Worry free king's advice to Luo Zheng is to let him help find the other side of the tribe.

But since Luo Zheng entered the other side, he has never heard of the existence of the other side. For example, the spirit of sapphire has gone to the higher level of the other side, but it has never known the existence of the other side.

However, according to King Wuyou, the birth of the human race in this round of chaos is not accidental, but an inevitable arrangement. The birth of the human race means the existence of the other side of the human race.

As the dominant civilization of No.77, the human civilization is separated from the sapphire civilization for a long time. Almost anything can happen in such a long time.

If you want to find the answer, you can only find it from the most powerful of the Terrans.

Luo Zheng originally wanted to see the emperor after returning to taiyitian palace. Now that he has seen Nu Wa, he is more suitable to ask this question.

When Luo Zheng raised this question, Nu Wa's eyes suddenly changed.

The original warm face like water, but a trace of white luster, there is a strange emotion hidden in it.

"Why do you have this problem?" Nu Wa stares at Luo Zheng to ask a way.

Luo Yan blinked.

She spent a lot of time with empress Nuwa. For the first time, she felt the fluctuation of empress Nuwa's mood.

Is the question of brother strange?

Since there are all kinds of races on the other side, it is possible to have a human race.

"I want to prove it," Luo Zheng said with the same face.

In the absence of a definite answer, Luo Zheng does not want to shake off the worry free king.

"Just out of curiosity?" Nu Wa asked again, "or for other reasons?"

"It's not only because of curiosity, but also because of other reasons, even because of the true meaning of Tao that I showed," Luo Zheng stretched out his hand, and the red, yellow and blue energy swirled from his palm.

This energy constantly around, gradually forming a small statue, the woman on the statue is Luo Yan.

"Ah! Brother can make things out of thin air

Luo Yan has gained a lot of insight in Lishan. At a glance, she can see that Luo Zheng's skill is extraordinary.

Luo Zheng also used the true meaning of the three spirits to build things when he fought against the evil gods, but the void creation was still in the stage of flashiness and could not resist the enemy.

Nu Wa's eyes also twinkled a little startled, staring at the statue in Luo Zheng's hands, and the light in her pupils continued to twinkle.

With the help of some special other shore keepsake, the means of creating things in the void can also be exerted, and even the things created are extremely powerful. However, it is not a real creation in the void. It has great limitations, far less than Luo Zheng's.

"If nun wa knows about the other side of the Terran news, Luo Zheng can tell the true meaning of the origin, if nun wa does not know, please forgive Luo Zheng can not answer," Luo Zheng said seriously.

Luo Zheng's mission is to entrust the king of worry free. He promised the king of worry free, and he will never break his promise.

After Luo Zheng finished, he handed the statue to Luo Yan.

as like as two peas, the love of the statue is love.

Nu Wa see Luo Zheng said so firmly, lips gently up.

has been as like as two peas in the past six years. No one has ever said this to himself. He is a little guy who is born with a blood consort. He is exactly the same as the soldier.

With the strong wind, the distant sea of clouds is rolling like waves. Standing on the emerald platform, you can have a panoramic view of the magnificent landscape.

Looking into the distance, Nu Wa said, "the birth of the human race in this round of chaos is not inevitable..."

"Sure enough," Luo Zheng's heart slightly jumped, and Nu Wa's words were against the king of worry free.

"In fact, not only the human race is not inevitable, but also the super forces such as otomous and Liyuan are not inevitable," Nu Wa's words changed: "if the other side had not intervened in chaos, the dominant civilization would have been born in this round of chaos."

"Dominating civilization..."

After so much experience, Luo Zheng has understood how powerful the dominant civilization is.

Fear of beholders, sapphire civilization, all of which dominate a chaotic world

But in this round of chaos, there are many big families, and no super power can occupy the ruling situation. As for the dominant power, it is even worse.

"What kind of intervention is it?" Luo Zhengqi road.

"If we don't belong to the Nu'er tribe, we will be the masters of chaos," he said.

"Sirius dominates chaos!" The pupil of Luo Zheng shrinks, "how is it possible?"

Luo Zheng has also seen the Sirius in Hunyuan world. This race can be regarded as a big family, but it is definitely not a super power.

Nu Wa showed a helpless smile, "because the Sirius is the dominant civilization in this chaos. Unfortunately, our appearance will suppress the Sirius, and there is no possibility of its growth...""The appointment of a dominant civilization, this..." Luo Zheng was surprised and asked in his mind, "9527, why don't you know such a thing?"

Nine five twenty seven is the ancient god of chaos. It is a living creature that existed in the last round of chaos. Luo Zheng was surprised that the ancient god who crossed the previous round of chaos didn't even know this news.

"Don't ask about it. After all, it's just a separation of soul. It doesn't carry all the memories of" silence, "Nu Wa said with a smile to Luo Zheng.

Her smile is very moving. She has the lightness and innocence of a girl of eight or nine years old, the shame and liveliness of a girl of ten years old, and the wisdom and grace of a goddess. She can feel the span of a woman from birth to old in an instant.

"You Niang Nuwa, spy on my soul.... " Luo Zheng is embarrassed.

Such as Nu Wa and Wu you Wang, they really don't like people eavesdropping on their speeches. In particular, Wu you wang forces them out directly.

"I don't, I just can feel the fluctuation of your consciousness, I can interpret it," Nuwa said softly.

"Niang Nuwa can not only interpret divine sense, but also can't hide Zhenyuan's voice," Luo Yan reminds her brother.

In fact, Nu Wa can really interpret what Luo Zheng thinks and what she wants. Luo Zheng can't hide it, but she won't do it.

"In this chaos of ancient times, there was only one Terran, and the birth of the Terran had something to do with me and my brother."

Nu Wa's eyes gradually become deep, as if back to the wild days, the chaos began, the birthplace is still in the stage of ignorance.

Nuwa's brother refers to Fuxi.

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