When the evil god frowned, the black energy turned into a pair of broad wings. With the wings flapping, he rushed to Luozheng like lightning.

But how can the cohesive wings of evil spirits compare with the feathers of the king of wings?

Both speed and body method are not in the same level.

Luo Zheng's fingertips are constantly surrounded by three colors of energy. Only when the evil spirit is close to him, he will quietly avoid it. The three colors of energy shot away from three angles!

The true meaning of sanlingjian is a magic power used to create things. It is stronger than the true meaning of other Tao in terms of pure energy. As soon as he entered the space of wuyouwang, he was restrained by a group of small monsters, and his power can be imagined.

They chased and fled in the air, but the evil god not only failed to touch Luo Zheng's sleeve, but was penetrated by the three color energy from time to time.

If it wasn't for his special constitution, the general injury could be repaired in the blink of an eye, I'm afraid he would have been beaten into a sieve by Luo Zheng!

After chasing for a while, the evil god finally stopped and stared at Luo Zheng with moriran's eyes.

It's no way to go on like this. He will be consumed by Luo Zheng sooner or later.

"My creator, how dare you fight with me?"

The evil god said, his body trembled slightly, Wa's shadow scattered from his back, his three heads and six arms also disappeared, and the body of Chen Jin on his body surface also disappeared.

He abandoned all his blood powers!

Luo Zheng hovered in the air, took the emerald green feather on his head in his hand, and gently stroked: "what is dignified? This is the ability given to me by the other shore keepsake. Why should I abandon the long and choose the short? "

With a cold smile, the evil spirit's voice suddenly changed: "in this case, you can only see the real horror of the world."

The flow of energy in this black and white world is accelerating

The black energy turned into clouds and gathered over the head of the evil god, like a huge abyss.

Under the gathering of these energies, black lightning came out again, and came straight to the body of the evil god.

"Pa Pa Pa!"

Every black lightning strike on the evil god, you can see his face twitch, such pain is not ordinary people can bear.

But Luo Zheng remembered how the Liyuan people who had been bitten by the four pointed black snake howled.

The black lightning cleaved from the whirlpool is more and more fierce, and the evil god's face is more and more painful, but his body is getting bigger and stronger step by step!

Before that, the breath of the evil spirits, Luo Zheng and the mountain were the top in the same level, which could be detected as long as they were not blind.

But now the breath of the evil god is rising again, and it's hard for ordinary Hunyuan strong people to catch up with it!

Under the pressure of such breath, many ethnic groups in this black-and-white world are not very comfortable, they all feel the great threat.

The evil spirits who had been fighting with the three women turned into black energy and merged into the vortex above.

Luo Yan, Ling Shuang and Feng Ge also fly up together and stand side by side with Luo Zheng.


"Luo Zheng!"

When they feel the sudden increase of evil spirits, they naturally want to advance and retreat together with Luo Zheng!

"You go down," Luo Zheng ordered in a blunt tone.


Luo Yan is about to argue, but to see his brother's face is very serious, for a time some words, eyes suddenly red.

Seeing Luo Yan's look, Luo Zheng was slightly soft hearted and said, "this man was born of me. I should be the one to accept him. You can't fight him!"

In some battles, there are not many people with great strength. They are not only unable to help Luo Zheng here, but will hinder their hands and feet.

"We can always help," Fengge said stubbornly.

This trip to Hunyuan world once again made Fengge understand the talents of this world.

Fengge, Chou Si and Ling Shuang are among the top of their generation in the heavenly palace. Compared with the mountain, the evil god and Luo Zheng, they are completely weak. Their real strength can completely shake the strong in Hunyuan!

Even so, she still chose to stand beside Luo Zheng.

At this time, the distant mountain suddenly reached out to Luo Zheng and made a volley stroke in the air. One side of the space covered the three women.

When the outline of this space was outlined by the mountain, the three women had disappeared from Luo Zheng's side and returned to the side of sorrow and martyrdom.

Luo Zheng and the mountain across the air, the mountain showed a faint smile, but said: "I want to see you and his fair play."

Shan entered the world as a chaotic ancient god. He was extremely experienced in dealing with people.

His arrogance is engraved in his heart. He has never looked down upon any opponent of the same rank. How can he compare with Luo Zheng or evil god?

There should be no comparison in knowledge, birth, or talent.

The mountain never thought that he would break his halberd in the hands of evil gods!

He is calm and able to accept this setback.He wanted to see if Luo Zheng was an opponent of evil spirits

It is not only Shan who is looking forward to this battle, but also many leaders outside Hunyuan world show strong interest on their faces.

"The boy in black even defeated the mountain. The world he brought down is really overbearing!"

"Just now, he should have released all his blood, and other magical powers can bloom in the world?"

"It's supposed to be..."

"It's a generation of talented people! In my opinion, once these young people step into Hunyuan, they will not be far away from us! "

These leaders don't have any family views now. They just want to see who is better, Luo Zheng or the evil god.

In contrast, the leader of the temple of war and the leader of Yinhe are more nervous.

Qiuyinhe knew that Luo Zheng would have a war with the evil god, but he never thought that the evil god would be so strong.

The third girl was moved down by the mountain, but she didn't rush up stubbornly.

In the face of the evil god constantly strengthened by black lightning, the civilized instrument in Luo Zheng's inner world gradually emerged. With his support, a blue chessboard appeared in Luo Zheng's hands.


Luo Zheng stretched out his hand on the chessboard and brushed it gently. A piece of chess had appeared on it, and then a blue jade statue appeared on his side.

"Strange statue? What kind of other shore keepsake

"The statue is very weak..."

"This kind of other shore Keepsake can't stand my attack!"

People can't help shaking their heads when they see the statue.

Is Luo Zheng at a loss?

"Luo Zheng's fusion totem is stronger than this one. Why did he drop this one..." Ling Shuang looks puzzled.

"What does my brother want to do?" Luo Yan is also curious.

Feng Song saw the jade chessboard, and her eyes flashed slightly. Only she knew the power of the chessboard.

Every time a statue comes, the strength of the statue will increase by one point.

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