Luo Zheng naturally doesn't know what Ling Shuang is thinking.

Then Luo Zheng changed the Yang soul and went to the other side. Together with Ling Shuang, he left the temple and went to the square not far away.

A ring of stars in the square still exudes a chill.

Around the star ring, many people sat cross legged to welcome the invasion of this chill.

It's a privilege for super power disciples to absorb soul crystals and promote Yang soul cultivation.

People scattered around the mother world are not qualified to enter the temple.

Most of these people can only practice step by step, and one of the means is to make use of the chill of the star ring.

Luo Zheng and Ling Shuang, the two indigo spirits, came and attracted many people's attention.

In the fourth heaven, indigo soul is absolutely incomparable. They can reach the thirteenth heaven directly, which is enough for them to look up to.

"Let's go!"

Ling Shuang didn't hesitate at all. She stepped into the star ring in one step.

With the continuous rotation of the star ring, her Yang soul is constantly stretched into a ray of light, rising up like a rising comet.

When Ling Shuang was sent up, Luo Zheng also got into the star ring.

When he first entered the quadruple sky, the star ring also gave him a lot of pressure. Now his Yang soul has made great progress, and the chill in the star ring can't do him any harm.


In the blink of an eye, Luo Zheng also left sizhitian.

Just when Luo Zheng and Ling Shuang left sizhongtian, a Yang soul slowly gathered in the square.

This is the first time that Yang soul has set foot in quadruple sky and is full of curiosity about everything around him.

He looked around and went to the star ring. He caught a practitioner and asked, "what are you doing here?"

The cultivator looked at the man for no reason, and said: "naturally, it's cultivation!"


The man looked at the star ring strangely, and the principle of cultivation was not difficult to understand. Then he said with a smile, "isn't this kind of cultivation means climbing on the ground like ants? It's too slow! It's said that those super forces have built temples in the fourth heaven. Why don't you go to the temple? "

The practitioner was even more depressed when he heard this. He is not a disciple of a big family. How can he enter the temple? Is this man here on purpose?

"What do you care about how I like to practice? Stay where it's cool! " The practitioner waved to drive this guy away.

"It's none of my business Hehe, the people in the fourth heaven are really different. In the third heaven, no one dares to talk to me like this! "

Then the man reached out and scratched on the practitioner's arm. The practitioner's arm peeled off directly from his trunk. The man took up his arm and put it into his mouth!

He can swallow other people's Yang soul directly!

What's more mysterious is that the practitioner still sits with his knees crossed, and his arm is broken without any pain. Until the practitioner is curious about what the man is eating, he looks at his own arm!

"You, you Can swallow other people's Yang soul directly The practitioner was shocked.

"What's so strange about it? The alien people in the double heaven and the triple heaven are so weak that I just went to the quadruple heaven and flew up to this ghost place. I don't like to swallow the souls of the same people, but it seems that there are only human beings in this place?" The man said carelessly.

Of course, there are not only Terrans in the quadruple sky, but most of the time, people of the same race will fly up in the same direction.

"You You are crazy With a scream, the practitioner's figure became blurred and he had escaped from the other side.

"This man swallowed Yang soul directly!"

"Isn't he afraid of backfire?"

"How can there be such a madman!"

The other practitioners in the square were frightened when they saw this scene.

Each soul has its own personal will, can not devour each other, if devour more, he is no longer himself.

Absorption of soul crystal is also a means of swallowing other souls, but soul crystal needs years of accumulation, and the soul crystal is extremely pure, so there is a layer of risk in natural beauty.


In the blink of an eye, the Yang soul on the square walked clean.

Looking at the empty square, the man turned his mouth, "they all said that I don't devour my family very much. I just tasted it. It seems that sizhongtian is nothing..."

He didn't care much.

There are too many Yang souls on the other side. For every other side of the mother world, there will be more Yang souls on the other side.

In addition to the human race, there are also a large number of alien races.

It didn't take him a few days to swallow it all the way from yichongtian to sichongtian.

Standing in the same place, looking at the broken temple not far away and the busy disciples of the bear clan, his face showed a strange color.

"It's said that the most pure soul crystals are preserved in the temple. I'll ask for some. I don't know if they will give them or not..."According to his temperament, he wanted to do it, so he went straight to the temple.



Luo Zheng felt that his soul had changed into shape again. When he opened his eyes, he had arrived at the wuchongyuan tomorrow.

This piece of heaven and earth is different from the quadruple sky. There is a vast expanse of white everywhere, and the ground is like a layer of salt.

"Is it so desolate in wuchongtian?" Luo Zhengqi road.

Ling Shuang nodded and said: "most of the races take the fourth heaven as a starting point, and the fifth heaven is naturally neglected. Except for exploring some unique temples, generally no one stays in the fifth heaven."

There is not much difference between the other side keepsake of wuchongtian and that of sichongtian. Moreover, those Yang souls who belong to their own forces can often get the other side keepsake of higher heaven. They are not interested in exploring wuchongtian.

It's not only the quintessence, it's the quintessence, it's also the quintessence.

Luo Zheng and Ling Shuang don't stay here much. They get into the star ring again and continue to fly upward.

The terrain of Liuzhong qiyaotian is dangerous and the environment is complex. There are huge rocks exposed in Yin red everywhere.

Seven times of nothingness, in which grows a pink plant, the whole world is occupied by this plant.

Eight Tai Chi days are ice and snow

Nine red suns, the sky is scorching

Shichongxuan tomorrow

The two soared in the ring, then drilled into the ring and soared again.

As we keep going up, the pressure from the rings is also increasing.

For ordinary people, it takes years or even more to climb a heavy day.

But the two indigo souls turned a blind eye to the pressure and went smoothly.

Eleven times yaozongtian!

When they first appeared, dozens of huge Yang spirits appeared not far away. Although we can't see the original appearance of these Yang spirits, we can see their terrible appearance from the outline.

In the rear of Luo Zheng, there are numerous star rings.

"Terran, this way!"

A big Yang soul came to Luo Zheng and Ling Shuang, pointed to the right side and gave the order.

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