In the heart of Luo Yan and Ling Yun, the stronghold of Li mountain is very safe.

They have been in the world of lust for some time, because they don't have to enter the city of all souls, but they don't have to contact with the other barbaric races.

The ethnic groups on the other side of the town are relatively docile, and they can treat these Yang spirits of Lishan with equal eyes.

Even when they saw the fierce starfalcons, the two girls were just a little alarmed. They didn't think that they would kill each other at once.

Yanling is their elder martial sister. She was born yesterday, but now it's gone. The pain in their hearts is far more than fear!

"Why..." Luo Yan Leng Leng looking at the dissipated Yang soul.

A star Falcon went into the Lishan stronghold, surrounded by hawk eyes. In the corner of the stronghold, some brave Lishan people did not withdraw from the other side.

Listen to this star Falcon said: "we do not want to kill, as long as take Luo Yan is, has nothing to do with other people in Lishan, you two, who is Luo Yan?"

Luo Yan is still in sadness, almost subconsciously ready to answer, next to the Ling Yun come forward, "I am Luo Yan!"

Ling Yun has seen that the star Falcon family is aimed at Luo Yan!

What reason, Ling Yun is not clear, but she can't let Luo Yan be taken away.

Luo Yan's mouth is slightly open, but she doesn't know how to speak

Starfalcon's eagle eyes looked at Lingyun and shrieked with a smile, "take both of you away!"

After the Falcon got out of the gate of the stronghold, two wings rolled in from the outer diameter of the stronghold, and rolled two Yang souls directly on the back of one falcon.

Then the Falcon left the town with six wings.

Bai Sheng of the White Ape tribe was deeply relieved to see the star Falcon leaving.

There is guilt in doing so, but Bai Sheng always thinks that he is for the White Ape.

When the starfalcon family has completed the plan, the White Ape family will return to Tianshui City, and with the support of the starfalcon family, it will return to its former glory, and its white victory will eventually become the hero of the White Ape family!

"Where are you taking us?"

"The starfalcons are closely related to the Jinwu people!"

"Do you know who they are? Do you want to be leveled by Lishan? "

Lingyun is constantly threatening the eagle's back.

Although Jinwu is also a super power, it is not enough to counter Li Shan's anger.

But no matter how Lingyun threatened, these falcons were dumb and didn't reply.

In a short time, many starfalcons have carried the two girls to the edge of the dark field.

"Sister Yan'er, it's the dark world!" Lingyun saw the unfathomable darkness and said.

Luo Yan also looked up, eyes are still numb, seems to be immersed in the sadness of the death of the banquet spirit.

Luo Yan had seen the dark area in the thirteenth heaven, but she did not enter it, and she did not know much about the dark area. She only knew that it was a very mysterious area, whether it was the Yang soul or the other side of the life, if she entered it, she would surely die.

When the falcons arrived at the edge of the dark field, they quickly descended.

"What do you want to do?" Ling Yun full face vigilant ask a way.

"Take you into the dark!" A starfalcon replied bluntly.

"Into the dark? If you want to kill us directly, just say so. Why use such a method? " There is a trace of panic in Lingyun's voice. In her opinion, entering the dark realm will surely lead to death.

The star Falcon didn't want to talk with Lingyun. Under one roll of its wings, it had two more fruits.

"Swallow it! Integrate them into your souls! This thing will keep you alive in the dark, "the Falcon ordered.

Ling Yun originally intended to resist, but he thought of the endless darkness of the dark field, and finally chose to compromise.

As for Luo Yan, there was no resistance at all.

After they integrate the fruit of darkness into the spirit of Yang, they find that the dark "dark curtain" in the dark field is not so dark. They can see that in the dark field, both Lingyun and Luo Yan are surprised.

As the dark area becomes clearer and clearer, Lingyun and Luo Yan find that there are several black monkeys staring at themselves. They are at the very edge of the dark area. It can be said that they are close at hand. Some of the monkey's faces make Lingyun scream and step back.

"Go in!"

A star Falcon's big wings wave, Lingyun plunges into the dark area, and Luo Yan stumbles into it.

The six falcons didn't take the fruit of the dark. They couldn't see anything in the dark. That's not what they need to care about. These falcons just threw Luo Yan to the appointed place according to the agreement.

"Now all that's left is to inform the smelly boy of Wanling city..." Said one of the falcons.

These falcons hate Luo Zheng so much that they want to peck him to pieces.

But big head leader and Liexiang all died in his hands. Is common star Falcon his opponent?

"Who's going?" The Falcon asked again.The falcons know that Luo Yan is the sister of the Terran smelly boy. When the news is passed on, the boy is in a rage, and the messenger may be dead or lifeless.

"I," said the shortest of the six.

The starfalcon family has come to such a field, and eventually someone needs to sacrifice. This starfalcon finally stands up.




The starkestrels in their chests are shining.

"May the stars be with you..."

"May the stars be with you..."

After the other falcons sent their blessings, the Falcon flew to Wanling city in the southwest.


Feng song was in a coma for a day and a night before she opened her eyes. She looked tired.

It is obviously a great waste of energy to open the crack of light. Even if it is as strong as pure, it cannot be used wantonly.

Just as she struggled to get up, her hands were on her shoulder. Luo Zheng's voice came at the same time, "don't move when you wake up. You overdraw too much, and you have to have a good rest."

Hear Luo Zheng's words hide a trace of guilt, Feng Song's lips quietly up.

For some reason, she seems to enjoy Luo Zheng's emotion. If possible, she hopes that Luo Zheng can owe more to herself.

Just when Fengge was going to say something, a weasel leader burst in, "report! Lord Chengwei

Luo Zheng and Feng GE's eyebrows wrinkled together. Luo Zheng asked, "what's the matter?"

"A starfalcon landed outside Chengwei's house and asked to see Chengwei," the weasel leader replied.

"Starfalcon asked to see me?" Luo Zheng is stunned for a moment. Is the star Falcon going to admit defeat?

At this point, it's meaningless to admit defeat. Even if Luo Zheng wants to let go of the starfalcons, the weasels and giants can't let it go.

However, Luo Zheng left the room and went straight to the gate of Chengwei mansion.

Standing at the door, the Falcon said after seeing Luo Zheng, "your sister Luo Yan has been put into the dark."

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