The strength of these hands is nothing to Luo Zheng, but Yang soul can't resist.

Even if lingshuang Yang soul into indigo, also can't struggle out from it!

Ling Shuang just saw an eared mouse dragged into the wall, no sound, naturally understand the consequences.

In a hurry, Ling Shuang's magic soul Necklace blooms, and the soul sword flies out and cuts on the arm.


Almost invincible soul sword, only left a shallow scratch on that hand!

This blow did not cut off the arm, there is no chance, Ling Shuang was directly dragged to the wall.

Seeing that his body was about to sink into the wall, Luo Zheng's body shape had already escaped quickly. He grabbed his arm and suddenly pinched it. With a sound of "pa", the skeleton suddenly broke!

"Wu Wu Wu..."

A face on the wall let out a cry of pain and led into the wall.

But more faces appear on both sides of the wall, and more hands extend from the wall.

Luo Zheng embraces Ling Shuang, pulls her to the center of the passage, and says: "all follow me!"

Seeing that the spirit shield could not protect them, the ear mice turned pale.

"Squeak, squeak..."

Desperate scream, they all nestle around Luo Zheng, eager to get into Luo Zheng's body.

"Wu Wu Wu..."

Countless hands broke through the wall and occupied almost the whole passage.

Luo Zheng in the distance didn't care, but as long as he dared to reach out to the ear mouse and Ling Shuang's hands, Luo Zheng used a hand knife to cut them one by one.

"Kaka kaka..."

There are more and more white hand bones broken on the ground, almost no more than Luo Zheng's knee.

"Mr. Tianxing, squeak This way

"Behind me, help

"Cut it off

The ear mice panic one by one, which is totally different from the image outside the mitianshen temple.

Ling Shuang is very stable.

She was protected by Luo Zheng in her arms, but there was no panic in her heart.

Luo Zheng promised to protect her, he will be able to do, in the other side with Luo Zheng all the way, she has blind trust in him.

The whole process lasted for about three times, and the fragments of hand bone around Luo Zheng almost did not pass Luo Zheng's waist.

There was no longer a hand in the wall, only a face was still floating on the wall, looking at Luo Zheng with empty eyes.

"Squeak, it's gone at last!"

"Nineteen is really dangerous!"

"Tianxing is too powerful. Zhizhi is our best friend!"

Luo Zheng can't help rolling his eyes when he hears this flattery from the ear mice. He can't talk about friends with the ear mice.

"What the hell are these faces?" Ling Shuang came out of Luo Zheng's arm and looked at the faces on the wall. Her heart was still hairy.

One of the eared mice observed for a while, then said: "these faces, should be the legendary enchanter?"

"What is the enchanter?" Luo Zhengqi road.

"I know," Ling Shuang answered, "those who can't return from the other side are collectively called enchanters."

The soul may die on the other side, so the body becomes a simple body.

But some people's souls do not die on the other side, but for some reasons stay on the other side forever, and they can't wake up forever. Such people are called enchanters.

There have been several cases of such enchanters in Tiangong, and Ling Shuang has heard of them.

"Their Yang souls are enslaved in the wall forever, but they are pitiful," Luo Zheng sighed, staring at the faces.

The eared mice are not in the mood to pity those things. They stretch out their hands, add a small blue triangle in their hands, and begin to collect the broken bones on the ground.

The strength of these arms is amazing, and they can be collected and traded as good tokens on the other side. Naturally, the eared mice will not let go.

After storing all the broken bones, the eared mice bowed to a mouse face on the wall and left with Luo Zheng and Ling Shuang.

As they moved, so did the faces on the wall.

After they lost their arms, they had no way to attack any more. They could only stare on the wall. Even so, they still followed closely on both sides, staring at Luo Zheng all the time, whining, and their voice was full of reluctance and resentment.

After Luo Zheng took the crowd for more than 2000 Zhang, the passage became wider, the whole passage became an upward Road, and the "blood vessels" densely distributed at the top of the passage gradually became thick!

"What is that?" Ling Shuang looked up at the front and said.

Luo Zheng stares away, his eyes twinkle, "this is Heart? What kind of heart is it? "

At the top of the passage, there are three half human hearts, which are still beating, and all the thick blood vessels are converging on them.Every time the heart beats, the red light will be a little dim, and then beat, the blood red light will shine again!

"Creak, creak My God

"This is..."

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..."

At first, the ear mice talked in the human language, but after several ear mice made a squeak, they began to talk in the ear mouse language!

Luo Zheng and Ling Shuang quietly look at each other, and their faces show dissatisfaction.

There are many other keepsakes that ear mice handle, so the identification of other keepsakes has incomparable advantages.

These guys must recognize this thing, obviously don't want Luo Zheng and Ling Shuang to know, will talk in the language of human race.

Luo Zheng has seen the shrewdness and cunning of ear mice.

Ghost knows what they are plotting, but since they don't want Luo Zheng and Ling Shuang to hear it, they naturally have a purpose.

Luo Zheng's face sank, and he said: "since you don't want me to know, you can go on the next road by yourself. We'll leave the temple of heaven."

The nineteen paths are not finished yet. If there is no Luo Zheng, it will be a problem for them to leave the path alive. What's more, they still want to explore the dark field!

These three hearts are indeed very important. As a group of ear mice, they want to strive for the best interests at the first time. They are really discussing whether to tell Luo Zheng the truth.

Those ear mice are "squeaky" communication, suddenly heard Luo Zheng's words suddenly anxious.

"Squeak! That's not what we mean! "

"Squeak! This is the heart of the accomplice! It's a unique keepsake from the other side! "

"There are three other keepsakes that have only appeared once in the mother world. I can't believe that they will appear this time. Squeak It's a miracle that the temple was born

The ear mice explained to Luo Zheng that they were also excited.

Luo Zheng and Ling Shuang could understand what the earmice said, even though they were confused.

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