These two light cones are formed by high speed condensation of light.

For the creatures in the light field, it is almost harmless, but for the creatures in the dark field, it is deadly.

The two greenskins couldn't move at all. If they wanted to escape by force, the light cone could pull their legs in half.

Feng Song face Sen ran of walk forward, is about to force to ask these guys why dare to sneak attack them, but before opening mouth abruptly stopped, turn head toward Luo Zheng a smile, "you come to ask!"

Luo Zheng nodded, stepped out and stopped the two green men, then said: "we don't pass by here. Why do you want to drive insects to attack us?"

Two green people looked at Luo Zheng, their fear of Luo Zheng is obviously not as serious as Fengge.

One of them opened his mouth and explained with his hands waving. As for what he said, Luo Zheng didn't understand a word.

"Don't you know the language?" Luo Zheng frowned.

No matter on the other side or in the mother world, the human language seems to be a universal language, and there are few cases of language barrier.

"If you don't speak human words, you two won't have the value of living. Let's all die," Feng GE's eyes flashed with a cold color.

She was originally a decisive person, but she still looked after some images in front of Luo Zheng, but these two green people pretended to be stupid in front of Luo Zheng, and she absolutely could not accept it.


From the fingertips of Fengge, there are light cones, like shining nails, which are about to be photographed towards one of the green men. The green man waves and explains: "don't kill me, don't kill me!"

When Fengge's palm was one foot away from the green man, she stopped abruptly and showed a smile to Luo ZhengZhan again

Luo Zheng was made laughing and crying by Feng GE's series of actions. It's too deliberate to change his image in this way.

"If you know what people say, I'll ask you again, why did you attack us?" Luo Zheng asked again.

One of the green people said, "I, we are the insect release masters! We are catching black flies. They are very sensitive. If you stay here, you will scare them away. When that happens, our tribe will be miserable! "

Two green skin people are also good at catching insects. After arranging candles, they cover up their own breath with a special secret method.

If other insects invade, they will catch them as fast as they can, but the ultimate goal is to wait for the dark cockroach.

"Please let us go, we really want to catch the black cockroach..." Another green man said pitifully.

"Put away the light cone," Luo Zheng said to Fengge.

Fengge's eyes turn, fingers gently, the light cone nailed on the legs of the two green people disappear instantly.

Luo Zheng sighed a sigh of relief at the sight of the two green men, and then asked, "I'm looking for you to inquire about something in the dark..."

Just as Luo Zheng was talking, the wind was blowing in the dark woods not far away. The crown of the tree was dancing to one side, and a unique smell of blood escaped.


Luo Zheng and Feng Ge smell the smell of blood, and their faces show strange colors.

When the smell of blood rushed into their nostrils, their hearts were beating slightly, and they had a sense of longing for the taste.

"Black cockroach!"

"Oh no, it's at this time!"

Two green people's faces turned black and blue instantly. One of them turned his hand over and had a bamboo tube in his hand. He knocked the bamboo tube in his palm and poured some brown powder in his palm. At the same time, he said in a pleading voice: "you two, this black bug really concerns our family's life. It has a keen sense of smell. If you can smell the smell of the two people, you can see it I'm sure I'll run away. Please, sprinkle the powder on me

Without the consent of Luo Zheng and Fengge, they dare not spray the powder directly.

Luo Zheng looked at the shaking forest in the distance and finally chose to nod.

"Shua, Shua!"

After the green man sprinkled the brown powder, he asked Luo Zheng and Feng Ge to hide in the grass on the other side. At the same time, he whispered, "I don't know what you want to know, but when we catch the black cockroach, we will let you know!"

As soon as his voice fell, the dense forest in the distance finally opened to both sides.

A half tall worm crawled out of the forest!

The whole body of the worm is snow-white. It looks like ice silkworm, but the inside is full of blood color. Through the skin, you can see the blood flowing in it.

The size of the worm is not big. It's only half a person's height. It can cause such prestige when crawling. I'm afraid the power of the worm is not small.

As soon as the worm appeared, Luo Zheng and Feng Ge felt more and more strange, and their stomachs began to growl. Both of them moved their fingers as if they had seen the best food.

"Strange..." Luo Zheng was very surprised. After Bigu, Luo Zheng seldom showed such emotion to any delicious food.Although this kind of mood is strange, Luo Zheng's thought turns slightly, has suppressed it.

But the Phoenix song next to it is different.

Her beautiful eyes looked at the insect, as if her soul was attracted by the insect. Her lips opened slightly and said, "I, I want to eat that insect..."

Feng song while saying, can't help but to stand up, but Luo Zheng gently pulled down, "Feng Song, what's the matter with you?"


The two green men booed each other.

Because of this, the black bug, which had been crawling slowly, suddenly stopped, raised its head and looked around, with a wary look in its small eyes.

After watching for a long time, the beetle relaxed its vigilance and crawled slowly towards the candle.

Two green men, one holding a slender bamboo pole, the other holding a rope loop, until it climbed into the range of the candle to start.

Luo Zheng looked at the Phoenix song beside him strangely.

Although Fengge no longer talks, her eyes are still looking at the black bug. The bloody smell of the bug really has a fatal attraction to her.

If she had not a trace of consciousness, and Luo Zheng around, I'm afraid she would have jumped on it directly.

"It's going in! Ready One of the greenskins whispered down the aisle.

Another green man grabbed the rope and was ready to throw it out at any time. But at that moment, a nearby forest was shaking again, from which three more black cockroaches emerged. The size of the three black cockroaches was twice as big as that of the first one, which was comparable to the height of an adult.

When the two green men saw the three black flies, their faces suddenly changed.

Their plan was to catch only one black cockroach. Now there are three more, and the situation becomes extremely complicated.

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