When Luo Zheng thought about it, Feng Ge said directly, "can't you change everything? Become your master, and see? "

"By the way..." Luo Zheng patted his head and said nothing. This monster, which is called "transformation magic block", should be able to become its master.

"Luo Zheng" in the cage hesitated for a moment. He seemed to be extremely afraid of his master.

"Change quickly!" Feng Song said impatiently.

She has a certain interest in this iron house, but Fengge doesn't like to explore as much as Luo Zheng and the spirit of jade. The reason why she spends her patience here is entirely because of Luo Zheng.


The ball of light in the Phoenix singer is beating. The ball of light is a soft light for Luo Zheng and phoenix song, but it is extremely dangerous for the magic piece.

"I Change, I can change! "

as like as two peas, nodded, and the original shape of the same shape as Luo's sign began to soften, and the whole body became sticky and answered, and finally turned into a round sphere.

The sphere is translucent, and there is a little flame around it. It has no eyes, ears, mouth and nose. It's just a sphere

"Is that what your master looks like?" Luo Zhengqi road.

"Yes, that's the master," the shapeshift answered.

Naturally, Luo Zheng and Fengge have not seen each other, but the spirit of sapphire, who has been spying in the dark, has said in a voice: "this It's Yuanling civilization. "

"Yuanling civilization?" Luo Zheng was stunned for a moment.

The spirit of sapphire explained to Luo Zheng that the instant civilization was the No.1 civilization, and it also created the whole chaotic civilization.

However, whether this civilization is proved to be "existing" is not certain. Therefore, the real civilization is the No. 2 Yuanling civilization, and the last regret of the fusion of Tao energy should also be in the hands of Yuanling civilization.

"There are five branches of the yuan spirit civilization, which are the five elements of the spirit," said the spirit of jade. "The yuan spirit is a fire spirit, so there is a flicker of flame in the ball," continued the spirit of jade.

Even in the most powerful period of sapphire civilization, it could not resist this civilization. On the other side, Yuanling civilization was an absolute giant.

And as the second civilization, they have the advantage of convenience.

The first civilization born naturally in chaos

The first civilization to enter the other side

The first civilization to become the ancient god of chaos

Covering so many firsts, we can cover up some truths over a long period of time. It's hard for such a civilization to think strongly!

"The energy vortex connecting the color world and the desire world is very old. For countless years, any living creature of civilization has been carefully shuttling through it. They dare not be contaminated. Unexpectedly, the yuan spirit civilization has been on duty all the time..." The spirit of sapphire sighed.

Under such watch, they will let whoever they want to pass by

As for the means to enter the iron house, there is no way to know the subsequent civilization.

If it wasn't for Fengge's purity that caused the whole energy Whirlpool's counterattack, and Luo Zheng took her to find the iron house by mistake, how could he find it? Even if found, I'm afraid I can't get in at all. After all, the Sanskrit at the door can't be deciphered, but Luo Zheng still has a rebellious luonian in his inner world!

All kinds of errors, let Luo Zheng break in.

Under the induction of the spirit of jade, Luo Zheng also clarified his thinking, which should be the case.

He blinked his eyes and continued to ask the magic piece, "since your master is the watchman of this iron house, isn't he able to control this energy vortex?"


It is obvious that the shape changing magic block doesn't dare to reveal too much, but Fengge throws the light ball up. This ball of light turns into a marble, up and down. Her control of the boundless sky light is more and more numerous.


The transformation magic block quickly changed into its original shape, and said honestly: "the master can indeed control this energy vortex. Every once in a while, it will close the channel, once for a long time..."

"It's telling the truth. This energy vortex has been closed many times, but it soon opened. It is said that in the 750 chaotic era, this energy channel was closed for three eras, and somehow, it opened again," the spirit of jade said in Luo zhengnaohai.

"Where does your master control it?" Luo Zheng asked.

The iron house is almost empty except for the cage hanging on the wall.

"Up there," the avatar continued.

It pointed to a corner of the wall. Luo Zheng looked at it and found that there were more than ten Sanskrit inscriptions in the dark corner.

"The master can only go up after activating the Sanskrit. I haven't been up, and most of you can't go up either..."

It is proficient in various languages, but it can't crack these Sanskrit.

"Is it?"

Luo Zheng's mouth slightly tilted, went to the corner of the wall and stood in front of Sanskrit."What is that man doing?" He asked.

"Break Sanskrit," Fengge shrugged.

"How can it be that Sanskrit is so easy to decipher..." The magic block shakes its body and doesn't believe Fengge's words.

"Don't forget how we got in," Fengge said coldly.

It has not left the iron house for countless years, but it has forgotten that there are Sanskrit words outside the iron house. If you don't decipher those Sanskrit words, you can open the door!

"You can decipher it easily..." Just when the transformation magic block was unbelievable, Luo Zheng reached out and pressed the Sanskrit words.

"Buzz, buzz..."

Every time Luo Zheng pressed it down, a Sanskrit would shine. After pressing it more than ten times, all Sanskrit flashed a little bright green light in the dark. Then came the sound of "click click" friction, and a metal staircase was slowly put down from above.

"It's true..."

I don't know what to say for a moment.

It was the first time that it was found that someone had intruded here after it was locked up here. I didn't expect that this person had such ability.

Can you decipher Sanskrit at will?

I've never heard of the magic block!

Phoenix song saw the stairs down, also followed in the past.

When Luo Zheng just stepped on the stairs, he frowned and turned his head, staring at the magic piece.

"Luo Zheng, what's the matter?" Feng Song asked.

She was worried about what the magic block had lied about and induced a trap to entrap her and Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng went to the iron cage, but he asked, "you Have you ever seen a Terran

Different from other creatures, it can imitate many races. This is only the first time that it has changed into Luo Zheng's appearance. Its appearance, movement, language and sound are all vivid. It can never be the first time that it has changed into a human!

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