Taiyitian palace is a collection of people in all directions. Each mountain has its own blood.

Fengge's blood is different. Most of her blood is Jinwu.

In Taidi palace, it's a big taboo to talk about the blood of Fengge. Even Princess Yan is very careful and doesn't dare to mention it.

Yinglao satirizes Fengge's blood to her face. Princess Yan is annoyed. After hearing lingshuang mentioned in yinglao's words and looking at lingshuang's look, Princess Yan seems to know something. She sneers and says: "Jinwu is the God of Yang. It's an eternal favor. The talent of Fengge in my family belongs to Fenghuang. There is no limit to her future. How can she be compared with those grass fowls?"

In terms of appearance, Fengge and lingshuang have their own merits, one is noble and cool, the other is passionate, but in terms of talent, Fengge is indeed better than lingshuang.


The whole hall of Haoran sword was shocked by the old general's crutches. "It's just a way to realize the Tao. My frost is..."

At this point, yinglao suddenly shut up.

There is a big secret in Ling Shuang's soul. It is also because this period of dust limits Ling Shuang's talent. When Ling Shuang's soul crosses the color world, sets foot in the desire world, and achieves Hunyuan, the dust will naturally be revealed.

But she can't reveal the secret.

"But what?" Yan Fei's face showed a sense of satisfaction. "Yinian Wudao is not cabbage, anyone can do it. There have been 14 people in our heavenly palace for so many years, and Fengge's Yinian Wudao is more than a sword. It's natural that Daofa can do it, but she's still young, so I limit her practice!"

I'm afraid the whole heaven palace can't find a second one. It's really against the heaven.

"So what, a woman's talent depends on her husband? Finally, fight and kill... "


Xu Shou stares at Yan Fei and Ying Lao, quarrels with each other, and looks puzzled.

He said this sentence, but he wanted to delay for a while, but he didn't expect it to have such an effect. It was unexpected.

The two leaders of the secret department were also silly. Under the tension of the sword, they were fighting for this. They had never seen such a strange thing in their life.

What is the origin of Luo Zheng! Lead Taiyi mountain and Taiyi mountain to fight back to be son-in-law?

Qiuyin River, Lin zhanting and others are also broken speechless.

Qiu Yinhe knows something about the relationship between Luo Zheng and Ling Shuang. At that time, the reason why Taiyi mountain fought for Luo Zheng was that Ling Shuang got to know Luo Zheng in front of him. However, Qiu Yinhe said that this reason was untenable. After all, Luo Zheng had already entered other Dao sword Palace!

But what's the matter with Fengge?

On the day of the seven mountain meeting, Luo Zheng beat Fengge by himself and ran away with her anger.

How was Yan imperial concubine taken a fancy to?

"Cough, cough..." Qiuyin River coughed twice, "should we find Luo Zheng first?"

Ling Shuang could not listen to her grandmother for a long time. After all, she was thin skinned. She was also depressed when her grandmother took out a quarrel about her life. She shook her old arm and said, "grandma, don't talk about it. I don't know the safety of Luo Zheng!"

Yan imperial concubine this just think of the business, stare at Xu Shou to say: "too Hao mountain Lord, please hand over Luo Zheng."

Xu Shou inadvertently delayed a lot of time, but he became more calm and said seriously, "I really don't know that Luo Zheng has been brought into Taihao mountain. If you really have such doubts, you can search Taihao mountain!"

When he arrived at the field, Xu Shou was still pretending to be a fool. Qiuyinhe was naturally impolite. He said with a cold smile, "it's not difficult to find Luo Zheng!"

Qiuyin River, in order to protect Luo Zheng, once left a hand and gave Luo Zheng a hermit's magic power when he sent "Xinliu Jiandian".

This hermit magic power is called "donie sword", which broke out before Luo Zheng was dying and could save his life.

As long as qiuyin river is close to a certain range, you can feel the hermit magic power you planted.

Qiuyinhe wanted to search the mountain at the beginning, and the purpose was the same. With his ability, Luo Zheng could be found soon.

But it would not be so easy for Xu Shou to stop him.


Qiuyin River flies backward, and the whole person has turned into a wisp of startling Hongs, circling around Taihao mountain.

Circle by circle, from high to low.

But for a moment, qiuyinhe's eyes brightened, and he felt the existence of the hermit's magic power at the back of Taihao mountain.

"There it is

When Luo Zheng's position was locked, qiuyin river was shooting in that direction.

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