After the collapse of a chaos, the new world rules will completely suppress everything in the last world.

Life, matter, even consciousness are rejected.

Except for the chaotic ancient god who understood the truth, all the creatures who want to live can only escape to the other side.

The space where the king of worry free lives is independent of chaos. Although he can avoid the deletion of Ji's column and control the space, he can only hide in the space just like other creatures.

"The other side..." Luo Zheng's eyebrows were slightly raised.

9527 and the spirit of sapphire are also different. They only treat this space as a "Recycle Bin". From another point of view, this space can avoid the extinction of chaos, which is really another shore!

Wu you Wang showed a smile and said: "in fact, I also intend to build this place into another shore, one that only belongs to our human race. No other alien race can touch it!"

The situation on the other side is extremely complicated. There are not only countless Yang souls, but also many kinds of creatures on the other side

What a terrible thing it would be to have a race on the other side?

The carefree king is so ambitious!

This news is good for the Terran. After thinking about it, Luo Zheng asked, "how can the creatures in chaos escape into this space?"

The entrance of this space is controlled by the "mountain" and the chaotic ancient god behind the mountain. It is difficult for the king to ensure that the chaotic ancient god is on his side.

Carefree King's face calmly asked: "how do the creatures in chaos enter the other side?"

"Nature is the true meaning of cultivating Tao," Luo Zheng replied without thinking about it.

When Luo Zheng just answered, the spirit of sapphire and 9527 exchanged their eyes, and they had a hunch in their heart.

Luo Zheng immediately responded, "is there a way to get here?"

The carefree King's face was full of meaningful color. Under his hand, the red, yellow and blue energy swirled up. "The true meaning of this sect is my life's hard work. I call it the true meaning of the three spiritual buildings."

"You have created a true meaning!" Ninety five twenty seven felt that his brain couldn't turn around.

"How could that be..." In the eyes of the spirit of sapphire, there is also the color of confusion.

What we have seen and heard today has completely overturned their understanding.

The spirit of sapphire is more thorough than that of 9527. All Sanskrit is spread by him through the other side, and the true meaning of the thirteen recorded Tao should also be created by No.1 civilization.

Some people often find special keepsakes on the other side, but no one ever creates the true meaning of the passage!

I saw the carefree King mixed three kinds of energy into one, and the three colors turned into a mass of black energy.

Under the continuous rolling of black energy, it turns into a stone statue, which is actually a horse head!

"Void creation..." Luo Zheng's eyes kept beating.

The ability of void creation can only be accomplished in one's own inner world.

But king Wuyou used the true meaning of the Sanling building to build a stone carving at will

This move also shocked the three of them.


With the carefree King's gentle pinch, the horse's head was crushed. He said faintly: "the true meaning of the thirteen kinds of Tao was indeed created by the instant civilization, but the true meaning of the thirteen kinds of Tao was castrated by the yuan spirit civilization, and lost the corresponding supernatural power. At the beginning, our human civilization had a bloody battle with the yuan spirit civilization in the 32nd heaven, which made the yuan spirit people suffer a great loss After that, all the true meaning of Tao has lost its original corresponding strength.... "

"In a bloody battle with the yuan spirit civilization, was the Terran so powerful?" The spirit of sapphire was even more surprised.

Even if it was as powerful as jade civilization, it could not be the enemy of Yuan spirit civilization at the beginning. The spirit of jade did not expect that the human race was so brilliant on the other side!

It's just that there is a long time between the 77th civilization and the 749th civilization. When the Terran retreated and chose to hide, the legend about the Terran has disappeared, and it's normal that the spirit of sapphire has not been heard of.

Carefree King's face is proud, the corner of his mouth is slightly tilted, ignoring the spirit of sapphire. Of course, the once human race is not a nameless race!

Luo Zheng was concerned about another one and asked, "has the true meaning of Tao been castrated?"

The carefree king looked at Luo Zheng with a smile and asked, "how? Are you aware of that? "

"No," Luo Zheng shook his head and said, "I practice the sword to carry the eternal true meaning into the Tao, but I inadvertently got two Sanskrits in the chapter of true realization. These two Sanskrits seem to complete the eternal true meaning of sword transport. I think the castration mentioned by King Wuyou should refer to the extra two Sanskrits?"

The king of worry free looked at Luo Zheng and said, "you should show it."

Luo Zheng nodded, closed his eyes and meditated.

In a short time, a white cyclone generated from his mind. Although the words of his true understanding chapter were few, they were enough to easily condense the true meaning cyclone.At the moment of seeing the true meaning cyclone, the carefree King nodded and said, "OK."

"This is The castrated part? " Luo Zheng asked.

The king of worry free nodded and said, "well, the chapter of true enlightenment you said should have been released on purpose."

The yellow paper was obtained by Taiyi of the Eastern Emperor, which translated the eternal meaning of Jianyun and made the foundation of Taiyi Tiangong.

As for whether the East emperor Taiyi got it by accident or was given by someone, I'm afraid only the East emperor Taiyi can know

"In addition to this chapter of true enlightenment, can the other parts of the true meaning of Tao be castrated spread?" The king asked again.

Luo Zheng shook his head, "never heard of it."

Wuyue Wang looked at 9527, and 9527 also denied: "it should not be."

"The true meaning of the thirteen ways of civilization 749 should also be what you mean by castration," the spirit of sapphire responded.

In this way, Luo Zheng thought of an important thing, and said: "not only that, now the true meaning of the holy body can't enter the Tao, now there's no way to escape to the other side with the body..."

"Is the true meaning of liva also forbidden?" After hearing the news, the king of worry free thought quietly, and immediately showed a clear smile, "sure enough, they are afraid in the other side..."

Terran has never been a weak race, immersed in so many years, is for this day.

"But elder, as you said, if you want to build this place into the other side, where can you find the keepsake of the other side? How can we gain the power of the other side? " Luo Zheng asked again what he was puzzled about.

The carefree Dynasty pointed to the void and said, "don't all the keepsakes on the other side exist there?"

In the void in the distance, pieces of debris float quietly among them.


Luo Zheng, 9527 and the spirit of sapphire are all speechless.

Is the other shore Keepsake the ruins of those exiled in the void?

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