Under the youmang mountain to the north of the dark field is a vast black marsh.

The calm pool doesn't fluctuate all the year round. Occasionally, a blister will burst, and a deadly poisonous fog will be emitted from it.

If not necessary, no dark creatures would like to get close to this black marsh.


More than ten horses were galloping in the black marsh.

If you can move forward at such a speed, you must be very familiar with blackmarsh.

Sitting on the horse is Hanjiang Wei, the elite of the Royal monkey family, and the commander of the Royal monkey family, big flag monkey, leads Hanjiang Wei forward.


Just as the black monkeys were running, a small black snake suddenly burst out of the swamp beside them. As the snake leaped out, it bit at the head of the big flag monkey.


The big flag monkey's reaction is very sharp. With a flick, the dark snake has broken into several pieces.

He grasped the snake's head in his hand and recognized it. He frowned and said, "it's the spotted only grass snake! Be careful, everyone

The black marsh is originally a highly toxic place, and the poisons that can survive in it should not be underestimated.

After the big flag monkey gave a warning, he pulled the horse's mane and led the team to run forward again.

A horse in the middle of the team is carrying Luo Yan and Ling Yun.

In terms of the strength of ordinary Yang souls, they are even reluctant to fight against the ordinary creatures on the other side, not to mention the strength of the creatures on the dark side. They have no room for resistance.

"I only know that the dark field is boundless darkness, but I didn't expect that there are complicated forces in it..." Lingyun looked at the black swamp.

But Luo Yan frowned and said, "I don't know what their purpose is to bring us here from afar."

She has nothing to do with the starfalcons. Why did she choose to fight at this time?

Along the way, Luo Yan and Ling Yun try to get the answer from these black monkeys, but these black monkeys completely treat them as two people in general and ignore them at all.

"GA -"

at this time, a very harsh and strange cry suddenly came.

Luo Yan, Ling Yun and the black monkeys all look up at the sky.

Several huge birds swooped down from the sky, apparently targeting the king monkeys.

"Commander! It's the ghost winged bird A king monkey kept calm and warned.

Hanjiangwei is the most powerful group of King monkeys. No matter in mind or strength, they are far superior to other king monkeys.

If the general King monkeys see the ghost winged bird, now I'm afraid they are all in a panic.

"These animals I ran to join in the fun at the crucial time The big flag monkey showed a cool color on his face and ordered, "disperse!"

"But this is the black marsh..." A king monkey hesitated.

Ghost winged birds are dangerous, but many King monkeys scattered in the black marsh is no different from looking for death.

"It's too late. Those ghost winged birds are coming too fast!" Another monkey called out.

If it's outside the black marsh, the king monkeys have a way to deal with the ghost winged birds, but all the creatures in the black Marsh will tie their hands and feet, except the ghost winged birds, which can fly in the air.

"Then I'll go to the back of the hall, you go first!"

The big flag monkey suddenly strangled the horse. The armor on its arms began to shine golden, and its strength began to accumulate.

This time, it's an order from the high level to lead this Terran woman named "Luo Yan" into the dark area and send her to the pure one. Even if the big flag monkey has to fight her own life, it will be completed.

"Gaga, Gaga..."

When the huge ghost winged birds dive at high speed, the black marsh in the distance suddenly shakes, and a slender snake head rolls out of thin air, "whoosh". The slender snake head passes through thousands of feet, and accurately rolls a ghost winged bird!

The huge ghost winged bird even had no time to resist, so it was dragged away by the tongue at an incredible speed and disappeared in the depth of the swamp.

"Gaga, Gaga, Gaga..."

Other ghost winged birds see this scene, also nervous strange call up, at the same time spread wings want to escape.

But the tongue, which had been rolled back, ejected again at a very fast speed, and instantly swept away a ghost winged bird




But a few breathing time, the seven or eight ghost winged birds floating in the sky were swept clean by that tongue.

Ling Yun and Luo Yan see this scene, completely stunned.

In their eyes, these king monkeys are extremely powerful creatures in the dark area. Unexpectedly, they also have natural enemies such as ghost winged birds. Ling Yun is still glad that the ghost winged birds can't leave the dark area. A big tongue swept over them and swallowed them up.

How does the master of this tongue exist?

Although Ling Yun and Luo Yan are not optimistic about their own fate, they still can't help sighing at the scene they witnessed. I really don't know what secrets are hidden in the other side."It's God!"

"God has done it!"

"It's dangerous..."

The monkeys were also excited when they saw the big tongue.

The big flag monkey rode to the front of the procession and ordered: "take out the black cockroaches that are paying tribute!"

The God of the fourteenth heaven does not belong to any one of the forces. The Royal monkey family has tried their best to mend their relationship with this "God" over the years, but the God is very grumpy. When they paid tribute to the black flies and insects for so many years, many royal monkeys were swallowed by the God.

Soon the monkeys got off their horses and lifted iron plates over their heads. Above the iron plates, there was a black cockroach, six in all.

"Slow down!"

"Don't be hostile. God is sensitive!"

"More slowly!"

The big flag monkey is nearby to remind the king monkeys.

The king monkeys carry the iron plate step by step. If they move a little bigger, they will become the food of God like the black cockroaches on their heads.

However, a few miles away, the king monkey actually walked two incense time.

When they reached the edge of a black marsh in front of them, the tongue shot out again and swept over a monkey king. Even the monkey king and the black cockroach on his head were dragged into the dark!

The other king monkeys were shocked when they saw this scene. However, as a guard of the cold river, they had learned the ability of fearing life and death, and they didn't have the idea of throwing away the insects to escape.

"My Lord!"

The big flag monkey hurried to the edge of the black marsh, arched his hand in front of him and called respectfully.

God has tasted the delicious food of the black cockroaches, and should not attack them again.

"Gudong, Gudong, Gudong..."

In the pure black swamp, a head full of flesh spines slowly rose up. On both sides of the head, there were a pair of orange eyes. The pupils of the eyes flashed back and forth like a thin thread. Then a slightly hoarse voice came out, "you monkeys, you are trying to please me with black flies. What do you want?"

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