Taiyitiangong is different from Jiuli and bears.

For example, most of the people in Jiuli and Youxiong are of the same race, and they have the same blood.

Tiangong is actually a mixture of many forces.

So Taiyi, Taiyi and Taihao all have their own power.

The secret department of Taihao mountain is a secret organization of Taihao mountain, which is extremely cruel.

As a person born in the dark, he Zhen has strong worries just now.

When Xu Youwei dies, he will face the most cruel capital punishment in the dark. He once saw his colleagues undergo a capital punishment, leaving a huge shadow in he Zhen's heart.

At this moment, the same idea emerged in crane's heart!

Xu Youwei died

He was escorted to the chamber.

Those grey brown soul eating caterpillars came to him from all directions

This fear completely envelops the crane!

Luo Zheng's idea at this moment is also turning fast.

The breath of these three people is stronger than Xu Youwei. I'm afraid they are stronger than Xu Youwei!

If he responds positively, he has no chance of winning at all.

For this reason, he can only attack it unprepared! So the first time to stimulate the fear of the devil's eye!


The scattered breath of true meaning is released, and a stream of forehead rushes to Hezhen.

Sword tattoo can be deadly in one move. It's really powerful, but it's a little more troublesome than other magical powers. It needs the breath of true meaning to infiltrate the target.

But any opponent is not a fool, it is impossible to stand in place passively beaten.

Fortunately, Luo Zheng's fear of the devil's eye can make the opponent lose his mind for a while!

Luo Zheng's face changed slightly after he Zhen was permeated with the breath of true meaning.

"Is there no flaw in his flesh?"

In Luo Zheng's vision, the crane's body is really integrated, and there is no line to be seen. How can this be possible!

He has tried sword tattoo many times. No matter how perfect it is, there should be flaws!

Having no time to think about it, Luo Zheng once again released his second ability of fearing evil eyes.

"True vision!"

With a flash of white light in his right eye, everything he saw in his pupil became incomparable, and he could capture any detail.

"I see it!"

What Luo Zheng saw in his right eye was also very strange.

His hands and legs are still unbroken, but his chest, neck and head show lines one by one, and on one side of his head are the intersection of those lines!

"Here it is!"

Luo Zheng's body suddenly raised, snow sword like a poisonous snake out of the hole, straight to the intersection.

After all, he Zhen is a strong man who has crossed the color world.

He has not been able to complete the reconstruction of Hunyuan, but both the soul and the body are much stronger than the ordinary other shore, which is half step Hunyuan.

Because he was worried about Xu Youwei's life and death, he fell into fear with one careless move. But after only two breaths, he broke free from fear!

When he really regained his consciousness, he was shocked to see the direction of Luo Zheng's attack!

Only his neck and head have not been reconstructed. It can be said that this is the gate of his life. This guy can see it at a glance?

"You dare!"

Seeing the snow sword blooming, he Zhen suddenly turned and grabbed Luo Zheng's right arm with his right hand like lightning.


The moment he clamped Luo Zheng's right hand, he was really relieved.

He's just a junior in the color world. He's like an enemy of life and death

Just when he was ready to run out of his dead breath and melt Luo Zheng's arm, a great force came from Luo Zheng's hand.

"I still want to struggle!"

Crane really sneer, black dead air along Luo Zheng right arm dispersion.

No matter what kind of creatures, or even the strong ones who have experienced Hunyuan's reconstruction, they will wither and wither quickly when they are infected with this dead spirit. He Zhen can almost imagine Luo Zheng struggling in pain, watching his arms wither and suffer.

But the scene he imagined didn't happen. I don't know when, Luo Zheng's arm turned into darkness!

"This What the hell is this

The crane is so stupid.

After Luo Zheng's arm turned into darkness, he was not afraid of his death!

In a daze, a huge force came to break free from the crane really arm, and the cold came straight to his face.

It was too late for the crane to dodge.

The cold spot just hit the intersection of those cracks, and then heard the cracking sound of "Ka". The crane's head was chapped with his chest, and his soul was smashed directly by the powerful force


The body without head fell into the water.On the edge of Ming Lake, hundreds of thousands of people witnessed this scene

Those homeowners are not strong, but they still have vision.

As soon as Hezhen, hegui and Hewei appear, they can see that these three people are powerful, basically close to Hunyuan!

Hunyuan not only represents the sublimation of the soul level, but also represents the transcendence of the limit of the body. In the other side of the thirteen day color world, the strong one is one heaven and one underground, and Luo Zheng killed such a person in full view of the public?

The scene was as silent as death, and the Xu family owner was staring at Luo Zheng.

Thanks to his previous attempt to block Luo Zheng, if he made a rash move, I'm afraid it's not the enemy of Luo Zheng's round!

Su Youshen was also shocked.

When he was in Biyun City, Su Youshen had seen the strength of Luo Zheng. At that time, Luo Zheng had just entered the other shore, but he was far stronger than the ordinary one.

This is only a few months, this person's ability to fight close to Hunyuan level characters?

Su Youshen has a lot to do with the heavenly palace, and the demons and geniuses in the heavenly palace have heard about it, but none of them can reach the level of Luo Zheng?

"Dad! Lord of the flag is so strong! When he went up the mountain It's a thousand miles a day Su Kuan said excitedly.

Su Youshen didn't speak, but he was worried in his eyes.

He allowed Su Kuan to follow Luo Zheng because he was optimistic about Luo Zheng. If Luo Zheng could become a great weapon, Su Kuan would also get endless benefits.

But Luo Zheng's talent is far beyond his imagination. The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. Those who are too dazzling may have fallen before their rise. What's more, he has offended the Xu family in Taihao mountain

Although Su Youshen thought so in his heart, he also showed it. After all, Luo Zheng was kind to his Su family, and his worry came from his worry about his son.

"Big brother!"

"No way!"

Just now, the three of the crane family rushed out together, and he GUI and He Wei went to investigate Xu Youwei's injury.

Xu Youwei was attacked by Luo Zheng with an Epee, but he was protected by the hermit's magic power. He was seriously injured but not killed.

Just as they were at ease, they couldn't believe the scene when they looked back: he really lost his head and body, and fell into Minghu Lake powerlessly, with blood soaked in the surrounding water.

Two people immediately bared eyes to split.

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