To the west of the dark field, there is a pass between the chenjue mountains.

After this pass, it is the territory of the king monkey clan.

With the status of entomologists, naturally, we can't pass this pass smoothly. When

was about ten miles away from the gateway, min Kai could drop the Scarab into a forest. Meanwhile, he said with great care, "there must be many monkey kings stationed at the junction of Shen Jue mountain, and I will send out an eyelid bug."

Min Qi said and patted the pocket on his waist. A finger sized bug flew out.

The insect is as small as a mosquito, as light as dust, and hard to detect.

The two entomologists are not good at fighting. They can only help Luo Zheng in this aspect. Unexpectedly, Luo Zheng waved his hand and said, "don't check."

"No?" Min Qi's eyes were fixed.

"Just follow me," Luo Zheng said, nodding to Fengge.

He and Fengge can sense that the magic block has gone away, which shows that the monkey's destination is far away from the pass.

Luo Zheng and Fengge had been careful, but also to avoid scaring the snake. After all, Luo Yan is still in the hands of the black monkeys.

But they have just killed that group of black monkeys, and the king monkeys will know sooner or later, so Luo Zheng is now fighting for time with the black monkeys. Naturally, he has no scruples now.

"I'm afraid there are dozens of King monkeys stationed here..."

Min Qi said silently in his heart, but he swallowed the words abruptly when he thought of Feng Song's killing ghost winged bird.

Above the pass, a team of King monkeys shuttle back and forth.

This pass of chenjue mountain is the only way to enter the territory of King monkey. It has been strictly guarded here. Recently, more people have been deployed at this pass.

There is no detailed explanation of the reason for sending more people, but the leader of the king monkey who guards the pass is a little uneasy.

There's no reason to send more people. There must be trouble

Are the one eyed going to make trouble again?

A few years ago, the king monkey taught the one eyed people a lesson. Now the king monkey is one of the best in the dark area of the fourteenth heaven. Those one eyed people can't come here now.

As for the pure one, he was taken good care of by the king monkeys.

"Head! Something's coming A king monkey interrupts the king monkey leader's thoughts.


The king monkey leader jumped up from the room under the pass, climbed to the top of the pass and looked ahead.

"Scarab?" King monkey leader saw a few scarabs in the air and was stunned.

Aren't these scarabs rare among the entomologists?

What are the entomologists doing here? Crazy?

The king monkey leader's eyes were fixed again, and a trace of anger appeared on his face. He roared, "the green man who catches insects, if you come closer to the pass, there will be no amnesty for killing!"

In the hearts of the king monkeys, the nature of the insect master is cowardly, and this situation can be dismissed by any threat.

But after the monkey leader roared, the two entomologists not only did not turn back, but led the Scarab to continue to approach, which seemed a little strange.

"To die!"

The king monkey leader winked at the two subordinates next to him. The two subordinates flicked on their backs, and two more black javelins appeared in their hands.

Minqi and Minhong see the action of the king monkeys at the gate, swallow their saliva, and almost resist the drama in their hearts.

When the two subordinates were ready to throw javelin, a whistling sound suddenly sounded nearby, which immediately attracted the eyes of all king monkeys.

King monkey leader moved his eyes and saw Luo Zheng's figure hanging on the wall. Monkey's face was also slightly stunned, "human? How do humans get into the dark? And this man seems to have a body? "

At the same time when he saw Luo Zheng, the king monkey leader's heart beat slightly. He remembered that a few days ago, a team of King monkeys had escorted the Yang spirits of two famous women through the customs. That team was the elite of the king monkey family.

At that time, there was some confusion in his mind. Is it related to this human?

This idea only in an instant, it has made a decision, "trespasser, kill!"

Two subordinates will arm a Yang, two already toward Luo Zheng ruthlessly throw past.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

Although the speed of javelin is extremely fast, Luo Zheng's body is only a slight twist, it is easy to avoid, and the javelin is firmly nailed to the mountain wall.

He rolled over, sat down on the javelin, and asked, "are you sure? There are no other black monkeys around? "

When the king monkeys heard the insulting name of "black monkey", their faces Suddenly sank. At the same time, they wondered who Luo Zheng was talking to. Just as they looked around, a voice came from them, "confirm, all the black monkeys are here."

"Then do it," Luo Zheng said with a faint smile.


On the top of the black monkeys above the pass, a light column came down, enveloping the black monkeys.With the power of the Great Buddha's boundless sky light, it is clear in the blink of an eye. Even the ground under their feet has been melted into a round hole. The white light enters into the pass, and the black monkeys inside are also completely eliminated!

The only surviving black monkey in the whole shenjue pass is the king monkey leader.

The king monkey leader is responsible for guarding chenjue pass. He is also a person who has experienced many battles. When he sees the white light falling out of thin air, he has only one idea in his heart. The pure one has done it!

But the pure ones are against the king monkeys? Things without reason

It is in confusion, the body dexterous turn over and rise, is about to run towards the gate below.

Luo Zheng left him a life, naturally in order to get information, he had already prepared.

At the same time, Luo Zheng pulled out a javelin and dived down from the mountain wall. At the same time, he turned around. The stick at the end of the javelin hit the head of the king monkey severely, and then he smashed it on the top of the pass.

"Ask about one thing."

After jumping to the pass, Luo Zheng gently inserted the javelin on the side of the king monkey leader and asked, "as far as I know, you have bound the Yang soul of a famous woman?"

King monkey leader's eyes flashed when he heard this question. It was because of this

"I just..." The leader of the monkey king was just about to answer, and dozens of thin light cones came down from above, nailed to his feet, legs, shoulders, wrists, chest and other parts.

On the other side of the city wall, the figure of another famous woman emerged, and thin light cones were still beating in her hands.

"The light of the pure is released by this woman..." The cornea of the king monkey's eye is constantly beating. After it is limited by these light cones, as long as it moves a little, it will be cut into pieces by the light cone.

"To tell you the truth, you can live a life, otherwise the end will be the same as them," Luo Zheng said, pointing to nothingness.

Those black monkeys have been completely annihilated by the boundless sky.

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