There's only one way to get out of this place, wooden bridge. Python has been blocked at the fork of the road. They really have nothing to do.

Several disciples of the heavenly palace were silent when they heard this

"What can I do now?" Lan Qing asked in a low voice.

"What else can we do? It's up to fate, "said a Jiuli, shaking his head.

Don't say that the red Python is blocked in the fork road. Even if the python shrinks back to the dark, they dare not go to the wooden bridge. Who knows when the python will return to the wooden bridge? The journey is so long, and the probability of returning safely is too small.

Ling Shuang stands beside Luo Zheng, but her face is not as depressed as others. As long as Luo Zheng is safe with her, no matter how many demons and ghosts there are in the world, it seems that there is nothing to be afraid of.

"Or shall I draw it away?" Luo Zheng asked.

Ling Shuang shook his head for the first time, "you are not the opponent of the python, and even if you can lead away the python, how far can you lead away? You can't go into the dark, can you? We're all going to die when that Python comes back. "

"I can introduce it into the dark," Luo said.

"I know," Ling Shuang nodded. The candles from the bottom of the sea are still in Ling Shuang's hands. She probably has understood how to use these candles. "But on the one hand, you can't run the python, on the other hand, there are many dangers in the dark, and the result should be the same..."

Of course, she didn't like Luo Zheng's sacrifice for no reason

In the face of the python who refused to leave, people's minds are also spinning fast. Some people even try to recite the "broken magic spell". However, it's wishful thinking to leave here easily with the broken magic spell!


The red Python is still lying on the ground. When it opens its mouth, the snake's voice is especially strange. The snake is not like a snake, but a chicken.

"Silly bug, get back to me quickly!"



There was no way, but the disciples of Tiangong wanted to drive away the python with words.

Such means naturally have no effect, the red Python is still lying in place motionless, a lazy look.

After all, the dark world believes in a set of cruel rules. It also has to rack its brains to catch prey. However, it does not find that these Terrans are much smarter than it. How dare they rush down the fork road?

Time goes by little

Huo Ze was walking back and forth on the fork road, while Chou Si was looking for some clues along the wooden house, but in the end, he got nothing, and could only move in the range of light, which was too limited.

Half an hour later

Luo Zheng felt a violent vibration at his feet.


The vibration diffused in a wave form and reverberated in the dark.

Luo Zheng and Yang spirits can't feel the energy fluctuation from the dark species, so when they feel the vibration, it should have been some time

Not only Luo Zheng, but also the red python, who was crawling on the ground and guarding the crowd, suddenly raised his head. A pair of snake eyes were full of vigilance.

Unexpectedly, he chose to hide for the first time. After swimming on the ground for a while, he swam towards the darkness under the wooden bridge

"What kind of vibration is it? I scared the red Python away

"Isn't it a stronger being?"

"There's nothing more terrifying than a python in the dark. There must be none!"

Under their discussion, a loud "Dong" sound came again, this time accompanied by a more violent shock.

At the same time, in the dark, it seemed that there was a huge object waving by. When the huge object swept over the wooden bridge, people vaguely recognized a trace of shadow, which turned out to be a huge hairy hand!

"My God

"That's something's hand!"

"It's over..."

A red Python has been so terrible, the body of that giant hand is thousands of times larger than the red python, and people's hearts are constantly sinking.

When the red hand swept to the bottom of the wooden bridge, it was completely hidden in the dark.

About two breathing time, Luo Zheng and others felt two small vibrations under their feet again, and then saw the giant hand emerge from the darkness, this time holding an insect with two fingers!

No, it's the red Python!

But in contrast, it's really like a worm.

The giant hand brought it into the darkness, from which two blue lights flashed. With these two blue lights, people could see clearly that the giant face was a huge ape face.

"It's the twin blue star of the dark field!"

"I see. Gemini is It turned out to be The eyes of a great ape? "

"The existence of such terror has been in the thirteenth heaven?"Generally speaking, when we talk about the dark field, we all regard it as the existence of absolute darkness, which can not be touched. Once inhaled, there is no possibility of return.

However, the dark field is not always like this, for a long time, there will always be some strange light up.

For example, once the candles in three wooden houses are lit, they immediately attract the ideas of countless creatures.

In addition, the most famous should be the dark field of the twin blue star!

The location of Gemini blue stars is not fixed, sometimes close to the entrance of the thirteenth heaven, sometimes in the middle, sometimes at the end, but Gemini blue stars only appear in the southern dark field of the thirteenth heaven, never seen in the northern dark field.

Accompanied by the emergence of Gemini blue star, is often a violent shock, that is, the legendary earthquake on the other side.

Because earthquakes and Gemini blue stars often appear at the same time, almost all races regard Gemini blue star as the precursor of earthquakes, and each observation is so accurate that the wise people who do not know the big race are extremely confused.

Now this doubt has been solved

At this distance, they can finally see clearly.

Where are the stars? It's the eyes of the great ape!

The giant ape is so big that every time it appears, it will be accompanied by a strong shock.

However, everyone is perplexed because he has solved the mystery of ten thousand years. Luo Zheng, the red boa constrictor, still has the ability to resist. I'm afraid he doesn't have the ability to resist in the face of this great ape.

Previously, the red python, which was still arrogant, had been put into the mouth of the great ape, chewing constantly.

Because of the darkness, they couldn't hear the sound of chewing, but the red Python was chewed to pieces in the blink of an eye, which filled people's hearts with fear.

Some people are beginning to regret it.

If I had known this, I would not have been able to explore the dark area. This is not the place where ordinary people can set foot!

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