When Luo Zheng saw this scene, he was surprised.

These little monsters imprison themselves, fight with those two headed flying snakes regardless of life and death, and then send themselves here.

The purpose is these brown beads?

"These little monsters are also the aborigines in this space?" Luo Zheng asked.

The delicate man nodded casually and said, "they were originally the race in the master's body. After the master occupied this space, he released them..."

Race in the inner world

Hearing this, Luo Zheng was shocked again.

What is their master? Is it just the creatures in the inner world that are so powerful?

"What about the two headed flying snakes?" Luo Zheng asked again.

"Yes," the pretty man nodded.

So answer, it is to let Luo Zheng a little confused, "but I see they fight each other fiercely."

"The master did it on purpose," the delicate man said. "In this space, the master kept three races. At the beginning, the master only kept two headed worried snakes. But soon, the two headed worried snakes almost spread all over the space. The master had no way to introduce the other two races. Only under the mutual checks and balances of the three races can the number of them be limited."

Luo Zheng nodded, but asked in his mind: "9527, don't you say that this space is controlled by some chaotic ancient god?"

The statement of this delicate man is totally contradictory to what was said in 9527.

9527 is also confused, and finally can only say: "you go to ask the spirit of sapphire! Maybe he knows

The spirit of sapphire represents the civilization of sapphire, and the whole civilization of sapphire almost occupies the whole chaos. Even the spirit of sapphire once served as the ancient god of chaos.

What's more, as I just said in 9527, this one was born in the 77th civilization, and the sapphire civilization is 749. The sapphire civilization should have some understanding of this space.

Luo Zheng followed the elegant man into the door and walked along a narrow space passage. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Luo Zheng turned into an inner incarnation.

At the beginning, in order to let the spirit of sapphire ease Professor Luo Nian, Luo Zheng opened up a special space.

Only the spirit of Luo Nian and sapphire can freely enter and leave this space, which is very quiet.

In an open courtyard, the spirit of sapphire sits upright, while Luo Nian meditates with his knees crossed and his eyes closed.

From behind Luo Nian, there is a little green light circling, turning into a delicate jade lotus. Under the quiet circling of the lotus, Luo Nian's body surface also appears a touch of emerald green.

At the moment when Luo Zheng's incarnation escapes into this space, the spirit of sapphire is aware of it.

"Mr. Green Jade," Luo Zheng arched his hand to the spirit of green jade.

The spirit of green jade also nodded to respond, and said: "nianer's talent is really extraordinary. In a short time, he has trained the spirit of green to the third level..."

As a dominating force, sapphire civilization has also created countless magical powers.

"Qingling Yingzhao" is a physical training skill selected by the spirit of sapphire for Luo Nian. At the beginning, the spirit of sapphire worried that Luo Nian would not be able to cultivate the supernatural power of sapphire civilization. After all, there was a gap between races, especially the difference between sapphire and other flesh and blood bodies.

I didn't expect that Luo Nian's training was very smooth.

Luo Zheng glanced at Luo Nian who was concentrating on cultivation. The emerald green light on Luo Nian's body was very stable. Although it was not as good as his own body, it was amazing that he could reach such a level at this stage.

Luo Nian had been absorbed in his meditation, but he didn't notice the arrival of Luo Zheng.

"With Mr. Qingyu's Professor, nianer has made great progress, but I'm here for other things," Luo said.

"What's the matter?" The spirit of jade asked.

"I should have found the second defect of Tao energy," Luo Zheng said calmly.

"What? Did you find it? What's the defect? Don't you think it's wrong? " The spirit of jade was obviously stunned.

Luo Zheng shook his head and said, "I can't mistake it. It's an arc similar to xuanlei Shinto. The other side is also majoring in Tao energy and integrates that arc into Tao energy."

"Didn't you get it?" The green jade spirit urgently asks a way.

You should know that the wing king of sapphire civilization has spent a lot of effort and time for the sake of blood yuan Shinto.

How long has passed now, Luo Zheng has found the second flaw. It's really incredible. The spirit of sapphire is naturally excited.

"Not yet," Luo Zheng's eyes were complicated. "I was banished to a space in Hunyuan world..."

"Space exile?" The spirit of the jade asked, "this kind of trouble is nothing."

But Luo Zheng shook his head and said, "it's the deleted space."

Listen to Luo Zheng so a say, the green jade spirit face appears a trace of strange color, "you were deleted by the son of truth?"? Removed from chaos? ""Well," Luo Zheng nodded.

Who knows that the spirit of sapphire's face shows a helpless smile and says: "coincidentally, when I was the son of truth, I mastered the spatial truth..."

"What Luo Zheng's eyebrow suddenly one Yang, "be banished in this space, can have the way back?"

Luo Zheng is not very interested in what is in this space.

He just wants to return to Hunyuan world quickly!

"If I'm still the son of truth, I can help you go back. I can't go back unless the chaotic ancient god who banished you takes the hand..." The spirit of green jade says very definitely.

The mountain is a part of the ancient god of chaos. With its current ability, the mountain can be exiled, but it may not be recovered. Moreover, Luo Zheng could not place his hope on his opponent.

Seeing the disappointment on Luo Zheng's face, the spirit of sapphire continued: "don't look at this empty space. I once deleted countless creatures in it, including several races against the civilization of sapphire, as well as some threats that can't be dealt with, and energy crystals that explode at any time..."

"Empty?" Luo Zheng looks at the spirit of sapphire with strange eyes.

This void is not empty, all kinds of debris intertwined together, like a huge garbage station.

The spirit of green jade noticed Luo Zheng's expression and said, "am I wrong?"

"In this space, there are a lot of life debris, rocks and debris, everything, floating in a mess..." Luo Zheng replied.

"How can it be!"

The spirit of green jade is familiar with this empty space, but it says: "if you delete the material in this space, it will be completely deleted every once in a while. If you don't recycle it, both the living and the dead will disappear completely. How can it be like what you said? You Take me to have a look! "

Seeing the reaction of the spirit of sapphire, Luo Zheng already understood that even the spirit of sapphire, once the son of truth, was not clear about the changes in this space.

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