The mountain not only has powerful space magic power, but also has its own strength, which makes the evil spirits afraid.

But the more things the evil gods fear, the more attractive they are to him!

The evil spirit is dormant in the shadow, and its original intention is to give Luo Zheng a fatal blow at the critical moment.

Now Luo Zheng has been exiled to some ghost place by the mountain, and the evil spirits feel sorry. However, the mountain seems to be a good object, especially its spatial ability!

If you can get this kind of space magic power, it will be like a tiger.

When sorrow and martyrdom sealed the power of "mountain" with the abacus, the evil god understood that his opportunity had come.

He quietly attached to the back of a Tiangong disciple, and suddenly appeared behind the mountain while the mountain moved.

With a burst of perverse laughter, a wisp of black awn bloomed in the eyes of the evil god.


The black awn in the evil god's eyes stretched out and turned into slender four legged snakes. The slender bodies of these four legged snakes suddenly wound around the body of the mountain.

In the face of sudden changes, Shan didn't panic, but his face showed dignified color for the first time.

His arms suddenly earned, and the four legged snake wrapped around him did not move!

Now the power of the other side that the mountain can borrow is infinitely close to zero, and the power of the pure physical body is only tens of gods. Where can we make it?


If you can't read it, you can read it again.

The shape of the mountain was blurred, and it was about to move away.

But these four legged snakes have unique energy properties, which can be firmly attached to him, making him unable to escape into space!

"You can't escape, you..." There was a meaningful expression on the evil god's face.

The mountain did not pay attention to the evil spirits. A cube appeared deep in his pupil, which immediately enveloped him, the four legged snakes and the evil spirits at the other end of the four legged snakes.


The mountain moved itself and the evil spirit together!

The next moment, the two appeared in the sky, and then fell down.

The evil god was dragged down by the mountain for several feet.

However, the mountain itself can not use the power of the other side, and its own weight and physical strength are not worth mentioning in front of the evil god. The evil god gently pulls those four legged snakes, and then stops in the air and hovers in the air.

But just after the evil spirit hovered, the mountain again delimited a space and moved them.

The moment the evil God moved again, he saw a huge foot coming towards him. It was the foot of Hunyuan's spirit!

The Liyuan clan, the otomous clan and other alien clans are fighting with Hunyuan's spirit matrix in full swing. They are also surprised to see the mountain and the evil spirits emerge.

The evil god did not expect that when his own strength was banned, Shan would use such a means to kill people.

Looking at the huge foot like a mountain down, he was also startled!

Hunyuan's spirit matrix is slow, but its power is terrible. Even the shield of the array is crushed by it. It is as strong as an evil spirit, and it can't resist it.


At this moment, the evil god had no other idea and dragged the mountain straight out.


Then Hunyuan spirit stepped out a huge pit on the ground.

The evil god just dragged the mountain to escape from the mother's feet, but the space of his eyes was in a flash. He and the mountain actually appeared at the other foot of the mother!

Hunyuan's spirit matrix was originally furious, but suddenly found that there were two celebrities constantly swinging under his feet, which was quite strange.

But the mother does not have the slightest pity, its giant foot does not hesitate to step down again!


With a flexible figure, the evil god rushed out from the foot of the mother again, dragging the mountain. At the same time, he said in a cold voice, "do you want to die together?"

The mountain look calm reply way: "if die together of words, I will in the mother's feet completely step down when carry on move."

If the mother's giant foot is only a few feet away from the ground, and the mountain pulls the evil god to move in, both of them will be crushed. No matter how fast the evil god is, they will not be able to escape.

"It's just a warning," Shan continued. "Let me go, or we'll die together."

Shan won't really die. He doesn't attach so much importance to his own life, but there is only one life for the evil god.

So in the face of the test of fear of death, the two are not on the same starting line.

Even though he was arrogant, he was still afraid of death.

At the next moment, he is bound to let go of himself and avoid being dragged into death. This is the judgment of Shan.

But Shan made a mistake


The evil god's eyes flashed, and the black light in his eyes began to spread again.

"Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong..."At this moment, the sound completely disappeared.

Everyone subconsciously hears their own heartbeat.

The surrounding color changes, the black smoke turns white, and the Yellow rocky ground turns dark blue.

The snow-white skin became dark, and the dark sky was shining with white light.

"What's the matter?"

"What happened..."

"Go on, don't be in a daze!"

Stunned by the change of the environment, a Liyuan clansman was smacked by Hunyuan's spirit matrix. The terrible force directly smashed him.

Seeing the changes in the surrounding environment, Shan's pupils shrank slightly, and his face changed greatly. "This is What civilization gave you when the world came? "

The evil god squinted at the mountain and said with a smile, "I have eyes. I can even see a civilization standing behind me!"

There are many civilizations remaining on the other side. Each dominant civilization has defined its own unique rules. Only when it is chosen as the spokesman of civilization can it have the ability to come to the world.

In this world, the laws that existed before will be redefined.

However, civilization is also divided into strong and weak, so is the world that comes.

For example, the "coming of blood" possessed by the mountain master of Taiming mountain makes the world of blood weaker, because the civilization behind the mountain master of Taiming mountain is not really a powerful dominating civilization.

"Even if you come down to the world, you may not be able to help me!" The voice of the mountain fell down and once again delineated a cube, enveloping him and the evil god.

This time, the mountain was more accurate in the use of space powers. He moved directly to the edge of the foot of Hunyuan's spirit matrix, and placed the evil god directly below. The foot of the matrix had basically stepped down, and the evil god was determined not to dodge.

But the moment the evil god was thrown in, his body was also a flash. He also made a big move and appeared in the air. He grinned and said: "it's really a wonderful space magic power. Tut Tut, it's really convenient to use. This ability is destined to be mine..."

As the voice fell, the evil god's arm trembled slightly, and a reddish energy beam spread around his body, outlining a huge energy body, which turned out to be the shadow of the Nuwa people!

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