According to the information left by Jiqiong civilization, they have obtained the control method of the energy axis.

He was disturbed by another dominating force in the chaos at that time when he finished the final way of Yan, and finally ended up in hatred.

For this civilization, the most powerful super powers in the mother world have heard of it.

Most of them are dismissive. Most of them think that planning civilization is nonsense. There is no such magical thing as energy axis in this world.

But there are still many super forces who are more interested in it and spend manpower and material resources to study it.

Through unremitting efforts, we finally got nothing.

The hundu ancient god behind the mountain is in charge of the spatial truth, and has a natural advantage in the cognition of space. Nature has a strong interest in the energy axis, and the chaos ancient god has even guessed the rudiment of the energy axis.

Generally, it is similar to the axis that appeared in front of Luo Yan's forehead, so Shan recognized it at first sight, but he is still very uncertain. After all, no one has seen it before, or even is not sure it existed!

When Luo Yan sacrificed the energy axis, the energy axis suddenly deflected, forming a strange traction.

The energy filaments in those black meteorites are converging towards the energy axis one by one!

This energy axis is still very weak, but it has been able to play a special energy. With the deflection of the energy axis, it can absorb any energy around.

"Slow down!"

Luo Yan reveals a word again.

The energy absorbed in the energy axis diffuses instantaneously with Luo Yan's word.


There was a surge in the surrounding space.

All of a sudden, the tide of energy rushing to Lishan and Tiangong disciples became thick, and the falling speed of the black meteorite became slower and slower.

When people saw this scene, their hopes were rekindled.

"Let's go!"

While the three meteorites were falling, the group finally got through.

But even if they are far away from the disaster, they still can't escape from the dangerous situation. With the burning of the whole world, the blooming energy will only become more and more chaotic and intense!

Luo Yan's control of the energy axis is extremely unskilled, and the energy axis itself is still very weak, not enough to help them escape.

"Boom! Boom! Boom

Luo Zheng bombarded the surface of the black crystal shield again and again, but in the end, the Crystal Shield still didn't react at all, and its stability was far beyond imagination.

In this process, Luo Zheng's inner world is also earth shaking.

Sanskrit, which carries the eye of mind and God, trembles constantly, and the burning brings the power of truth and rules. After the instrument of civilization is stretched out, all the power of anti phage is controlled in a small range, but even so, a little bit of energy scattered occasionally can bring great harm to the inner world!

"Luo Zheng, the eye of mind can only burn three breathing times at most," the spirit of jade reminds.

After three breaths, even if Luo Zheng smashed the Black Crystal Shield, he could not find the white stripes!

His idea of high-speed flow, suddenly raised his hand, a sword from Xumi ring burst out!


"Teng snake sword!"

Luo Zheng didn't use this sword easily until he had to. No matter how much trouble he encountered, he didn't use it.

But now Luo Zheng has no choice at all.

"Imperial sword seal!"

"Sword carries eternal true meaning!"

At the moment when the seal of imperial sword is activated, the true meaning of Tao has poured into it crazily, and at the same time, it starts to stimulate the power of Teng snake sword itself.

Although Luo Zheng didn't practice much in the chapter of true understanding, when those white cyclones poured in, the light from the ancient snake sword almost covered him completely!

"That sword!"

A leader outside Hunyuan yelled.

From the beginning, Luo Zheng launched an attack on a place in the world for no reason. These leaders can probably see that this place should be the face of the world.

But Luo Zheng repeatedly attacked, they were also very disappointed. Unexpectedly, at the last moment, Luo Zheng took out the Teng snake sword!

"It's Teng snake sword..."

"This sword is in his hands!"

"Who the hell is he! After the annihilation of Jiuli, we have never found this sword, so we have been tracking down the remnant. Is he from Jiuli? "

Previously, when the evil spirits absorbed blood powers, they had three heads and six arms. They already knew that there were Jiuli people in the core area.

Now the biggest doubt is Luo Zheng.

Qiuyin River stares at the imperial sword seal on Luo Zheng's chest.

The seal of imperial sword can really push the power of the sword to the extreme, and Luo Zheng has deciphered part of the chapter of true enlightenment. I'm afraid the power will only be more powerful!

When Luo Zheng infused the true meaning of Tao into it, he felt a trace of self-consciousness coming from the Teng snake sword on his arm, which was very clear.It's hungry

It needs to integrate more of the true meaning of Tao!

But Luo Zheng has already poured all his sword into the eternal true meaning, and the true meaning of Tao is not like the power of the other side that can be supplemented by Shenjing.

"The true meaning of good and evil?"

"What is the true meaning of Tao?"

Luo Zheng quickly urged the other two true intentions.

However, the imperial sword seal of qiuyin River complements the eternal true meaning of sword movement, and it is mutually exclusive with the true meaning of the other two sects. Luo Zheng can't infuse it at all.

"Infuse the true meaning of the three spiritual buildings?" Luo Zheng's heart leaped.

I didn't think much about it. I had to try hard at the critical moment. This idea just flashed, and the true meaning of the three spiritual buildings began to pour into the imperial sword seal. This time, the imperial sword seal didn't repel me!


Luo Zheng opened the distance, holding a sword in one hand, and went to the Black Crystal Shield.

Countless snake shadows dive out. These little snakes are not energy bodies, but real little snakes!

"Is this snake real?" Luo Zheng was surprised.

He didn't know much about Teng snake sword. Because of the sensitive relationship of Jiuli people, he didn't know much about Teng snake sword even when he went to his mother world.

I didn't expect that after Luo Zheng infused the true meaning of Sanling building this time, the snake in Teng snake sword really came alive and had a real body!

These little snakes hit the surface of the Black Crystal Shield and melted into it one by one!

After thousands of small snakes melted into the Black Crystal Shield, they calmed down for a while. The surface of the black mirror shield did not change at all. It still exuded dark light, and the internal lines were also flashing slightly.


"Can't Teng snake sword cut off the Black Crystal Shield?"

The burning light in Luo Zheng's right eye went out little by little. If this blow could not break the Black Crystal Shield, there would be no chance.

"Pi, Bo..."

There was a slight sound on the Black Crystal Shield, which could not be heard in the burning world. Luo Zheng was keen to catch it.

A crack blooms from the crack, and a trace of black energy flows from the crack, and the energy is constantly cracking!

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