Occasionally, I feel the breeze falling into the ice valley.

She leaned against Luo Zheng, Yang soul trembled gently, looked at the deep of the mountain stream and said: "Luo, Luo Zheng What was that exactly? "

"I don't know what it is," Luo Zheng replied.

"Well Why didn't it take us away? " Feng Song said again.

There was a tremor in her cold voice. Even when she was in danger on the wooden bridge, Fengge didn't show such emotion. Luo Zheng felt pity in her ears. This time, she really scared the child.

"I don't know. Maybe I don't like us," Luo Zheng said.

Now in this situation, Luo Zheng's state of mind calms down, except that he has no choice but to listen to fate. It's just that Fengge, who meets this kind of thing for the first time, is at a loss.

"Let's get out of here," Fengge said, and she didn't want to stay here for a moment.

"What about the black monkeys out there? Are they gone? " Luo Zheng asked.

Feng Song looked at her and shook her head in frustration. "They are still there..."

"Then it's over."

Luo Zheng said as he struggled to get up from the ground.

After a little rest, his physical strength recovered a little, which could at least support him to sit up.

"How are you?" Feng Song a startled a suddenly say.

Watching Luo Zheng fall down, Feng song is really six gods have no master, although Luo Zheng earn to get up, but she has hope.

She looks cold and independent. In fact, she is extremely dependent on people in her heart. It's just that it's hard for her to show such mentality in the heavenly palace.

"Can Give me a hand? " Luo Zheng said helplessly.

Fengge rushed up to help him up.

Luo Zheng turned around and looked around the mountain stream, then moved to the side of the mountain wall and sat down against the mountain wall.

The situation is not as bad as Fengge said. No matter what the monster in the deep of the mountain stream is, it's great news that it didn't do anything to them.

Those black monkeys are so persistent that they always stay outside.

After three or four hours, Luo Zheng felt that the surrounding area gradually became dark, and the effect of dark fruit began to lose.

Although Luo Zheng tested the aging of dark fruit, it lasted about seven hours, but the duration of each fruit was long and short.

In order to be on the safe side, he asked Fengge to take out two fruits and swallow them one by one. The dark world was gradually restored to a ray of light.

"How many more dark fruits?" Luo Zheng asked.

Feng Song's Xumi ring was shimmering. She counted it and then said, "there are 14 more."


According to the longest time limit, he and Fengge can only last 49 hours, that is, more than four days.

In four days, if they can't find the black-and-white tree, they will be engulfed by the darkness, and the end can be imagined.

Seeing that the black monkeys are full of patience, it's no way to keep waiting.

Luo Zheng stood up slowly and said, "let's go in and have a look."

"Go in?" Feng GE's eyes stare.

Recalling the cold touch of those tentacles, Fengge couldn't help shivering.

"To stay here is to wait for death," Luo Zheng said.

Fengge wants to say something else, but finally she chooses to be silent. What Luo Zheng says is reasonable. She is not willing to die in the dark. Maybe the monster is not as terrible as she imagined.

Luo Zheng's physical strength has recovered, and there is no big problem in keeping normal walking.

One before the other, they walked deep into the mountain stream.

The two sides of the mountain stream narrowed continuously. Originally, the width of the mountain stream was only about Zhang. After a long distance, the width of the mountain stream narrowed to only one or two feet. It turned into a stone crack. Luo Zheng and Fengge could only walk sideways.

After walking through the narrow stone gap for several miles, the front suddenly opened up, and they looked at each other with surprise.

The mountain walls on both sides of the stone crevice have been chiseled once. There are all kinds of murals carved on them. If you carefully identify them, they are huge Sanskrit!

Along the Sanskrit, there is a triangle cave on the mountain wall. Black tentacles extend from the cave and hang on the ground from above.

"Those tentacles..." Feng Song saw the tentacle, the whole person was surprised.


The movement of Fengge attracts the attention of tentacles.

All the tentacles danced quickly and rushed to Fengge and Luozheng.

Luo Zheng grabs Feng Ge and covers her mouth. At the same time, they crawl on the ground.

The tentacles swept over their heads, and then swept the space around them. A few tentacles explored Fengge and Luo Zheng. Finally, they got nothing and slowly retracted into the triangle cave.If the Phoenix song is the body into the other side, in the tentacle under the temptation, her whole body hair will stand up.

But now she seems to understand a little bit, her eyes are bright, and she wants to tell Luo Zheng what she has observed, but Luo Zheng makes a silent gesture to show that he is very clear.

These tentacles, you can't see two people.

Black monkeys are dark creatures, and tentacles are also dark creatures. They are the same kind of creatures, so tentacles can find their existence very sensitively.

Keluo Zheng and Fengge come from outside the dark realm, and their forms are essentially different from those of the living beings in the dark realm.

They had swallowed the fruit of darkness and were able to integrate into the dark domain, but the energy of the fruit of darkness was absorbed by them and little escaped.

Maybe the tentacles are aware of something, but they can't confirm it.

Luo Zheng pats Fengge on the shoulder and encourages her to move on. It should be safe as long as she doesn't make a noise.

Further on, Luo Zheng found that there was more than one cave in the triangle.

Every fifty or sixty feet, there is a triangle cave. Countless tentacles fall down from the cave. I don't know what creatures lie in these caves. From the outside, I can't see anything except those tangled tentacles.

When Luo Feng stretched his finger in front of the mountain, he looked carefully.

It's at the end of it. It's a round valley.

The walls of the valley are also carved with huge Sanskrit, and the mountain walls are covered with dense triangular caves, in which many tentacle monsters are stuffed.

But Luo Zheng's eyes were fixed on the middle of the valley, where the darkness suddenly stopped!

A gentle sunlight, like a sword, penetrates from the sky. The light covers a distance of only about Zhang, and a tombstone bathes in it.

Although Luo Zheng didn't know what happened to the light and why it appeared in the dark area, he was sure that the heaven and earth was not the dark area!

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