The black boat has a long way to go.

No matter how many black ships there are, there will always be only 13 people who are qualified to be a member of the black ship.

GUI Qing was once a member of the black boat.

When GUI Qing joined the black boat, he was still 13 in strength and was the last one.

But in a short period of time, Guiqing rose to prominence, surpassing the owner of the black boat, only ranking under the boss, and becoming the real number two of the black boat.

Sheng Qinggui killed the other crew of the ship for a while.

For this reason, the boatman chased GUI Qing all the way, even made huge concessions, let some super forces join hands, and finally killed GUI Qing.

This past is too far away, and because of the involvement of black ships, this incident has hardly been passed on.

It's a pity in Shencha's heart that if Guiqing didn't have a brain to stir up anger and resentment, he might eventually take the place of the boatman and even become the strongest in the mother world!

After the ghost green Fu Zhu, Shencha they know that the birth of ghost green is not accidental.

He is the embodiment of the resentment and hatred of the whole mother world. This temperament is really suitable for joining the black boat. In addition to his amazing talent and luck, he has an infinite tendency to destroy. It's no surprise that he finally does something harmful to the black boat.

"Do you mean that evil spirits are also the embodiment of resentment in a world?" There was a look of surprise on Shencha's face.

If you think about it carefully, there are many similarities between the evil spirit and Guiqing, such as their manner, momentum, style, and even crazy means.

It's just that the realm of evil god is lower.

But Shenda thought about it and said, "but he is the man of the inner world called Luo Zheng Not from the mother world! It's just an internal world. "

This is enough to negate the boss's conjecture.

The bronze man said with a smile, "what if Luo Zheng's inner world is the place where he was born?"

The body of the God tea suddenly a meal, a pair of red eyes suddenly open big, "this It's not likely, is it? "

The bronze man didn't argue with Shencha, but said, "it's a pity that the evil god has been recycled, but to tell you the truth, such a guy is hard to control. If he is strong in the future, he may be the second ghost. It's possible to bite us back."

The people on the black boat are really crazy, but they are not so crazy as the evil spirits.

He found the weapon of civilization which is the fusion of evil spirits, but this boy really dares to burn it, which is better than that of Guiqing.

Shencha's mood is a little complicated.

At that time, she was very infatuated with GUI Qing, and the evil god was very similar to Gui Qing, which was another reason why she supported the evil god.

Seeing that she was taken back by Luo Zheng, Shencha was very disappointed. She was a little unwilling and said, "should we investigate the boy of Luo Zheng?"

There is not much hatred between Heichuan and Luo Zheng. Now that the evil gods are taken back, it seems that it is a good choice to target Luo Zheng.

"He is a disciple of taiyitiangong, and the old man of the Eastern Emperor is not easy to get into trouble. Maybe the boatman has to make arrangements for this matter," the bronze man continued. "No matter what, the rings that Lei Heng suddenly killed and robbed seem to have something to do with connecting the other side. Should we do it?" Asked the bronze man.

Shencha just put most of her mind on the evil god. After the copper man mentioned the business, she came back and said, "let's not move. It's better to wait until Lei Heng escapes smoothly before we intercept him."

"What if Fuxi left Lei he?" The bronze man asked again.

"Then give up," the red eyes of Shencha flashed slightly, full of decisive color.

The black boat would rather offend Lei than provoke Li Shan.



After the destruction of Luo Zheng, evil gods, Fuxi and Leihe, the number of FA arrays in the core area is still about one third.

After Tiangong disciples, Lishan people, Lan Qing, huoze and other Jiuli people had allocated enough Hunyuan spirit crystals, they entered the Dharma array contentedly and began to merge Hunyuan spirit crystals.

"Brother, I'll come first, I'll come first!" Blue love said with a smile.

A Dharma array can gather many people, but it can only provide one person with the crystallization of Hunyuan spirit at a time.

Lan Qing, huoze and others are very satisfied.

Although the journey of Hunyuan world was very dangerous, and they almost died in it several times, they finally got what they wanted in a very simple way. For the remnant of Jiuli, this is the best result.

What he thought was more complicated than blue love.

What Luo Zheng had shown before was far beyond huoze's imagination. However, after witnessing the first world war between Luo Zheng and the evil god, he could not recognize the strength of Luo Zheng. He could not judge how strong Luo Zheng could be.

Grandfather knows this news, don't know how to feel?

Lan Qing naturally didn't think as much as her brother. After she sat down with her knees crossed, she put all the crystals of Hunyuan spirit into her body.There are many ways to absorb the essence of Hunyuan, such as swallowing it into the stomach and then forcing it to the viscera and limbs, or introducing it into the inner world and then moving along the meridians.

The bloodiest way is to press one crystal into the body, and two hundred Hunyuan's spirit crystals are stabbed in, and the whole body is covered with blood.

Even if Lan Qing uses the most relaxed method, when the crystal of the size of little finger is swimming along the meridians, it will cause a lot of damage along the way, and at the same time produce a very strong pain. In the whole process, her little face is tightly wrinkled, and she is forced to endure the pain.

It is not until all Hunyuan's spirit crystals are evenly distributed that Lan Qing opens the array and is surrounded by light.


These Dharma arrays in Hunyuan world mainly catalyze the crystallization of Hunyuan's spirit, making it completely integrated with the body.

This kind of fusion is permanent. The crystallization after catalysis is actually a part of the body, which is different from that of Hunyuan's spirit mother and Luo Zheng's encounter with the queen ant.

Therefore, even if the strong in Hunyuan are killed, it is impossible to separate the Spirit Crystal of Hunyuan from its body.

Under the catalysis of the Dharma array, Lan Qing's frown gradually stretches. The Hunyuan Spirit Crystal that originally penetrated into Lan Qing's body gradually softens and becomes a light spot the size of a bean, which is dotted in her four limbs and has become a part of her body.

Before, Lan Qing used the power of the other side only to bring the power to the seven color stone. The power of the seven color stone can reach the power of thousands of gods in a complete explosion, but she can't bring the power of thousands of gods into her body.

Let alone Lan Qing, even if Luo Zheng tried his best to inspire the power of Shenjun in the totem before entering Hunyuan world, the physical body could not bear it.

But after the fusion of Hunyuan's spirit, the use of the power of the other side is much more casual.

Many skills that need to borrow the power of the other side can also be used freely, rather than just with the help of the coming other side keepsake.

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