Demon night and human looks are not exactly the same.

Her hair is softer, and she looks more relaxed with the trimmed fringe.

Under the soft and fine hair, there is a face that is white to the extreme. All the proportions on that face are in the golden ratio. It's OK that this beautiful face doesn't smile. If it can smile out, it will certainly fascinate all living beings.

Her dress is totally different from that of the eastern tribes, which is more bold and unrestrained. For example, her armor only covers her chest, while the hollowed out armor sets off her bare waist. Because of the amazing length of her jade legs, she looks even taller. In fact, her height is not much different from that of Luo Zheng.

Because Luo Zheng, the sword spirit demon night, almost perfectly reproduces the woman of the demon night clan, she looks lifelike. In addition to her slightly stiff expression, she immediately frightens many people and wonders how there is such a beautiful woman in the arena?

Yunv peak, Qingxin hall, a huge letter GUI placed in the center of Qingxin hall.

The female disciples of Qingyun sect are more particular than the male ones. Some mountain disciples, such as Xiaoyu peak, are placed directly on the school yard. Everyone sits on the dusty school yard to watch Xingui.

While the female disciples of yunnvfeng cleaned the Qingxin hall, and placed some futons in the hall. Many female disciples sat on the futon to watch the whole peak. Beside the futon, there were even many snacks, such as spiced pine nuts, green tea and melon seeds.

Zhu qianning, leaning on the futon, watches Luo Zheng's performance in Quanfeng Dabi.

Zhu qianning's sisters all know what she's thinking. At the beginning of the fight, if Luo Zheng wins, they will tease Zhu qianning, and their voices are melodious and tactful, "Oh! Our brother Luo Zheng has won again

Although Zhu qianning is angry on her face, she is warm in her heart. The girl's feelings are often so simple.

However, with the rapid rise of Luo Zheng in Quanfeng Dabi, the whole Qingyun sect was shocked. When many female disciples looked at Luo Zheng again, they had a special vision. Which girl is not pregnant? In the eyes of many female disciples of yunvfeng, Luo Zheng's status is constantly rising.

Luo Zheng will shine in the future!

Even Zhu qianning's sisters no longer make fun of Zhu qianning

Sometimes the world of martial arts may be warm, but most of the time it is snobbish and realistic. With Zhu qianning's appearance and birth, he may be a top-notch existence in the whole eastern region. For many people, he may be a goddess who can't be reached in his life. He can't even have a lofty mind. The gap is too big.

Originally, they may think that Zhu qianning and Luo Zheng are a pair of talented women. Even Luo Zheng's family background is low, and they have the feeling of a phoenix man. If he and Zhu qianning make up a pair, they still have the feeling of climbing high.

But now, the situation has changed.

With Luo Zheng's talent, the eastern region can't accommodate him at all. Luo Zheng is destined to jump out of the eastern region and release his brilliance in the wider world. I'm afraid even Pei Luo Zheng, the princess of the burning Dynasty, is reluctant.

So when Zhu qianning saw Luo Zheng's performance, he felt both gratified and disappointed

When she first met Luo Zheng, she could take care of her superiority and maintain her little pride. However, this young man grew up rapidly. The speed of growth made him breathless. At the same time, it made Zhu qianning feel that he was more and more far away from him.

In this complex mood, suddenly saw a gorgeous woman appeared in Luo Zheng's side, her heart depression can be imagined.

"Who is that woman? Why did he suddenly appear beside him? " Zhu qianning wanted to ask, but apparently none of the people around her could answer

Zhu qianning is definitely not the only one who wants to ask who the woman is.

In fact, most people can't turn their heads around a bit now. They all want to ask, "who is this woman? How come they suddenly appear like ghosts

Even a few real people with slightly clumsy eyes were stunned, and they didn't see it.

"The sword spirit, and it's the sword spirit of transformation. Elder Xu, don't tell me that the sword spirit was just understood by Luo Zheng! Don't tell me, the sword spirit is just shaped, "Shi Jingtian murmured, looking at the gorgeous woman in the competition field.

Hearing Shi Jingtian's words, elder Xu was depressed. What can I tell you? Can't you see clearly? You don't know that a swordsman needs to understand the meaning of the perfect sword before he can condense the spirit of the sword. As for the transformation of the spirit of the sword, it takes at least many years, which is still a good talent. If a swordsman has less talent, he can't condense the spirit of the sword even if he understands the meaning of the perfect sword! Everything is life!

Luo Zheng's life is too damn good. Elder Xu is really envious in his heart. With elder Xu's strength and disposition, the mountains are falling apart without blinking an eye. But how can Luo Zheng's evil talent make people not envious?

