After Ling Shuang's Yang soul grows to indigo soul, this blow is also very strong.

It not only shakes away the fine blade in Ji Yan's hand, but also makes Ji Yanzhen step backward.

If an ordinary person is saved at a critical moment of life or death, the first time he thinks about it is to escape.

But sorrow and death are not ordinary people after all.

He didn't even go to observe who saved himself. He saw Ji Yan stagger back, his feet kick, and the whole person volleyed in the air.

Ji Yan didn't respond, so she felt the pressure coming from her head.

His mind was directly trampled by sorrow and martyrdom, "Dong", and the whole person was planted on the ground.

"Take it!"

Sorrow and death pour out a word.

The eight soul swords were withdrawn, and they were going to run through Ji Yan.

Ji Yan suddenly burst out a strong soul force, and a virtual image of the bear appeared on Ji Yan's back.

At this moment, the power of his soul increased several times, and his sorrow could not be suppressed. He was directly thrown out by Ji Yan!


Flying in the mid air of sorrow, the heart sighed.

At first, she was going to nail her soul to death.

Tiangong can't be the opponent of so many super forces. He just missed his goal.

After the appearance of the virtual image of the bear behind Ji Yan, it was like a furious lion, "Shennong, brother of Jinwu, what good play are you still watching! Kill him for me

At this time, Ji Yan no longer pursues Chou Si, but goes straight to Ling Shuang.

"Those who dare to stop me don't know how to write dead words!"

Ji Yan's speed is extremely fast, and his momentum is almost unmatched. Others have a thrilling feeling when they look at him.

"Is that the soul of the bear family?"

"Really tough! But it is said that the soul of the bear has to pay a great price. "

"The Terran woman who just shot is not weak either..."

Ling frost see Ji Yan straight to himself, the face also shows the color of panic.

Ling Shuang's experience in fighting at the soul level is not rich.


With her magic soul Necklace flashing light, the soul sword shot at Ji Yan again.

Seeing that the soul sword was about to hit Ji Yan, Ji Yan didn't even look at it and reached for a pat.


The soul sword was slapped by him.


See this scene, Ling Shuang no longer run is really silly.

In a flash, she ran to the other side.

But her speed is not as fast as Ji Yan, and the distance between them is constantly shortening.

"Get off the other side!"

Cried the mourner in the distance.

While dealing with the pursuit of Shennong clan and Jinwu clan, he can also pay attention to this side. He finds that Ling Shuang's stupid escape is too inflexible. He can only remind her loudly.

Unable to escape, Ling Shuang is ready to break the magic spell to escape from the other side, but at this time, Ling Shuang sees a familiar figure in front of her.

Read half of the broken magic spell hard swallow back.

"What are you thinking..."

See lingshuang still did not leave the other side, sorrow heart is full of helpless, he naturally did not notice the front of lingshuang.

Ji Yan is only five or six feet away from Ling Shuang. He is also afraid that Ling Shuang will leave the other side. He is full of power to urge his soul. The bear behind him is shining with light gold.

As Ji Yan jumps away, his hands turn into claws, and he grabs them toward Ling Shuang's back.

Ling Shuang suddenly pours forward. The man in front of her reaches out and bends his arm to catch Ling Shuang. They turn around. After skillfully removing the impact of Ling Shuang, the man claps this palm at Ji Yan.

"To die!"

At this moment, Ji Yan didn't have the time to distinguish who the man was. He only knew that he had opened the soul of Xiong Ning. Every breath time, his Yang soul would burn off, and the burning Yang soul could not be supplemented by soul pill, but could only be crystallized by soul!

What he burned is the crystallization of his soul and his own cultivation!

Although the price is very high, the promotion is obvious. No one can stop him in 13 days!

Ji Yan's hands were wrong, and he hanged his hands toward the hand he was patting. Under the twist he wanted to come, he could directly cut off each other's arm. While cutting off each other's arm, he would bully himself again and tear the whole person directly.

But all this is just Ji Yan's imagination. When his hands are twisted on each other's palms, he feels a little strange.

It seemed that the arm was not a soul at all, but made of fine steel.

Don't even wring this arm, you can't even shake it


Just when Ji Yanshang was confused, Luo Zheng sneered, "I don't know who is looking for death?"He said that his palm had been patted on Ji Yan's chest.


It's just a slap.

The strength and strength contained in it is more than 100 times stronger than Ji Yan?

Ji Yan, the supporter of Xiong Pi's virtual image behind Ji Yan, only lasted half a breath, but the virtual image was shattered by the earthquake, and Ji Yan, like a piece of light paper, flew backward.

With the collapse of the virtual shadow, his Yang soul also quickly collapsed and gradually dissipated in the other side

Just a palm, will bear bottom virtual image protect body of Ji Yan clap of smash!

The foreign people on the scene were shocked when they saw the man.

"The flesh?"

"How did the body come here?"

"Haven't you heard? It is said that this man made a big noise among the Liyuan people and almost destroyed the temple of the Liyuan people! "

Some of the foreigners on the scene knew the news, but most of them didn't. seeing Luo Zheng's body and the expression on his face was wonderful.

Luo Zheng light easy open arm bend, will Ling frost on the ground, Ling frost but way: "you come late."

"Why did you start?" Luo Zheng said with a frown.

Before he used his body to drive, he specially let Ling Shuang leave the other side, just to prevent accidents.

I didn't expect that when he came here, he saw Ling Shuang being chased. Naturally, there was some blame in his words.

Ling Shuang pouted and said, "how can I know! As soon as I got back to the other side, I saw the disciples of the heavenly palace fighting with the bear family. That sorrow and death was almost killed before I took action... "

When she entered the other side, she saw that sorrow and death were hanging on the line. As for why the disciples of Tiangong fought with Youxiong, she was not very clear.

Chou Si was originally besieged by the Jinwu and Shennong clans. Although he was very flexible and resourceful, the strength of these clans was not weak at all.

But with the emergence of Luo Zheng, Ji Yan's side of the accident let everyone stop.

Jinwu clan and Shennong clan didn't want to get involved in such disputes, but Ji Yan asked them again and again.

The Jinwu people may not have seen Luo Zheng's body, but when Luo Zheng demolished the temple of the bear clan, the people of Shennong clan remembered it. Even if they didn't see it, they heard it.

Such a monster, they are not able to compete.

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