
With this punch, there was a dull sound from the wall, which didn't break like an ordinary stone wall.

The wall mixed with metal is full of toughness. It's hard to sink down!

"Not broken!"

"It's a little less powerful!"

"It's already strong! A few more punches must be broken! "

The faces of the thousand Yang spirits are full of tension, especially the ear mice.

The last time they explored here, they tried all kinds of means, even used some taboo power, but the power of the soul was too weak to shake the wall, and finally came back in vain.

Now Luo Zheng just punched and dented the wall, which did not disappoint the earmice.

"This wall is stronger than I imagined," Luo Zheng said in his heart.

Without much hesitation, Luo Zheng lunged forward and hit the wall with another blow.


With a dull sound, the hollow was pushed inward by two inches.

"Come again!"



With each blow, the whole basement and even the whole tower will vibrate.

At the entrance of the passage above the basement, several people of Jiuli nationality stand on it and can clearly feel the tremor coming from below.

"Brother, he's really breaking the wall," said the Terran girl.

"Let's wait until all the people below are dead before we go down," said the little girl's brother.

The Terran girl is still a little tangled in her heart.

She was still worried about the safety of the body, but under such circumstances, she could not stop it.

The ear mouse clan won't agree, and the thousands of alien Yang souls in the basement won't even agree.

"We'd better get out of the way, we'll be in trouble if we get involved," said one of the Jiuli people.

The Terran girls had to follow them out of the underpass.




The metal wall is getting more and more depressed, and some thumb sized cracks have broken out on the surface.

On the other side of the wall, a circle of complete patterns are carved. These strange and complex patterns extend all the way along the wall on the platform on both sides of the wall. On the platform stand two blue and black armor.

The two armors are about one person's height, holding two rusty knives in both hands. They are dark and kongfu in appearance. On the surface of the armor, there are thumb sized chains.

They have been standing here for many years and experienced many vicissitudes without any movement. Moreover, they are located on the last side of the Mitian temple, and both sides are covered by dark fields. No race has ever observed the existence of the two armor.

When Luo Zheng hit more than 20 fists in a row, the wall was finally broken open!

At this moment, the soul of the strange sun stretched out its neck and tried to see all the scenes behind it.

No matter Luo Zheng, or otomous, Yang or other alien people, they don't know what is behind the wall.


Under the broken walls, the original complete pattern was finally broken open.

When the patterns were broken, the light continued to spread along these patterns, quickly spread on the platform, and the chains around the two armor were also broken inch by inch!

"Hum! Hum

The heads of the two armors flashed red.

Lost the shackles of the chain, the armor came alive and jumped off the platform.




I don't know how much the green black armor weighs. Every step on the ground makes the ground tremble.

"What's that sound?"

"It's like something's coming near!"

"I don't know what it is..."

The foreign Yang souls are also very curious, but the cracks on the wall are too narrow.

Even Luo Zheng, who stands in the front, can't see anything through the cracks.

After hearing the sound of "Kuang Kuang", Luo Zheng felt a trace of vigilance in his heart. He frowned and moved back gently.

"Kuang Kuang..."

At this time, the sound of clang suddenly accelerated, and the originally concave wall suddenly protruded inward.


At the same time, the crowd heard an acrid metal tearing sound.

Four rusty knives came out of the wall!

It's also Luo Zheng's quick reaction. When he sees the wall protruding, he will retreat quickly. Otherwise, his body may have been penetrated by this rusty knife!


Four rusty knives twisted on the wall, and two round holes appeared on the wall. The two gloomy and kongfu armor went through the holes and rushed towards the many Yang spirits in the basement.

"Back up!"

Luo Zheng didn't have time to observe carefully, so he pulled Ling Shuang back.The Yang spirits who originally gathered behind Luo Zheng were directly knocked about by Luo Zheng.

Gathering in the basement of the alien Yang soul at the moment also fell into chaos, one by one scrambling toward the upward passage to climb, you hold me crowded under the passage to fill!

"Let's go!"

"What is this armor?"

"It's a trap, a trap!"

"Bang bang!"

Two pieces of armor jumped up in the basement and smashed at the alien Yang spirits.

The weight of the armor is terrible. If you are hit by it, how can you survive? Not only that, but also the Yang soul, which was touched by them, also disappeared

No matter how powerful the Yang soul is, it becomes extremely fragile in front of the armor.

A series of howls, let the basement become a Shura.

The only way to survive is still there. As long as the Yang spirits still keep their senses, they all rush towards the upward passage madly. Under such circumstances, where do they worry about other Yang spirits? Some people even start to kill any Yang soul in front of them!

Luo Zheng drags Ling Shuang toward the passage.

He opened the way with his physical body, and the Yang soul in front of him was not an obstacle at all.

But after two minutes, he and Ling Shuang came to the bottom of the passage, but when Luo Zhengzheng was ready to step on the passage, a burst of breaking sound came from the top of the passage.


The whole upward passage collapses without warning, and all the life paths of the living beings are cut off.

"Is it really a trap? Or did the earmice make a mistake? " A thought flashed in Luo Zheng's heart.

"The passage is broken!"

"Ah! Help

"The armor is coming at me!"

Many alien Yang souls saw the broken channel and almost fell into despair.

The space in the basement is not big. The spirits of the Thousand Suns are crowded with each other. The two armors are rotating with four rusty knives in their hands, just like two metal storms, darting from left to right in the basement!

Every Yang soul involved in this metal storm is instantly wiped out, without any exception.

"Lo I'm afraid

Ling Shuang drags Luo Zheng's hand and his eyes are full of panic.

From two pieces of armor breaking into the wall to now, only five or six breathing time, thousands of Yang souls are only half left.

This is the scope of the temple, can not be separated from the other side, this is more dangerous than the sea of true meaning, now is a dead end.

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