Pei TIANYAO, who has always been as light as water and as steady as a mountain, also has a brilliant look in his eyes. When he saw Luo Zheng's sword spirit, he didn't have the heart to meditate. What he paid attention to in the cultivation of Buddhism is the heart. Pei TIANYAO's heart is very good, and it's so good that he can't calm down at this moment.It's just like a monk who recites sutras all day. He lives in the morning and the evening. It seems that he has seen through all the splendor and wealth in the world. He is devoted to Buddhism, and one day he will get the true biography of the Buddha. But suddenly one day, a little monk came to the temple. Without practicing for a few days, the little monk inexplicably encountered the real Buddha and accepted the true biography of the Buddha.

Encounter this kind of thing, Pei TIANYAO estimates to be able to smile bitterly at the same time, scold a way in the heart: really the son of a bitch is not fair.

Mo Yuxin also asked: "brother Pei, what is that? I don't feel human! How could such a woman appear? "

Mo Yuxin's feeling relies on the intuition of the blood of the divine beast. She feels the strange feeling from the demon night. She can tell that she is not a real person, but she doesn't know what she is!

"That's the sword spirit!" Pei TIANYAO was asked some irritable, impatient answer.

"Oh Mo Yuxin curls her lips. She can't figure out why elder martial brother Pei is unhappy. Why is he unhappy? Great sword spirit! Hum!

Hua Tianming has just condensed his extreme thunder sword intention, but when he saw Luo Zheng summoning the sword spirit, his body suddenly trembled. If he didn't know it, he thought he was electrified by his own thunder.

Then Hua Tianming showed a bitter smile on his face. The smile was really bitter. He shook his head and said, "I thought I was in the sword washing pool. I realized the meaning of thunder and lightning and integrated it with my own sword. This is a great chance. After all, it's the sword washing pool. I'm afraid no one has been in the eastern region for thousands of years. This chance makes me very happy and proud, I didn't expect... " Hua Tianming took a deep breath. "I didn't expect that you would condense the sword spirit directly, and also transform the sword spirit into shape!"

It was not until Hua Tianming said this that many disciples understood it.

"Sword spirit! Is the woman beside Luo Zheng a sword spirit

"Since Hua Tianming said that, he must be a sword spirit. I remember that there is a record about sword spirit in the ancient books of kendo. After understanding the meaning of perfect sword, you can cultivate sword spirit! However, it is said in the ancient books that it can be as short as three or five years and as long as several decades. Even some swordsmen can understand the perfect meaning of the sword, but they can't coagulate the spirit of the sword! "

"Is your book a fake? Luo Zheng realized the meaning of the perfect sword. In less than two hours, there would be a sword spirit? "

"I don't know. It's recorded in ancient books. I guess It's not that the records in the classics are wrong, but that Luo Zheng gives the common sense recorded in the classics to It was overthrown

Luo Zheng directly transformed the sword spirit into shape, which shocked the green dragon in Luo Zheng's mind who had read countless books and lived for many years. Therefore, in the eyes of the people in the eastern regions, it is impossible to understand the two-hour condensation of the sword spirit and the transformation of the shape, so it is inevitable to overthrow the records in the classics.

"The sword washing pool where I live is a half step holy land, but I don't know where brother Luo Zheng went when he realized the meaning of the perfect sword? What do you see? " When Hua Tianming asked, he added, "if it's inconvenient to say it, it's OK not to say it."

Luo Zheng shook his head, there is nothing to hide, "a mountain, a place called killing sword mountain."

"Kill Jianshan!" Hua Tianming's pupils are tightening.

The sword washing pool can only be regarded as a half step Holy Land! There are many holy places above the sword washing pool! In the memory of Yihua's destiny, he certainly remembers the records in the ancient books. Killing Jianshan, tidal sword tomb and Tianjian stele are the first of all the holy places of kendo, and they are called the three holy places of Kendo!

If you can choose, what Hua Tianming wants to choose most is the Tianjian stele, because it is the most consistent with his "Tianjian" skill, and has the greatest understanding of him. However, this thing depends entirely on chance. It has always been the holy land to choose people. If there is no holy land to choose, he is not qualified at all!

"You are too strong, Luo Zheng. Before that, I thought I was inferior to Pei TIANYAO, but I could catch up with him, but you It's the first person I feel that I can't catch up with, "Hua Tianming said with a bleak look on his face." but there are so many talents in the world that I can't imagine. In the eastern region, I'm a decisive genius. Maybe in the middle region, I'm nothing! But I want to catch up with you, even if I can't catch up with you, it's enough for me to make greater achievements! "

If you can't catch up with a genius, follow in his footsteps!

It has to be said that Hua Tianming's nature of mind is also excellent, at least not like some people's jealousy of madness, or even generate demons.

"So I know I won't be defeated, this sword is still better than that!" After Hua Tianming finished, the wind and thunder of the blood erosion sword in his hand surged, and the meaning of the perfect sword roared. The long-standing sword stabbed Luo Zheng.

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