These pig faced monsters are most afraid of Luo Zheng's idea of hitting the holy tomb.

When Luo Zheng asked, the pig faced monsters were even more nervous.

"Get your dirty feet off me!"

"Our holy Tomb of Lord HUYUN can't be touched by you dirty human beings!"

"I'm going to skin you!"

Looking at Luo Zheng's behavior, these pig faced monsters even more fiercely yelled and scolded.

Other pig faced monsters heard the curse and came out of the valley.

"Those pig face monsters are coming up again," Fengge reminds Luo Zheng.

"Ignore them," Luo Zheng said without expression.

Anyway, in this area, they can leave at any time, and the dark creatures can't come in. Luo Zhengda can try anything here.

He revolved around the holy tomb, and the pig faced monsters were still yelling. Finally, Luo Zheng stopped in front of the tombstone of the holy tomb and bowed to the tombstone.

Fengge opens her eyes wide. She doesn't know what Luo Zheng's action means. On the contrary, those pig faced monsters are excited.

"This guy is finally enlightened. He's going to submit to our Lord HUYUN!"

"Even if we kneel and pray for forgiveness, we can only give you one death, but it's not so painful!"

"Now that you've figured it out, step back!"

After Luo Zheng's worship, he stood up and gave a smile to the pig faced monsters. Then he jumped to the grave and dug with his bare hands!

In order to leave this place, he could only find the answer inside the tomb.

Just now, Luo Zheng's visit to the shrine is just his own insistence. No matter whether the pure one is dead or not, it's always disrespectful to dig up the graves of other creatures.

Those ferocious pig faced monsters are just dumbfounded.

They never thought that Luo Zheng really dared to dig the holy tomb!

"Stop it


"Wuwuwu, we are ashamed of HUYUN..."

These pig faced monsters finally realized that threatening Luo Zheng was not only ineffective, but also counterproductive. Some pig faced monsters began to plead.

But these pig faced monsters are not trustworthy at all. Where does Luo Zheng care about them?


Luo Zheng put aside the soil on the tomb, and below it were long and thin stone strips. When these stone strips touched, they sent out cold air.

Luo Zheng tried to break these stone bars, but there was no response under the force, and the firmness was beyond his imagination.

Finally, Luo Zheng could only start from one side of the tomb and took out the stones and threw them to Fengge not far away.

These stone bars should also contain a strong power of the other side, which has never been eliminated by bathing in the light, and can be used as a keepsake of the other side!

Fengge put these stones behind the ring of Xumi, stood on the side of the tomb and looked down carefully.

After all the stones were removed, a round cave with a diameter of three feet appeared below.

"Is it empty under the grave?" Feng Song's eyes slightly coagulate.

If there is an underground passage below, it would be nice to help them get out of this place.

"I'll go down and have a look," said Luo Zheng.

Just as Luo Zheng was about to jump down the cave, the blue pig faced monster appeared next to the light cave again. It seemed that he hissed and tried his best to shout: "you will regret it!"

Other pig faced monsters roared along with them. There was a restless smell in the whole valley. Even the tentacles in the valley quietly retracted into the triangle cave.

Luo Zheng just took a light look at the blue pig face monster and jumped into the cave under the tomb.

Fengge stood alone at the entrance of the tomb, a little nervous on her face.

Although I knew these guys couldn't get in, these pig faced monsters howled together, just like a mountain falling apart.

"Let's cover up the light!"

"Block the light, you can catch them!"

"Let them do it..."

Before the pig face monster and those tentacles, are very blind into the light hole.

With their flesh and blood, how much they rush in will be ablated by the light.

It's about that some pig face monster's head is enlightened. The power of this light is powerful, but it can't eliminate the rocks in an instant.

Those tentacles that shrink into the triangle cave extend to the outside of the valley one after another, involving the big rocks outside the valley!


Fengge saw a huge black shadow passing in the distance. It was a huge stone sent by the tentacle, which directly blocked the top of Fengge's head!

The pillar of light from the top to the bottom is naturally blocked by this huge stone, and Fengge has already stood in the shadow.

In the face of a sudden scene, Feng Song Leng in situ, do not know how to deal with.

"Get her!"

"Kill her!"

"We can rush in!"Those pig face strange in the outside endure so long, already press can't bear, wait until that stone block light of moment rushed to Feng Song.

"Phoenix song?"

Luo Zheng, who just jumped down from the entrance of the tomb, felt the light on his head disappear, and his face also changed slightly.

It's not clear what happened, but the light is their only barrier!

Almost without any hesitation, Luo Zheng had jumped up and wanted to rush up to find out.

But it's easy to get down from the entrance of the tomb, but it's hard to get up. Luo Zheng just rushed up to the entrance of the tomb, and a strange force suddenly pulled down. Luo Zheng's path has fallen down since the height of three or four feet!

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

In the blink of an eye, three or four pig face monsters have rushed to Fengge. One of them reaches out his hand and holds Fengge, and is about to pull her out.

Out of instinct, Fengge launched a counterattack.

The golden streamer on her body kept flashing, and all the golden whips were whipping towards these pig faced monsters like a storm. But the power of Jinwu magic fire was too limited to hurt these pig faced monsters.

"Just came in That's it... "

Fengge has fallen into despair at this moment.

But at this time, a bright light shines again.

Although the huge stone temporarily blocked the light, it was originally a thing in the dark. When the huge stone blocked the light, it was also suffering from the erosion of the light. It was only two or three blinks of an eye, and the huge huge stone was pierced by the light.


Once again, the light of snow fell on Fengge.

Those pig faced monsters around her didn't have time to scream, and their bodies were completely wiped out by the light, leaving only a pungent smell.

This light won a breath for Fengge. Seeing those tentacles holding boulders, Fengge's face changed greatly.

When these stones completely cover the light, she may never have a chance to escape.

This time, without any hesitation, Fengge jumped into the cave under the tomb.

The situation outside the cave is extremely critical, and it's not much better in the cave.

Directly opposite Luo Zheng, there is a small white shadow floating. The energy contained in the shadow is not powerful, and it can pose a strong threat to Luo Zheng.

The power that just pulled him down came from the white shadow!

"Be careful!"

Just at the moment when Fengge jumps down from the top, Luo Zheng reminds her that the white shadow just floats to Fengge!

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