In the past, Luo Yan often said how powerful her brother was. Ling Yun only thought Luo Yan was bragging. It was normal for a little girl to worship her brother. After meeting, Ling Yun realized that Luo Zheng was powerful. At least among Li Shan's peers, she could hardly find out the existence that could compete with him.

Now it seems that Luo Yan's description of her brother's past is too modest!

Don't talk about peers

Even those "predecessors" who have stepped into Hunyuan and ascended the realm of desire can not compete with Luo Zheng.

The evil spirit gazed at the crystal like Luo Zheng, as if he were looking at his sweetheart. His face was filled with joy. "Very good, I like it very much..."

As he spoke, he staggered his hands and turned out the black spines. The whole person circled in place, like a Black Whirlwind!


With the whirlwind.

It was as if a huge hand had drawn a black straight line in the sky, which had passed through Luo Zheng's body.

The speed is too fast to be captured by eyes.

All they saw was that Luo Zheng didn't move, but his crystallized arm was broken.

The evil god has stayed at the back of Luo Zheng, holding the crystalline right hand in his mouth and eating it. The green crystal is crisp and hard, and the evil god is biting it with a click. But after a while, the arm of the skill has been swallowed by the evil god.

"It's delicious," the evil god clapped his hands and knocked down the rest of the crystal fragments.

Luo Zheng's eyes showed a strange color. The speed of the evil god's outburst in an instant really surprised him, which showed that the evil god did not use all his strength before.

"Good speed..." Luo Zheng said while the body gently a shock, a green arm from the fracture of the long brush.

"Thank you for your praise. Let's do it again! This time it's your head. "

After that, the evil God turned into a Black Whirlwind again.

The black thin line across the sky once again crossed Luo Zheng's body.

Still no one can see the details of their fight. All they can see is that Luo Zheng shakes a little in the air. When the evil spirit hovers in the air, his hands are empty. Not only can he not take away Luo Zheng's head, but he also loses a leg.

The leg transformed by the black energy appeared in Luo Zheng's hands. Luo Zheng gently shook the leg of the evil god and threw it on the ground at will.

World heritage is an extremely powerful means, which can transform itself into energy in a short time.

Everything in the world of sapphire is formed by the crystal of sapphire, and the creatures in the world of sapphire also live in the crystal. The inheritance of the world is to crystallize Luo Zheng thoroughly.

In the same way, the black-and-white world descended by the evil god turns the evil god into a pure black energy body. It's OK to break the arm and short leg, and the leg that Luo Zheng removed will grow back in the blink of an eye!

"Whew! Whew

They hit each other again.

The evil god is good at explosive power. It can push the speed to the extreme in a short time. The speed is amazing.

Luo Zheng's body method is ingenious. He can always avoid it in a wonderful way and fight back at the same time.

The people below were stunned.

"Are these two playing with body parts?"

"I'll tear my arm and break my body. It's wonderful..."

"I've never seen such a fight..."

The battle of coming to the world and gaining the world's inheritance will almost only happen to the major spokesmen.

As a spokesman of civilization, it is the most powerful in the mother world.

Only this time there were two exceptions. Luo Zheng and the evil god found a civilized instrument in the thirteen days of the color world respectively, and then they had a confrontation at this level.

The power of the two men's civilization is still compressed in the color world.

If these two civilizations can return to the realm of desire, or even higher heaven, their power will only be more terrifying.

So not only did the genius in Hunyuan world not see it, but also Fuxi and other people were stunned.

For a strong man of Fuxi's level, it's not strange for him to descend a civilized world and integrate the world inheritance. But two little guys who haven't even stepped into the Hunyuan realm, descend the world and integrate the world inheritance to fight?

That sounds incredible!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he didn't believe it would have happened.

No matter what level the body is disassembled to, Luo Zheng and evil spirits can always recover in an instant.

With the increasing number of collisions between the two lines, Luo Zheng gradually gained the upper hand.

The sapphire civilization on his back is even better!

Especially with the wings of the winged king that came down from the jade world, Luo Zheng's body method was almost superior to other civilizations.

Luo Zheng gradually adapted to the speed of the evil god, and waited for the evil god with a relaxed attitude.

Whenever the evil god turns into a black line and rushes to himself, his blue wings behind him shake slightly, and his body shape can hardly move a foot, so he can easily avoid the impact of the evil god."Click!"

In the process of their meeting, Luo Zheng broke his arm and fell to the ground.

At first, Luo Zheng didn't deal with the broken limbs of the evil god, but just discarded them at will.

The fallen limb quietly dissolves into a mass of black energy and disappears in the black-and-white world.

"Luo Zheng, the total energy of the world is unchanged, the other side can use it again, you can seal it," the voice of the spirit of jade came out again.

Luo Zheng's eyes flashed slightly, and he knew the problem.

If you don't deal with it, his energy loss will be very small, and the fight will be endless.

When the evil god attacked again, Luo Zheng tore off another leg of the evil god.

This time, when Luo Zheng threw the leg to the ground, a sapphire crystal suddenly grew on the ground. The surface of the sapphire crystal was like a Wang yusui, which directly wrapped the leg of the evil god.

The leg wrapped by sapphire crystal can't disappear, just like the insect wrapped by amber, permanently sealed inside.

Seeing this scene, the evil god frowned, didn't think much, and charged Luo Zheng again.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

In the constant confrontation between the two, Luo Zheng won more than he lost.

Some of the sapphire crystals contain half of the body of the evil god, while others contain an arm. There are all parts of the body of the evil god!

After a while, there were hundreds of broken limbs below, which looked extremely strange.

The limbs torn from the evil spirits lose the way to recover energy.

His body, which was originally Zhang Xu's tall body, began to shrink from Zhang Xu's tall body to nine feet, from nine feet to seven feet, and from seven feet to four feet.

Although the evil spirit is still fierce and abnormal, it is almost the size of an ordinary child!

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