After a while, the number of words on the paper reached 500.

Then he said, "the ring has been put on the eastern expedition paper."

The Eastern Emperor looked at the handwriting on the piece of paper, and his face was even more happy.

In fact, up to now, the Eastern Emperor did not know how Luo Zheng deciphered Sanskrit. At first, the Eastern Emperor thought that there was a certain element of luck in it, but the Eastern Emperor himself was also proficient in Sanskrit. The way of deciphering Sanskrit by luck alone could not go far!

But now Luo Zheng has been able to decipher Sanskrit steadily, which means that the complete chapter of true enlightenment will be deciphered sooner or later. How can the Eastern Emperor not be excited?

"If the whole chapter can be translated, it will be a blessing for us Tiangong people for thousands of years," the Eastern Emperor said with a smile.

Those days and other important officials nodded their heads, especially in qiuyin river.

Luo Zheng was lucky to be in Daojian palace. Now Luo Zheng has made such a contribution to Tiangong, which qiuyinhe never thought of.

From the perspective of Luo Zheng's talent, his value should be far more than what we see now. As long as we give him time, I don't know how far he will grow.

"The Eastern Emperor praised me," Luo Zheng said modestly.

The Eastern Emperor said with a smile, "but today I send you here, there is another thing."

Fengge, who has been standing beside Luo Zheng, has an unnatural expression on her face. When she looks at the ground, her face is scarlet.

"I don't know what it is?" Luo Zheng asked.

Under such a display, Luo Zheng has already faintly noticed that something is wrong, but he can't figure out exactly what is going on.

Just then, a sweet voice came, "do you remember that I promised a great gift?"

Princess Yan came out from the back of the palace.

She was dressed in fiery red silk, with lifelike firephoenixes hanging on her sleeves and waist. She looked decent and unrestrained.

"Peerless gift..."

Yan imperial concubine does not mention this matter, Luo Zheng almost forgot.

At the beginning, Luo Zheng and Fengge were trapped in the dark and were trapped in the cave of light before they were able to leave the other side and return to their mother's world, but they did not get rid of the danger.

Yan imperial concubine at that time protects a female heart to be anxious, then promise such a promise.

In fact, Luo Zheng didn't pay much attention to the great gift. When he left the dark world, Fengge became a pure one, while Luo Zheng got the tool of civilization. This is already the best gift.

What's more, the fire of Fengge's memory was in disorder at that time, and her intelligence had degenerated into a child of several years old. Princess Yan was also very depressed at that time. Since she didn't mention it, Luo Zheng would not mention it.

Luo Zheng didn't expect that Yan imperial concubine would bring up the old things again at this time.

"Empress Yan, Luo Zheng naturally remembers. I don't know what the peerless gift that empress Yan said?" Luo Zheng asked.

Yan imperial concubine purses mouth to smile to hope to Feng Song, then say: "this big gift, is at your side."

Luo Zheng was stunned for a moment. He looked at Fengge beside him. He looked at Fengge's blushing face and lowered his head. Then he reflected, "what does empress Yan mean..."

"I want to betroth Fengge to you," said Yanfei zhengse.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he was in a hurry.

If the East emperor and the Yan imperial concubine really plan to marry the Phoenix song to themselves, the things involved are too tired.

"Will you?" Asked the emperor.

The important ministers standing on both sides of the di long hall watched Luo Zheng one after another.

It is also a good thing that Luo Zheng can marry Fengge.

Although Luo Zheng grew up in taiyitian palace, he joined in half the way after all, and he still has the blood of Jiuli.

When he married Fengge, Luo Zheng had a closer relationship with Tiangong.

Luo Zheng bowed his head and thought for a while. He arched his hand and said, "your honor, empress Yan, Luo Zheng has a wife."

Fengge, after all, is the daughter of the Eastern Emperor. If she really marries herself, she is doomed to be unable to compromise in her name.

Luo Zheng and Ning yudie have been together for many years, but he can't get through it.

"Of course I know," said Princess Yan with a smile. "Fengge is the Pearl of the East emperor and me. You can't lose your reputation when you marry her. Your first wife agrees to this. You don't have to think about it."

Hear Yan imperial concubine's words, Luo Zheng's eyebrows suddenly erect, way, "Yan imperial concubine says, small butterfly agrees this matter is she says personally?"

During this time, Luo Zheng was busy on the other side, and had no time to go back to Liujian sect to take care of Ning yudie. A few days ago, Fengge once said that he would take Ning yudie to Taidi palace.

At that time, Luo Zheng also felt abrupt, but he didn't think much. After all, Taidi palace could guarantee their safety.

Now hearing this, Luo Zheng immediately understood that Fengge had a plan to connect Ning yudie and Xi Youqin here.

"She said it herself," Yan Fei nodded.

Luo Zheng looked at Fengge and then said, "can I see Xiaodie?"Today, Luo Zheng was summoned to Taidi Palace by the Eastern Emperor. He was ready to see Ning yudie by the way, but he didn't expect that the Eastern Emperor would suddenly betroth Fengge to him, which was far beyond his expectation.

Yan imperial concubine's vision is tiny a Shan, immediately say: "they a few women open the Ling of the fire in the dry Lian palace, is in the retreat close, if forcibly interrupt, I'm afraid not beautiful."

Ling of fire is a way of cultivation in Qianlian palace. Concubine Yan should not lie.

But with the means of Yan imperial concubine, the nature can arrange everything to be logical.

Next to the Phoenix song open eyes, showing a pathetic look.

Today, her father called his important ministers together, saying that it was to let Luo Zhengxuan write a portrait and realize the truth. In fact, it was to decide the marriage. She naturally hoped that Luo Zheng would agree.

"ZHENG'ER, this is a beautiful thing. Why worry so much?" Qiuyinhe also said at this time.

"Yes, if Luo Zheng is in love with Princess Lingping, why worry too much?" Another minister said.

Luo Zheng just looked at them in silence, and then continued to bow his hand to Yan Fei and said, "no matter how, before seeing Ning yudie, I'm sorry that Luo Zheng can't promise this. Luo Zheng will leave!"

After that, he brushed his sleeve and turned to walk out.

The important ministers in Taidi palace looked at each other, and there were expressions of surprise, amazement, and even incomprehension on their faces.

In particular, the old man beside the East emperor snorted coldly. He and the East emperor went through life and death many times, and they were brothers and sisters.

He was angry that this young man dared to brush his face on such occasions!

"Stinky boy, stop for me!" The old man roared.

The breath of terror roared out of the di long hall and rushed all the way to the outside of the hall. The golden helmets outside the hall were shocked by the breath and shivered one by one. Luo Zheng was the first to bear the brunt.

However, in the face of this powerful atmosphere, he is still walking smoothly.

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