According to the distribution of the other side's thirty-three days, the color world has thirteen days, while the desire world has nineteen days!

In this world, there are almost the backbone of the whole mother world!

Most of those who can enter this realm are Hunyuan realm.

Of course, even those who have not stepped into Hunyuan realm can enter the fourteenth heaven if they enter indigo with Yang soul.

However, starting from the fourteenth heaven, the power of the things on the other side here is basically based on the power of a thousand gods. Those creatures who have not integrated the spirit of Hunyuan can hardly exert all their power.

Of course, the expedient solution is to choose the integration of other shore keepsake, which can avoid this problem.

However, there is a huge gap between Hunyuan and non Hunyuan.

Below the energy vortex, there is a stone platform similar to the thirteen days of the color world, on which some Yang souls are waiting.

These Yang spirits were all disciples of the heavenly palace, most of them were the people who came over before Luo Zheng, but some of them were the old people in the place of sword mourning.

When Luo Zheng hovered in the air with frost, he felt an invisible pressure, which came from the purple light curtain floating in the sky.

But Luo Zheng and Ling Shuang's Yang soul have already entered the indigo, this pressure can bear.

He holding Ling Shuang slowly down, carefully stepped on the stone platform, then gently put her down.

Ling Shuang's face is slightly hot under the gaze of the people. She quickly retreats to one side. Fortunately, everyone on the other side can't see her face clearly, but the disciples of the heavenly palace are shocked to see this scene.

Crossing the energy vortex is a very dangerous thing. What the hell are these two doing?

A Yang soul with heavy breath came and said, "two, please give your name and show your soul logo."

These old people don't know the situation in the color world, and they can't verify their identity. Naturally, they use the soul mark to verify.

"Taiyi mountain, lingshuang," lingshuang said in a low voice after showing her soul sign.

"Xinliu sword school, Luo Zheng," Luo Zheng also replied.

After hearing the word "Luo Zheng", the old people in the place of sword mourning all looked over, and many of their faces showed playful expressions.

Even if he didn't enter the place of sword mourning, his royal highness Ling Shuang's name had already been introduced into it. After all, he was the apple of the palm of yinglao's eye, and he was also called Tiangong Shuangjiao with Fengge.

Luo Zheng became famous in the first World War after entering the place of sword mourning.

His name on the ranking stone is far beyond those old people in the place of mourning

"Tut Tut, yinglao's granddaughter and naluo Zheng..."

"It's a good match. Although the boy was born in the grass roots, his future achievements will be limitless due to his talent against heaven."

"Ha ha, brother Wen, if you see this scene, I'm afraid you'll be heartbroken! When I get out of the other side and tell him, I don't know what his expression will be? "

Those people are whispering and communicating with their consciousness.

There were very few women in the land of sword mourning, such as Ling Shuang and Fengge. When they entered the land of sword mourning, they attracted the attention of many old people, including those who were secretly adored and those who were directly courteous.

Such as Phoenix song is the face of a chill, those people will gradually become filthy, which have the opportunity to close?

In the face of these people, Ling Shuang has evidence to advance and retreat. In contrast, she has received more attention.

But this embrace on the other side shows a lot of problems. I don't know how many people are depressed.

Luo Zheng and Ling Shuang, after giving their names and soul signs, quietly retreated to one side. Then Luo Zheng said, "I am leaving the other side now, and you are waiting for me here."

His body is still in the color world. Now it's his turn to fly up.

"Well! Be careful Ling Shuang said in a low voice, the shyness just now has not completely faded.


Soon, Luo Zheng's Yang soul disappeared on the stone platform.

Others are waiting here, and find that Luo Zheng has scattered the spirit of Yang. They feel a little strange, but they don't think much about it.

The next moment, Luo Zheng's body reappeared on the stone platform of thirteen days.

When Luo Zheng returns, a casual smile appears at the corner of his mouth. It seems that he and Ling Shuang's Yang soul are flying safely.

However, Luo Zheng did not tell himself the identity of "Tianxing", nor did he point out his sorrow and death, nor did he ask.

Seeing Luo Zheng appear, Feng Ge also comes close to him. She asks anxiously: "I don't know if this body can cross over..."

"It's impossible to stay in shisan chongtian all the time for the sake of this body," Luo Zheng comforted. "Don't worry, the worst situation is to abandon the body of the pure one. Fengge, your Yang soul is always OK."

"Well! Then Luo Zheng, you must protect me Feng song suddenly said, his face revealed a rare smile, appears very innocent.

Fengge is not the kind of person who is easy to get along with. In contrast, Luo Zheng prefers the Fengge who has lost his memory.This scene in front of me is very similar to the time when I lost my memory in the dark.

Seeing such a face, Luo Zheng's heart jumped slightly. At the same time, he was confused.

Ling Shuang and Fengge's performance today is somewhat abnormal

After many Tiangong disciples, including Lan Qing and others, ascended, there were only three people left on the stone platform: Chou Si, Luo Zheng and Fengge.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'll take a step first," said the mourning archer. After bowing his hand, the wheel of flying clouds also flew away towards the energy vortex in the distance.

When sorrow and martyrdom disappeared in the whirlpool, Luo Zhengcai said, "it's our turn. I have just passed through the energy whirlpool. You follow me."

Then Luo Zheng activated the wheel of flying clouds again, and Fengge followed.



Both of them have risen high, and they are flying towards the energy vortex.

When Luo Zheng was the first to approach the energy vortex, the energy bands didn't react. But when Fengge was just approaching, the energy bands around the vortex seemed to be provoked and became restless instantly!

Seeing this scene, Feng GE's face slightly coagulates, controlling the wheel of flying clouds and pausing in the air.

Although these energy bands are restless, they don't really roll up. Luo Zheng observed two breathing times and said, "it's OK! Let's speed up the rush

Feng song looks at Luo Zheng's back and purses her mouth, suddenly showing a unique look.

She told herself in her heart that she believed Luo Zheng.

They brewed for a while outside the whirlpool, sped up and rushed to the inside of the energy whirlpool.

But when they rush into it, the energy whirlpool suddenly rises, and the energy belt in the outermost whirlpool turns back together, sealing their retreat.

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