purple Yang spirits went to the tray and said slowly, "most of you have been on the other side for a long time. Are you familiar with the keepsake on the other side?"

"Of course, I understand. I have replaced six other keepsakes..."

"I have stayed in Sanchong for more than ten years!"

"But the other shore keepsake that I used to fuse is no match for those in front of me."

Those people said that they thought they knew the other shore Keepsake very well.

"In that case, I don't have to teach you a lesson routinely?" Purple Yang soul on the tray said with a smile, save these troubles, he is also happy.


"Those who can enter the four heavens already know the other side!"


They answered with confidence.

Now Luo Zheng is depressed. These guys have been in the other side of the river for a long time. Maybe they don't need to, but Luo Zheng is still a new man!

"You'd better introduce it," Ling Shuang said suddenly.

"Isn't it too complicated?"

"What do you want to know? I'll tell you how to choose the other shore keepsake?"

"These two people are very ignorant. I just noticed. I don't know which mountain they came from!"

These Tiangong disciples have already locked their favorite Keepsake on the other side. They are afraid that others will take the lead. They are very anxious. How can they delay a little?

"Or say it," Ling Shuang repeated again, tone has become indisputable.

But this time, as she spoke, the magic necklace on her chest began to shine.

She didn't want to oppress these people with the power of the magic soul necklace, but the lighted magic soul necklace was originally a symbol of status in the heavenly palace.

When the three purple Yang spirits saw the magic soul necklace, their faces suddenly changed, and even the steady Yang soul breath suddenly fluctuated.

There are also some men of insight in this hidden door who recognize the origin of the witch soul necklace. Naturally, these people are silent. Even if they can't see Ling Shuang's appearance, they know that this woman has a special status in the heavenly palace.

But there are still quite a few people who don't understand the situation. They don't know the magic soul necklace and are still noisy.

"Shut up! If there are any more clamors, get out of the hidden door at once The purple Yang soul on the tray shouts coldly.

So the noise disappeared, and now everyone knows what's going on. I'm afraid this woman is something they can't provoke.

Then the purple Yang soul on the tray saluted Ling Shuang, and then said meticulously: "there are many Yang souls on the other side, and the categories are extremely complex, but after many years of exploration, our predecessors finally divided the keepsake on the other side into four types!"

Then the purple Yang soul picked up a rectangular piece of stone at his feet. "This is a surging stone excavated from the fourth heaven. It is a rare kind of other shore keepsake in the fourth heaven. The strength of the other shore can reach 50 Shenjun, almost comparable to most of the other shore keepsake in the fifth heaven. This is the most typical enhanced other shore Keepsake!"

"Enhanced..." Luo Zheng listened attentively.

Ling Shuang, who is on the other side, also added, "strengthening is the most mainstream kind of other shore keepsake, but it has no additional ability. Many people take it as their own keepsake in pursuit of strength."

The purple Yang soul took two steps on the tray and picked up a vine and a leaf. "The leaf of recovery, the other shore keepsake in the eightfold sky, contains only six gods. It is pitifully weak. After fusing the leaf of recovery, even if it is irreversibly injured, it can quickly heal and recover, even if the soul and the inner world are the same!"

"Heal the soul and the inner world?" Luo Zheng's eyebrows gently raised.

When the cultivation reaches the level of the true God, the threat of physical trauma is no longer great, but the inner world and the Yang soul in the Dantian are already fragile. Once these two places are injured, it is extremely difficult to repair them. I didn't expect that this other shore Keepsake has such ability?

"It's an auxiliary token of the other side. The power of the other side itself is not strong, but its effect is extremely useful," Ling Shuang said to the purple Yang soul. "You can continue to introduce the next category. You don't need to introduce the spring rain vine, which has the same effect as the leaf of recovery."

"OK," purple yanghun said to lingshuang.

As for the other hundreds, they are all looking at each other

Dare to love this woman know everything, she completely want to let her side that man understand!These people are depressed, and they also feel that Luo Zhenghao's life is good. How can a guy who doesn't know anything be so good?

We can't blame Luo Zheng for his ignorance on the other side.

After entering the Dragon City, Luo Zheng needed reinforcement in all aspects. He was almost in constant cultivation. Unlike these people, the time they spent in the other side of the river was calculated on the basis of ten years.

As the purple Yang soul went to the middle of the tray, he picked up a smart sword in his hand again, and then said: "the third kind of other shore Keepsake is the coming kind. As the name suggests, this kind of other shore Keepsake can be directly used to defend the enemy. It can be regarded as a other shore keepsake, and it can also be regarded as a magic weapon of life!"

Luo Zheng has seen it several times.

For example, the xuanmeteorite tripod in the center of chaos and the colorful ring offered by Mingwei can be thrown out to defend the enemy.

"What about the last category?" Someone in the crowd couldn't help asking.

There are four kinds of common sense, but the third kind is not known.

"Mysterious type," the purple Yang soul replied, "this kind of other shore Keepsake is the rarest, rare, often has extremely special ability, can't be classified into any kind, some other shore Keepsake will even grow on their own!"

"Growing up?" Luo Zheng thought of the body of the spider weaving heaven in the temple of Tiankui. "Ling Shuang, if a living spider weaving heaven is fused on the other side, can the spider also grow up? Then this is... "

"It's also a kind of mystery," Ling Shuang replied positively. "It's very difficult for living creatures on the other side to integrate. Once integrated, there are many benefits. It's almost another form of contract beast, and the integrated creatures on the other side can grow up. Of course, it's a kind of mystery."

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