Whether Luo Zheng is joking or not, these Jiuli people all choose to believe it.

In any case, Luo Zheng has proved that he is a member of the Jiuli nationality. On the other side, it is impossible for them to verify his blood and even more impossible to test his purity. But three heads and six arms are the best proof.

"Since brothers Tianxing are the sons of the royal family, why did they enter the heavenly palace?" Xiaoqing's brother asked again.

Now their curiosity about Luo Zheng has gone beyond the dark realm!

At the gate of Mitian temple, the ear mice are all called "Tianxing", so these Jiuli people naturally think his real name is "Tianxing".

"It's a long story," Luo Zheng said cautiously. "If you have a chance, I hope you can let the elders of the clan come to Tiangong. I want to meet you."

Although both sides try their best to trust each other, they are far from revealing everything.

Xiaoqing's brother won't reveal the whereabouts of the deceased, and Luo Zheng won't reveal the whereabouts of the divine realm.

"I will report this to the elders of the clan," Xiaoqing's brother replied.

If "Tianxing" is really the son of Luoshui, and has such amazing ability, the Jiuli descendants are bound to take the risk to meet him in Tiangong!

Jiuli and Tiangong have never had a bad relationship. They have chosen the same road, which is relatively safe.

Then these people took the initiative to introduce themselves to Luo Zheng.

"My name is huoze," said Xiaoqing's brother.

"Brother Tianxing, my name is Lan Qing! Just call me Xiaoqing! " The little girl said with a smile.

After the introduction of these Jiuli people, Huo Zecai took the initiative to say to Luo Zheng: "brother Tianxing, this wall can't be opened by brute force. If it is opened by force, it will only lead to disaster!"

What Huo Ze said, Luo Zheng and Ling Shuang have experienced.

The flesh of yiluozheng could not compete with the two armor, not to mention the Yang soul, which was a disaster indeed.

"Do you have a way to get in?" Luo Zheng asked again.

"Yes," he nodded.

Now Luo Zheng is in the heart of Huo Ze and has risen to a person who can be trusted.

Although he can't be trusted completely, it's not a bad thing to explore the dark area together. After all, even Huo Ze doesn't have much self-confidence. What he knows is also some clues about the fall of the Jiuli family.

Luo Zheng made a "please" gesture.

Huo Ze is not ambiguous. With Lan Qing and other Jiuli people, they have to step into the square entrance first.

"So here you are!"

Just then, a slightly indifferent voice came from the entrance of the tower.

Hear this voice, Huo Ze et al. Immediately nervous, Ling Shuang's brow is slightly wrinkled.

Those who came were the disciples of Tiangong led by Fengge.

When they enter the temple, Chou Si and Feng Ge want to follow Luo Zheng, but Luo Zheng refuses. After all, he has agreed to cooperate with ear mouse and only take Ling Shuang into the temple.

Fengge, Choushi and many Tiangong disciples also passed through the passage.

After exploring the courtyard for a while, they chose a high tower to enter.

Some of the alien Yang souls who stepped into the Mitian Temple died in the passage, and nearly half of them fell in the basement. Another part, like Fengge, entered those high towers.

Fengge and Chou Si are not very lucky. There are also many mechanisms in those towers. This exploration has achieved nothing, so Fengge proposes to change another tower.

Did not expect that just arrived here, she saw "Tianxing" and lingshuang.

"It's nothing to do with you here, brother Chou Si, take her away," Ling Shuang said coldly. She lost interest when she saw Fengge.

Chou Hsien didn't speak yet. Feng Ge had already broken out. He retorted, "do you think this is Taiyi mountain? Is that your frost and your Highness has the final say?

"I has the final say, not to yield a step to the cream.

The two women's quarrel, on the contrary, let the people of Jiuli do not understand.

Huo Ze then looked to Luo Zheng, after all here who said all does not calculate, really can make the decision is him.

"Your Highness Ling Shuang, since we have entered the temple of heaven, where can we explore our freedom?" Chou Si said with a smile: "besides, we are the same family in Tiangong seven mountains. If we have any chance, we can take care of each other. I don't know if brother Tianxing thinks what I said is right?"

As the saying goes, a man who does not smile when he reaches out his hand is a martyr. He is flexible and speaks well.

The moment he entered the tower, he saw a square passage on the ground, and he had some assurance in his heart.

I don't know what happened, but I'm afraid it has something to do with the dark channel.

Such an opportunity, sorrow is not want to miss.

Ling Shuang skims her mouth and doesn't know how to deal with it for a while.

If there is no Fengge, it's OK to say that she doesn't mind Chou Si and other Tiangong disciples.

"Brother Chou HSI is right. They are all from his own family. We can go down together to take care of them," Luo Zheng nodded.The Yang spirits of the ear mice have all died, but the Tiangong and Jiuli have no big taboo. If lingshuang insists on going her own way, it will make Taiyi mountain and Taiyi mountain unhappy.

Lingshuang also know the propriety, since Luo Zheng has made a decision, she can only reluctantly agreed.

Not only Ling Shuang, Huo Ze and others are also reluctant, but did not show it.

"In that case, you will go down with us," Luo Zheng said.

So Huo Ze and Lan Qing and other Jiuli people took the lead, Luo Zheng and Ling Shuang were in the middle, and Chou Si and Feng Ge with Tiangong disciples followed.

In the process of going through the passage, when Chou Si asked where the ear mice were going, Luo Zheng sighed and said, "they are all dead."

"Ear mice Are they all dead? " I was stunned for a moment.

I can't believe that there are many ghosts left in the temple. How can he not believe that there are many of them?

"It's not just the ear mice. Thousands of alien Yang souls in the basement are dead," Luo Zheng said roughly what happened in the basement.

After that, Fengge, chouxian and Tiangong disciples stop subconsciously.

This basement is so dangerous. Isn't it death to enter it?

"If you're afraid, you don't have to follow," Ling Shuang turns to look at Fengge provocatively.

Phoenix song where can stand the others ridicule, only a cold hum, immediately began to step.

Luo Zheng said with a smile: "don't be nervous, brother Chou Si. Since we dare to come down, it's because they have come up with a solution."

"The solution..." Chou Si looked at Huo Ze and others and asked, "I don't know which power these people come from?"

Both Youxiong and Shennong have been expelled. Other Terrans are small forces. If these people really know the way to the dark world, they can't come from those small forces.

Luo Zheng said calmly: "if you want to explore the dark area with us, don't ask what you shouldn't ask."

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