Just when Luo Zheng was confused about the source of the evil spirit's energy, the voice of the spirit of sapphire came again, "the power of burning a keepsake on the other side is unimaginable. He burns the whole world. It's not surprising that he has such power."

"Burning the world? He's crazy Luo Zheng said with a shocked face.

"Can't you see? He's a madman. There's nothing he can't do, "said the spirit of jade.

Luo Zheng knows how hard it is to be a spokesman of civilization.

Luo Zheng and evil spirits are probably the only two lucky ones in the color world.

When a civilization places everything on him, he chooses to burn it just to kill himself?

This is crazy!

"Ling Shuang, Yan'er, Feng Ge, sorrow and death Get out of the world! Everything in this world will be destroyed Luo Zheng immediately reminds a way.

In fact, even if Luo Zheng did not remind, others also noticed the difference.

Hunyuan's spirit matrix has even started to rush towards the edge of the black-and-white world.

The Liyuan clan and the otomous clan finally don't care to fight against the mother. The key time is life!

Just as they approached the edge of the black-and-white world, black energy from the edge of the world bloomed like a flame. Those sapphire crystals superimposed on the edge of the world were also swallowed by the black flame. A black dividing line that could be reached by the naked eye appeared on the edge of the world!

"Is the world divided?"

Shan raised his hand and tried to move the people from Tiangong and Lishan out.

This is not a good move. Shan's position will never change. It's just that Luo Zheng has defeated the evil god, and Shan will surely repay the favor.

But as soon as Shanna's space passage involving spatial truth was established, it was blocked by the black dividing line

Just under the mountain's attempt, another figure appeared not far away from him. It was Fuxi.

"Good emperor," he said, bowing to Fuxi.

Fuxi just snorted. After all, the mountain is just a part of natural growth.

He came here naturally to save people, or to save Luo Yan.

Fuxi did not expect that the evil god was really crazy to this point.

In such a state as Fuxi, the spokesman of civilization is not rare. Fuxi once even killed the strong man who opened the world.

But no spokesperson dares to burn the civilization behind him, even if he would rather die.

This is not only about getting punished by the truth, but also about the bottom line of trust.

The civilization behind you is willing to entrust the instrument of civilization to you, which means that you have complete trust in you. As a result, you regard the other party's whole civilization as a general other shore keepsake and burn it. What's this called?

Although Fuxi could not recognize the origin of the civilization of the burning of evil spirits, the level of this civilization was absolutely not low. Even if this civilization hid in the color world for 13 days and suppressed its own strength severely, the consequences of the burning would be extremely terrible.


Fuxi took a deep breath.

Take a step, the power of terror has begun to accumulate.


Then Fuxi put out a palm to the world.

A black-and-white eight diagrams came into being out of thin air and were printed on the surface of the world.

There are two ways to defeat the world's inheritance, one is to find out the master to kill, the other is to destroy the whole world. Fu Xi's natural method is the second simple and crude one.

Fuxi's strike was enough to smash the whole Hunyuan world. He also controlled his power a little. At least, there should be no problem in opening the world.

But this hand shot out, the huge eight trigrams handprint actually passed through the "world" directly, hit from the other side, directly bombarded on the south peak of the ring mountain range, the whole south peak even had no time to collapse, it was completely broken.

Of course, the power is amazing, but it doesn't do any harm to the burning world.

"Is the space isolated?" The eyebrows of the mountain are slightly picked.

Fuxi looked at his palm and his face sank. He asked Shan in turn, "what's the matter?"

With a simple understanding of space, Fuxi may not be as good as mountains.

Shan also shook his head with a confused face. "After the whole world burned, it seems to be completely separated from the outside world. It seems that the world no longer belongs to this space. I have never seen such a situation."

"Burning the world Will it have such an effect? "

After all, it was the first time that he saw someone burning a world. Fuxi didn't expect this to happen. His brow was frowning. He realized that the situation in the world was out of his control.

Next, Fuxi clapped his hands towards the world, and the surrounding ring mountains were all powdered by the eight trigrams. However, these forces still could not touch the world, as if the world had become a mirage, which could be seen but could not be touched.

Hunyuan outside the world is fried pot, the leader is a face of depression.

"Not even the emperor?""Everyone's going to die in it?"

"Madman, what a madman! If we burn the world to such an extent, let alone the younger generation, even if we are in it, we will peel off our skin even if we do not die! "

Tiangong, Liyuan, otomous

The leaders of all ethnic groups are so disappointed that they have to go all the way to Hunyuan world. Everyone has to be buried with that madman. How can they accept it?

Now it's Shennong, the leaders of Jinwu ethnic group, who are a little pleased.

Before that, many of their people were blown away by the hurricane. Although they came back one after another, a considerable part of them were still outside the core area, and the losses of their families were the least.

In particular, Di An, who has a family of bears, has long been sent to Hunyuan world. He sits in the same place to watch the play, but he is still scared when he looks at the burning world.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

"Don't try to leave any of them!"

"Come and taste the fear of extermination!"

The voice of the evil god still reverberates in this space.

"Can't you get out?"

Luo Zheng's heart became restless.

At this time, the first black meteorite fell from the sky, and the place where it fell was the location of the Tiangong group.

After seeing the meteorite above, chouxian and others turned pale.

If they are really hit by this meteorite, they must be dead.

"Get up!"

Luo Zheng stretched out his hand to hold it, and the sapphire crystals rose up one by one, blocking the top of the heaven palace disciples.

Rao is that these sapphire crystals are extremely strong, but in the face of the meteorite transformed by the black energy, they are still broken!

Seeing that the sapphire crystal couldn't resist the meteorite, Luo Zheng waved his hand again, and several more sapphire crystals grew from the ground. He wrapped the disciples of the heavenly palace and sent them to the other side.

Just as the disciples were sent out, the black meteorite finally fell to the ground.

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