The dark field is like a huge black beast, covering the east of the fourteenth heaven.

The darkness that Luo Zheng saw was the farthest part of the dark field, and also the nearest part to Wanling city.

At first, Cihang did not plan to die with Luo Zheng.

However, as the leader of the starfalcon family, after discovering Luo Zheng's powerful strength, it seems that this is the only way to go.

"Hoo, Hoo..."

Outside the sphere, a pair of wings fluttered and fluttered, carrying Luo Zheng to the dark.

"Big head collar! There's no need to burn all the stones with this human being! "

"Big head collar! There should be a better way! "

The other falcons followed up, down, left and right, calling constantly.

It's only half an hour since they attacked Wanling city. In a short period of time, the elite of the clan have been destroyed. Even the powerful Liexiang has been killed by the Terran boy. In order to subdue this guy, the big leader plans to take him into the dark area!

The starfalcons couldn't take it for a moment.

"Get out of the way!" He roared.

It has made a decision and naturally does not allow its men to stop it.

The falcons did not dare to stop them. They could only get out of the way and watch the big leader rush to the dark area.

Luo Zheng is constantly struggling in this sphere!

The power of the static stagnation of the star is very strange. It seems to be a kind of seal power, but it is far from the ordinary seal method. Luo Zheng's whole body is almost stagnated except his thinking.

He looked at the dark area not far away, and his face became more and more dignified.


There is a low ridge between tianwu mountain and Diwu mountain.

When Fengge rushes under the ridge, her strength has burst out suddenly. The ground under her feet is shocked and cracked rapidly.

Like an arrow, she shot straight up the ridge.

Seeing the crack on the ground, red electricity and blood roar's eyes show the color of shock again. At the same time, they also follow Fengge to climb up the ridge.

After the strength of the sprint weakened, Fengge fell on the slope on one side of the ridge again.


After a huge spider web crack suddenly appeared on the slope, she galloped up again.

Just two or three times later, Fengge had already stood on the ridge, and the dark field suddenly came into her eyes. At the same time, she also saw the group of starfalcons and the leader of starfalcon who was rushing to the dark field at high speed.


Fengge's eyes show a trace of panic. Luo Zheng is pulled into the dark, which is almost unbearable for her.


Red electricity and blood roar two other shore creatures also turned over the ridge, they can see clearly behind the scenes in the distance, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

"No help..." Blood roar says with dull voice.

"It's said that the static stagnation of the star can block the flow of all energy, and the Lord Chengwei is afraid that he can't resist..." Red electric shook his head.

They are very clear about the consequences of falling into the dark. No matter how strong Luo Zheng is, he will not be spared.

However, red power has its own calculation in mind.

After Luo Zheng died, the influence was not great, and Fengge would still be there. In the heart of red power, Fengge's strength was no less than Luo Zheng's, and it would be hard to meet an enemy in at least 14 days.

In the blood roar and red electric heart, Phoenix song suddenly loose a soft breath.

Under her pupil turnover, the surface is occupied by white light, and the pupil has completely disappeared

"Fengge, your highness..." The blood roar sees the Phoenix song this appearance to be startled, reveals the instinct to have.

"Fengge, your highness?"

Next to the red also staring at Phoenix song, don't know what she wants to do.

Fengge seems to have lost consciousness, and the whole person becomes numb and dull. Her hands are mechanically spread out in front of her, and wisps of white light are blooming from her palm.

The form of light is difficult to grasp.

Almost all light travels in a straight line.

But in the hands of Fengge, there are many patterns in the light.

"What light is this?" Blood roars stuffy voice to say.

Looking at the blazing white light, the corners of his eyes suddenly twitched.

The people who lead the Weasels are very smart. As the leader of the people who lead the weasels, Chidian has a good understanding of some legends in the dark.

It is said that there are pure people in the dark world who can create light and eliminate all the creatures in the dark world

Is his highness Fengge also a pure man?

It's unlikely that

Fengge clearly comes from the world beyond the other side. How can she be a pure one?

Under the confluence of thinking in the sea of red computers, two very contradictory judgments are formed. Even if she is not pure, what is she doing now?

With Fengge's hands together, the light in the pupil suddenly goes out, and the pupil hidden behind the white light comes out again. But the pupil reveals deep fatigue. As soon as her eyes are closed, she faints.Before Fengge fell down, Xuehou held out a huge slap, caught Fengge in it, and continued to say in a dull voice: "dizzy, she just What did you do? "

"My God..." Red electricity stares at the front, eyes are totally incredible expression.

The dark field is a dark curtain extending from the ground to the sky, omni-directional, without any dead angle.

But at this moment, a huge crack appeared in the sky above the edge of the dark field. When the crack cracked, it revealed a blazing white light. The light was so bright that the naked eye could not look directly at it!


The other falcons stopped outside the dark area and watched the big leader rush to the dark area. In the blink of an eye, they were engulfed by the darkness and disappeared completely.

At the moment of rushing into the dark, the energy in the dark has reacted with Cihang's body, and the two begin to erode each other!

Its hair disintegrated in an instant, and then the skin and bones!

Because Luo Zheng was wrapped in the static stagnation of the star, the light ball formed by the static stagnation of the star helped him resist for a while.

However, both Luo Zheng and Cihang know that as creatures in the light field, they will be eliminated by the dark field sooner or later!

Just when Cihang thought that his goal had been achieved, a crack suddenly opened up in the sky of the dark area.

The strong light in the crack from top to bottom, under the vertical reflection, directly envelops the dark area within a hundred Li radius!

"Well, what's that..."

Cihang's eagle eyes are full of incredible colors.

The place where it and Luo Zheng live is no longer a dark place

Does the light in the crack drive out the darkness so easily?

Even if you want to break your head, Cihang can't figure out what's wrong!

However, the dark creatures in the dark area with a radius of one hundred Li, however, have fallen into bad luck. Under such a strong light, all the dark creatures suddenly turn to ashes.

No matter it was the dark demon plant, or the five color earth dragon, who was trapped in the soil, they were not spared and died of this disaster.

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