The central part of China is surrounded by mountains. After reaching Taihao mountain, the height of the mountains decreases in turn, forming a row of narrow and long winding peaks.

From a very high point, it looks like a giant dragon, and the dragon city is located on the side of Taiyi mountain, which is like the finishing touch of a dragon. This is also the origin of the dragon city.

"Elder martial brother Gao, since the soul crystals of the major super forces are in short supply, how can qishanxiao give so many rewards, even the first-class Dao Bao from the other side?" Luo Zheng asked.

After all, Qishan small meeting is held once every three years. Even if Tiangong is rich and powerful, this kind of reward is quite a loser.

Gao Qizheng smile, but said: "because time is not enough."

"Time is running out again..."

This is not the first time Luo Zheng has heard this sentence.

"How does younger martial brother Luo feel about the situation in this world?" Gao Qi asked.

"Peace and health," Luo replied.

Although there were six states under the rule of taiyitiangong, apart from Guanshan, the other states were not afraid at all. What Luo Zheng saw on his way to Guanshan also proved this point.

"It's true that not only our heavenly palace, but also the more aggressive alien groups in the mother world, have now calmed down. It can be said that the last hundred years have been the period of least turmoil in the mother world," Gao Qizheng agrees.

"But the situation seems calm, but it is turbulent inside. For some reason, there is an ingenious balance between the super powers, but this balance is very fragile. Once it is out of balance, the whole mother world may fall into war. Of course, Tiangong can't be alone," Gao Qizheng replied.

After all, Gao Qizheng is a famous family. He can stand high and see further.

"So in the last ten meetings of Qishan, the reward for each meeting is gradually increasing, which is also to stimulate us to work harder and become stronger," Gao said.

"I see, senior brother Gao," Luo Zheng nodded.

Although Gao Qizheng didn't make it clear, Luo Zheng also knew that these disputes were probably due to different choices.

As qiuyinhe said, the degree of chaos in the world is close to the critical point, and before the critical point comes, everything must be known.

After flying over Taihao mountain, you can see big cities stretching in the mountain stream.

The absolute number of Terrans may not be as large as that of many other races, but they have experienced almost infinite development, and the absolute number is also quite large.

The population of each huge city is calculated in tens of millions, and there are hundreds of big cities passing by, which shows the prosperity of taiyitiangong.

Over these big cities, there are also a large number of flying boats shuttling in the air, most of them follow the rules and appear orderly.



In contrast, the two flying boats of juejian sword sect and sword killing sect were a little too much. They roared back and forth, stood upside down and circled in the air, and sometimes gave out bursts of excited screams, causing other flying boats to dodge.

However, most of the flying boats in these big cities belong to some caravans and small families. Facing the two flying boats from Taiyi mountain, they dare not speak up.

"These guys are getting more and more angry," Chu Mo shook his head.

"I've been pressed by the sword sect for a long time, and that's it, especially the guys from the sword killing sect. They are all insane," another said with a smile.

These people can understand the sword killing sect and the juejian sword sect.

In terms of the way of cultivation, Xinliu sword sect is probably the most leisurely and talented sect. Whether it is the sword killing sect or the juejian sword sect, they are very strict with the disciples of the sword sect, especially the sword killing sect.

Half an hour later, the speed of the boat finally slowed down in front of a mountain, which seemed to have been cut off a layer, and the top of the mountain was full of various types of buildings.

The boat stopped directly in front of and behind a broad building, and Luo Zheng followed the crowd out of the boat.

This building is already a scene of singing and dancing. On the high platform in the distance, a row of women in pink are dancing and singing.

Most of the disciples from the other mountains came. Each of them had a separate seat with a maid to pour tea and wine.

Maybe it's hard work for a long time. Most people enjoy it.

Gao Qizheng brought a group of people into it, which immediately attracted people's attention.

"Xinliu sword is coming."

"Why? What about the last time you were so awesome? "

"Seems to be gone?"

In the last meeting of seven mountains, Mo Yijian led Xinliu sword sect to take the lead, which made Xinliu sword sect take advantage of others. This time, they naturally paid special attention to it.

"Brother Gao! What about Mo Yijian? " In front of a table not far away, a big man asked with a smile.

His name was Qi Cong, the leader of taiqingshan's younger generation.

"Elder brother Qi," Gao Qizheng said with arch hands, "younger martial brother Mo is shut up and has no chance to participate in the seven mountains meeting."

"So it's closed?" Qi Cong laughs, "I'm afraid that boy doesn't dare to come! What a disappointment! Ha ha ha... "People around Qi Cong began to laugh.

It's good news for them that Mo Yijian can't come, but on the surface, they will still do enough.

The elite of Xinliu sword sect have just been seated, and the people of killing sword sect and juejian sword sect have also entered the hall. The people of these two sword sects are very powerful!

People from the seven mountains took their seats one after another and lined up in fans, but there was still a space in front of each fan.

Luo Zheng took a look at the vacant seats and asked strangely, "since all the elite of the seven mountains have arrived, why do they still have these seats?"

Gao Qizheng then replied: "that is the position of each mountain's lineage."

The lineage of the heavenly palace belongs to the true lineage of every mountain Lord. They don't join any sword sect and have a superior status.

"Lineage That Ling frost also belongs to the direct line of Taiyi mountain? " Luo Zheng murmured in his heart.

Luo Zheng and Ling Shuang bargain with Qingbo in Zhenyi sword Pavilion. They once mentioned her grandmother and Taiyi sword formula. If it wasn't for Ling Shuang's exaggeration, she would be Taiyi mountain's lineage. I don't know if she would come today?

Just then, a faint chill came from the gate.

A woman in a long dress Palace Dress walked slowly. On both sides of the woman, ten people followed her. The woman's appearance was very amazing, but her face was as cold as an iceberg, as if she had never shown a smile in her life.

As soon as the woman came in, the noisy hall became quiet. They were in awe of her.

Gao Qizheng slightly turned his head and whispered to Luo Zheng, "Fengge, the youngest daughter of the Eastern Emperor, is said to have been brought back from the God's nest."

Although the heavenly palace is divided into seven mountains, the East emperor is the head of the heavenly palace. Since Fengge is the natural daughter of the East emperor, she is the orthodox daughter of the East emperor.

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