The light containing the terrible power fell down, and the shock wave turned into a circle visible to the naked eye, surging in all directions.

The light from the sky breaks through the sky, forming a pillar of light that runs through the dark area from below!

Before the circle spread, Luo Zheng had already grasped Fengge and galloped away, and finally avoided the blow.

The Phoenix song hangs on Luo Zheng's body, the eye pupil is full of different colors, "that is what method, how has such power?"

She is pure with God, but she doesn't seem to understand such means at all. The boundless light can be driven at will, but it has no power at all

"How can I know if you don't know?" Luo Zheng holds Feng Ge tightly and says with a bitter smile.

When he failed, the God gave a cold hum, and the light wings behind him fluctuated. The huge figure flew towards Luo Zheng. At the same time, the rays turned into spiral lines and converged from his chest again.


Feng Song points to the sky to remind a way.

As soon as her voice fell, the light from God's chest shot out again.


When the light wave came down, the whole space vibrated slightly and went straight to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng didn't have to look back to feel the terrible pressure. He clenched his teeth slightly, and the thunder wings behind him "crackled" and accelerated again. The light wave fell behind Luo Zheng again.


The shock wave diffuses rapidly, and countless dark matter are annihilated by the light.

Luo Zheng holds Fengge in front of him and blocks the shock wave with his back. Driven by the shock wave, he goes with the trend and his speed is greatly increased.

And God's light wings, is closely behind.

This chase and escape, along the road of the dark realm of life but down the big bad luck.

Once the light wave is smashed, the shock wave will be enough to annihilate the creatures within a radius of 10 Li, and a pair of God's light wings will continuously release boundless sky light.

Wherever it passes, the dark matter below will be forcibly eroded away. The pair of light wings plowed a deep ditch with a width of more than 20 Zhang and a length of more than 30 Li in the dark, and the ditch is still extending.

Luo Zheng is also under great pressure in the face of these light waves falling from the sky.

I'm afraid the power of this light wave is beyond the limit of Luo Zheng's physical body. His physical body is not invincible. If the Hunyuan spirit is tired and there is no time to repair it, Luo Zheng will be seriously injured and die!

"Watch your left side!"

"Behind the right!"

Fengge attentively reminds Luo Zheng.

Just when Luo Zheng flew to the front left in advance, trying to avoid the light wave behind him, god suddenly turned over in the air and came to the front of Luo Zheng and opened his mouth at the same time.

"Whew -"

its slender tongue rolled towards Luo Zheng at a speed that the naked eye could not catch.

Luo Zheng didn't expect that the God would attack him with his tongue. He was slightly surprised and threw Fengge out. Even if he was involved in the God's mouth, the Lord might not be able to eat himself!

But God didn't plan to roll Luo Zheng into his mouth. The moment when his tongue rolled over, it was like a tight whip, and it hit Luo Zheng hard.


Out of control, Luo Zheng flies backward, and the path of his backward flight just overlaps with the light wave falling behind him. The light wave hits Luo Zheng impartially, enveloping him.


The light of the light waves shines on the sky again.

God narrowed his eyes, staring at the rapid diffusion of light below, slowly falling down, showing a cool color in his heart. It took a lot of trouble to get rid of a celebrity kid, which made him very dissatisfied.

"Luo, Luo Zheng It's hopeless... " Lingyun's face was full of distress.

Luo Yan said nothing and looked at the bottom.

The Phoenix song thrown out by Luo Zheng has just landed, and a pair of beautiful eyes are also very dignified. There is a strong worry in the pupils.

After three or four breaths, the light gradually faded away.

There was a big pit in place, and a strange thing was creeping on the bottom of the pit.

It looks about the same size as human beings, but its shape has changed dramatically, with spines extending from the back and a thick tail extending to the bottom.

"What is this, Luo Zheng?" Lingyun asked strangely.

"My brother..." Luo Yan stares at that monster also very don't understand.

Even Fengge had never seen such forms as Luo Zheng. She blinked with confusion.

"Whoosh -"

when God was also a little surprised, the monster's strong limbs popped up..

God had fallen on the top of the pit, not far from the monster.

When the monster was suddenly in trouble, god suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart. Just as he wanted to spread his wings and fly away, the monster had stuck to him and raised his tail behind him."Poof!"

On this day, the main skin is rough and the flesh is thick. Luo Zheng couldn't break its skin by javelin throwing before, but the monster's tail stab suddenly disappeared!

God's eyes finally showed a flustered color. One of his sharp claws snapped at the monster, but the monster was extremely agile. After pulling out the tail sting, his body jumped again, and the black tail sting "poof" went into God's neck again.

After penetrating this note, the monster rushes down the back of God, passes by Luo Yan and Lingyun, and then goes around God's abdomen to pierce the black needle again.

After three stabs, the monster left God's body and landed on the ground steadily.

Soon, a very strange scene appeared in the body of God.

Three green lights spread from the right chest, neck and abdomen of God.

The black leather armours soften and fester one by one, turning into green mud

"What is this, what poison is this..."

God looked at the change of his body, and his face was full of horror. He knew that his body was strong and that ordinary poison had no effect.

It pushes the boundless sky light to the maximum and tries to fill its body with energy.

But no matter how strong the light is, it can't help it disperse the toxin.

"Hoo, hoo, Hoo..."

God is rolling in the air, jumping up and down, climbing out a low roar.

After this futile struggle lasted for about ten breaths, it finally exhausted and fell to the ground from the air. The pair of light wings and the white light flowing on the body surface also quickly dimmed, and the breath disappeared in an instant.

The darkness, which had been dispelled, came gradually. Unfortunately, when the darkness was not completely covered, Fengge waved again. A white light came down from the sky, illuminating the area hundreds of feet around, and most of the light gathered on the monster.

"Creeping on the ground, the monster asked," are you on your way

This monster, like Luo Zheng, has a blurred body and can't see its shape clearly. It should also be in the form of entering the other side with the body, but the difference between its shape and Luo Zheng is too big.

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