The last disciple of the heavenly palace obviously didn't know what was going on.

He looked at the people in front of him and looked back at him one after another. When he felt puzzled, Yu Guang glanced at the black tail on one side, and the whole person became stiff.

Although he didn't know what the tail was, it came from under the wooden bridge and must be a creature in the dark!

Although the Tiangong disciple tried his best to control his emotions, his Yang soul could not avoid a strong fluctuation.

"Who can save me Help me

He lowered his voice and exclaimed.

Not far away from him, the disciples of the heavenly palace were extremely afraid when they saw the tail. They didn't have time to escape. How dare they help each other?

But they didn't dare to stir the tail, they could only move their feet on the wooden bridge with a very small range.

The heavenly palace disciple saw that his call for help was invalid. In a hurry, he moved forward a little bit, trying to get further away from the tail.

But as soon as he moved, his barbed tail swung a circle in the air, and he went to the disciples of that day!

"Get down!"

Luo Zheng gave a loud drink, jumped up from the heads of all the people and went straight to the tail.

The strength of these Yang spirits is not bad, but they can't fight against the other creatures. Besides, I'm afraid the tail comes from the dark area. Now I'm afraid the only one who can fight is Luo Zheng.

The heavenly palace disciple heard Luo Zheng's words, subconsciously toward the wooden bridge deck suddenly lie down, under the bridge's tail a roll, actually rolled a empty!

But at this time, Luo Zheng just crossed the top of Fengge's head. There was still a distance from the Tiangong disciple, and the flexibility of his tail was beyond everyone's imagination.

It's just swinging around the wooden bridge. The Tiangong disciples who were lying on the bridge had no room to escape. Watching the tail pierce the yanghun of the Tiangong disciples, the whole person was pulled out of the wooden bridge.

Seeing this, Luo Zheng leaped hard and reached for the disciple of the heavenly palace.

But the tail seemed to have eyes. He could see Luo Zheng's action clearly, and deliberately made a false appearance of swinging to the right. He directly bypassed Luo Zheng and shrank into the darkness at the bottom of the bridge.

After the temple disciple's Yang soul was penetrated, he was crying out for help. The voice was loud inside and outside the quiet space. But when the temple disciple sank into the darkness, his voice stopped. Only the sound of the wooden bridge shaking constantly. Just after Luo Zheng jumped, he almost broke the decadent wooden bridge.

"It's really a monster on the other side..."

"Jiang Xing has been dragged down!"

"How is that?"

Those Tiangong disciples came back to their senses, and the color of fear on their faces became more and more intense.

"The key is that the monster should be under us," said Chou Hsien with a frown.

The light on the bridge can't shine under the bridge. They know nothing about the dark area. They can't get rid of it!

"Do you know what that is, hozer?" Luo Zheng asked.

Among them are those from Jiuli, who know a little bit about it.

Huo Ze also shook his head, "I only have the clue to pass through the temple of heaven, and I know little about the dark field."

The people of Jiuli did not expect that there would be such a crisis when they got on the bridge.

"Perhaps that monster ate a Yang soul to be full, did not catch us any more?" Blue feeling says in the side suddenly.

"Little love!" Hawker's face sank. "Don't talk nonsense."

Luo Zheng said: "there is nothing wrong with what Xiaoqing said. Now we can't determine the purpose of the monster below, but the biggest possibility is to devour you."

Luo Zheng himself is not Yang soul, naturally not included, but he is not sure how powerful the monster is, whether he can swallow his body.

"If it eats a Yang soul, it will be satisfied. It's the best situation. I'm afraid it will continue to follow us..." Sorrow and death said later.

When Chou Hsien said this, there was a chill on everyone's back, and the disciples of the heavenly palace put out their divine knowledge for fear of seeing the tail rising from the darkness again.

With great anxiety, we set out again.

Now the formation has changed. Jiuli, Chou Hsien and others are in the front, while Luo Zheng is in the middle of the team, so that no matter in front or behind the attack, he can attack at the first time.

We walked along the wooden bridge for a distance, and never heard the "dada" sound again. The stones in their hearts also fell to the ground. Maybe they were really right by Xiaoqing, and the monster swallowed up a Yang soul. Are you satisfied?

But just when everyone was a little relieved, a dense voice suddenly came from the rear!


As if there are dozens of hundreds of monsters galloping under the wooden bridge!

No matter Fengge or huoze, all of them stopped for the first time, their faces turned pale, and the Yang soul trembled faintly.

"Dada dada..."

The sound coming from their ears was from far to near. At most, two or three breaths would reach their feet. The deck of the wooden bridge trembled gently because of their footsteps.None of the monsters in the dark could fight, let alone dozens or hundreds of them. All of them were resigned to fate. Luo Zheng clenched his fist to think about countermeasures.


The sound under the bridge has completely overlapped with them. The monsters are running under their feet, and they are going away at a very fast speed.

When Chou Hsien heard the distant "dada" sound, his face was full of surprise, "it seems that the target of these things is not us..."

"It's not us. They're just running away. We have to run too..." Luo Zheng said, pointing to the rear.

Not far from the rear, a big red Python twists around the small wooden bridge, sometimes sinking into the dark, sometimes winding up the bridge. In front of the python, there are some monsters, who are not human, but monkey.

their tails as like as two peas, which are exactly the same as those who pull the disciples into the dark tails, are obviously the ones who lurk under the bridge.


Although they are extremely flexible, they are still hard to escape the pursuit of the red python. Whenever the red Python looks up and bites, one of them is swallowed by the python.

After the red Python swallowed the monkeys one by one, he raised his head again. The huge snake letter breathed gently, and soon found Luo Zheng and his party, "hissing..."

Without any pause, the red Python began to crawl around the wooden bridge at high speed again and came straight towards them.


At this time, they could not have any other thoughts except to escape.

But the explosive power of Yang soul is limited after all, and the speed is certainly far less than the physical body.

Luo Zheng looked at all the Yang souls struggling to run in front of him. He was also anxious, so that after a few breath, the red Python would catch up.

This wait circumstance underground, his idea slightly a turn, immediately loudly say: "you a person catch a person! I'll run you

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