Wanling city has a long history and has existed for a long time than this round of chaos.

No matter Yan imperial concubine or the Eastern Emperor, they all crossed the boundary of desire and passed through Wanling city.

When I was weak, in the face of the powerful creatures on the other side, who didn't swallow his anger?

Who would have thought that Luo Zheng and Fengge would occupy Wanling city as soon as they entered the world of desire!

"Two little guys are more tossing than I used to be," the Eastern Emperor said with a faint smile.

Yan imperial concubine's vision suddenly flashed for a while, but some worry of say: "now the other shore in Yuan Ling a clan is the only big, and each heavy sky all have bear, gold Wu they control, they such momentum, afraid will lead to revenge."

"Well, even if they don't have such momentum, they won't retaliate?" The Eastern Emperor's face revealed a hint of coldness. "I'm afraid that the God of the fourteenth heaven will fight against Fengge, but I'm not afraid of anything else."

Fengge's successful leap into the realm of desire is great news for taiyitiangong.

A pure person who can grow up is very terrible.

Whether there are bears or the Jinwu people, they are bound to regard them as thorn in the flesh. However, with the strength of the pure people, they are not afraid of the ordinary creatures on the other side. Even the powerful creatures in the dark are not afraid, and they can be completely melted by the boundless sky light.

But since the fourteenth heaven, there has been a God sitting in the dark. It would be very troublesome to meet such people.

"Then I'll pass the news and let the two little guys be careful," Yan Fei nodded.

"Well," said the Eastern Emperor with a deep look in his eyes, "now it's time for a showdown. I hope the two little guys can grow up quickly and climb to a higher level. Maybe they can help the heavenly palace..."

Yan imperial concubine's face peeps out a smile, immediately says: "a helping hand certainly is to want, now Feng song also arrived when marry of age, the emperor should have arrangement?"

The reason why Fengge can become a pure one is that Luo Zheng has made a lot of mistakes with her.

Compared with Fengge's potential on the other side, Luo Zheng is not bad at all.

And so far, the Eastern Emperor did not understand how Luo Zheng sent his body to the other side.

The Eastern Emperor had also watched Luo Zheng secretly. He could feel the unique true meaning of Tao from Luo Zheng's body, but he had never heard of the true meaning of Tao and could not find a clue at all.

"Didn't I tell you that? Love between children has its own destiny. How can Luo Zheng be satisfied with his wife and daughter? " Asked the emperor.

Princess Yan said calmly: "Fengge comes back from Hunyuan world. I have a long talk with her. She is satisfied with it. Of course, I want to help her. I don't need to pay so much attention to some fame, but..."

"But what?" Asked the emperor.

"I've heard that the granddaughter of the old lady also belongs to Luo Zheng. I'm afraid this is..." Yan imperial concubine frowns to say.

Yinglao is second only to Donghuang Taiyi in Taiyi Tiangong, but she has a very strange temper and personality. Few people like yinglao in other mountains. In addition, the last time she was fighting in Taihao mountain, Princess Yan didn't like yinglao.

"You mean Ling Shuang?" Asked the emperor.

As for lingshuang's secret, yinglao once mentioned it to the East emperor. This girl has devoted half of yinglao's life to the care of yinglao.

Other problems may not be the problem, but Mr. Ying is so stubborn that even the Eastern Emperor has a headache.

"Next time, I'll go to test yinglao's words." the East emperor's face showed a bitter smile. He never thought that his excellent daughter wanted to compete with others for her husband.



The place of sword mourning is very quiet these days, but there is a trace of uncontrollable excitement on the faces of those disciples.

"This time, we are too proud to be on the other side of the river."

"It's unthinkable to occupy a big city!"

"Guys on the second floor, would you like to come down and have a look? Hey, hey, hey... "

What they said was to come down and have a look. Naturally, they did not come down from the second floor to the first floor, but let them come down from the other side.

Although the occupation of Wanling city has nothing to do with many disciples on the first floor, they still feel honored,

many Tiangong disciples of the 15th, 16th and even 17th heaven rush back. On the one hand, they want to see the splendor of Wanling city. On the other hand, Luo Zheng is not too stingy. Instead, he plans to take part of this harvest As the welfare of Tiangong disciples.

If you go to the place of mourning, you can get more resources from Tiangong, but these resources are also contributed by other disciples. Although Luo Zheng doesn't like Fang Wei's words, he has to know some feedback after being in Tiangong for so long.

After busy with these things, Luo Zheng moved his soul to the city of all souls, and then retreated from the other side. After that, he had a brief closure.

Although he showed great power in the city of all souls, Luo Zheng also knew that the other side was definitely not as simple as it seemed.The creatures in the light field may not be the opponents of Luo Zheng and Fengge, but what about the dark field? And there may be other purists in the dark

This time, Luo Zheng's goal was to refine the secret seed of Liuwen Dingxue, which was obtained from empress Nuwa.

In the secret room of cultivation, the seed with blue light was lying in the palm of Luo Zheng's hand.

"If I refine the secret seed of Liuwen Dingxue, won't Chiyou's blood disappear completely?" Luo Zheng said to 95-27, with a look of hesitation on his face.

Although he wanted to gain more ancient gods' blood in order to be strong, he was a member of the Jiuli nationality after all. To clear his own blood was to break the blood relationship with Jiuli.

"Hey, there's nothing to worry about! It's not the change of blood vessels, but the complete duplication of blood vessels. When you copy enough ancient gods' blood vessels, the bone fragments in your chest will naturally grow again, and all the extra ancient gods' blood vessels will be stored in the bone fragments! " Nine five twenty seven answered.

"Bone slices..."

When Luo Zheng fused the blood of ancient gods for the first time, a piece of bone did grow strangely on his chest. Before that, 9527 had been hidden in that piece of bone, and the truth Fangjing also grew from this part.

Since then, Luo Zheng had no chance to obtain more ancient god blood, but did not grow more bone.

Since this layer of worry is redundant, Luo Zheng no longer has any hesitation.

He tossed the six grain blood fixing secret seed lightly, suspended it on his chest, and closed his hands on his chest. The ancient god's blood has been stimulated, and the green light converged under Luo Zheng's hands, and a truth square crystal gradually formed.

The method of refining six patterns to determine the secret blood species is not complicated. Nu Wa just mentioned a few words, and Luo Zheng remembered them.

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