The reaction of the tailworm people is very sharp, but Fengge suddenly gets into trouble, and the speed is too fast.

The tail beetle had no time to react at all, and his head had been pulled down by Fengge.

Seeing that the green plasma is about to gush out from the wound of the headless corpse, Fengge pushes the corpse dozens of feet away. With the sound of "Bo", the headless corpse keeps its original posture and is inlaid on the wall.

Fengge throws the head of the tailworm people on the ground. The delicate eyes contain a strong sense of killing. Several tailworm people look at each other as if they are in the polar ice and snow.

"This, this His highness Fengge, this... "

Fang Wei, as well as other old people in the place of sword mourning, saw this scene and was immediately dumbfounded.

On the one hand, after hearing that Fengge has a physical body, they feel that she can definitely become the help of the heavenly palace. But Fengge has just entered the fourteenth heaven. According to the rhythm of the improvement of the strength of the other side, it can't be so strong!

On the other hand, his highness Fengge really shouldn't kill people!

Fang Wei is not afraid of just a few tailworms, but the forces behind them!

I'm afraid a lot of things will be in a mess after killing the other party's people.

Can Fang Wei where they know, Phoenix song has endured for a long time.

According to her character, when the tailworms insulted the heavenly palace at first, she was afraid that she had torn them to pieces.

Fengge has no pity for the weak and disgusting things, just like those who try to attack her.

But just now Luo Zheng has been signaling, let Phoenix song suppress their emotions, Phoenix song did not move.

Until these guys deceive others too much, Fengge does it.

"You You dare to kill my people The leader of the tailworm tribe was stunned.

It did not think that these cowardly Terran, dare to resist!

Fengge looked at Luo Zheng and asked, "I want to kill more insects..."

Luo Zheng nodded with a smile and said, "yes, just keep one."

His voice just fell, Phoenix song has dragged a light silk rushed out.

In the thirteenth heaven, there is no suitable clothes. The clothes that cover her body are woven by light. Under such a rush, she is like a spirit chasing light.

Then they saw a few white insects flying towards the sky.

After a breath, only the head of the tail beetle is still alive.

The leader of the tail beetle tribe finally realized his situation. He just wanted to fight back. He could see Fengge's ability. His whole body was shaking violently. But at this point, he did not forget to threaten: "you killed our tail beetle, ghost scorpion The ghost scorpion Lord will certainly step down you

Luo Zheng said with a smile: "so I leave you a life, that is to let you go back to inform the ghost scorpion, just want to know how to smooth it out."

After hearing Luo Zheng's words, this tailed beetle's eyes twinkled with amazement. It felt that Luo Zheng was very confident, not only did he not put the tailed beetle in his eyes, but also did not put the ghost scorpion in his eyes!

However, since the other party is willing to avoid his own life, it does not dare to say anything. After all, no one is willing to die for nothing.

When the tailworm people were ready to leave, Fang Wei gritted his teeth and said, "since we have killed them, we have killed them all! Don't leave trouble behind

It's really a big trouble for the tailworm people to die in Tiangong stronghold, but Tiangong can't admit it. It costs a lot of soul elixir to settle this matter at most. If this tailworm people is really allowed to leave, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Fengge gently rubs her fingertips. In her eyes, these insects are really dirty. She thinks about whether she wants to get a sword on the other side.

After hearing Fang Wei's words, she looks at Luo Zheng and asks if she wants to kill the last one.

But Luo Zheng shook his head and walked toward the stronghold. As he walked, he said, "let it go."

He let Phoenix song hand, the purpose is to frighten the forces behind the tail Zerg.

When the enemy is strong and we are weak, compromise is meaningless. He does not agree with Fang Wei's handling method.

"Who the hell are you! Do you want to kill us for one day? " Fang Wei said gritting his teeth in front of Luo Zheng.

The place of sword mourning has also heard of this "Tianxing", but the identity of Tianxing has always been very ambiguous with Tiangong, whether it is a disciple of Tiangong or not.

In Fang Wei's opinion, offending these creatures on the other side can only make taiyitiangong unable to move on the other side. He is naturally angry!

Luo Zheng came up to Fang Wei and said with a smile: "my name is Luo Zheng."

Several old people in the place of sword mourning were stunned when they heard the answer and looked at Luo Zheng's back foolishly.

Many of the new disciples of hunyuanjing were also stunned. They remembered that Luo Zheng's Yang soul had never appeared after crossing the other shore. Some people were puzzled, but they didn't ask. Was this "heavenly travel" Luo Zheng himself?As for sorrow and martyrdom, I had already guessed that there were not many accidents.

Luo Zheng has basically exposed his identity in the big world of Hunyuan. It's not necessary to cover it up any more. Instead, he has no hands or feet to take action. Now he is a big square who admits it.

When Luo Zheng entered the wooden building, he suddenly patted his forehead, turned around and said, "by the way, those Gangyu and soul crystals just paid, let the insect hand them in."

Then he just stepped into it.



Almost every superpower has one or even several other races as its backers, and taiyitiangong is no exception.

But the other side race behind taiyitian palace is not strong in the fourteenth heaven, which also leads to the passivity of the disciples in the place of sword mourning, and they are targeted everywhere. Over the years, they have only given up in the city of all souls to get a place to settle down. This is also the reason why the disciples in the place of sword mourning do not want to stay in the fourteenth heaven.

Fang Wei stated to Luo Zheng the current situation of taiyitiangong with fierce voice and color, "if you do this, you will make it difficult for us to move in the other bank!"

"I don't know what the treatment is for the Xiongs and Liyuan in the fourteenth heaven?" Facing the excited Fang Wei, Luo Zheng said calmly.

"The backers behind them are all the giants of the fourteenth heaven. Naturally, there are no other creatures on the other side who dare to do anything to them," Fang Wei replied discontentedly. The old people in the land of sword mourning mentioned it bitterly.

They are all dragons and phoenixes among people in taiyitian palace. Who wants to be angry on the other side?

After thinking about it, Luo Zheng said with a smile: "blindly forbearance, will only let these insects advance an inch, since there is no backer, we go to find a backer."

"Easy to say! Who are we looking for? Looking for you? " Asked an old man in the land of sword mourning.

Luo Zheng turned his head and looked at the Phoenix song not far away. The Phoenix song sat on one side. The body of the pure man was carved by imagination. It was almost perfect and exuded unique charm all the time. Luo Zheng said: "we can't find a backer, we should be our own backer."

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