In the future, the big world of Hunyuan no longer exists, and there is almost no way to obtain the spirit of Hunyuan. I'm afraid this is my last chance to enter Hunyuan.

"Refining the Spirit Crystal of Hunyuan needs to be arranged separately. I'll help you get the method of arrangement in a while," Luo Zheng added.

When the spirit of Hunyuan is placed behind the flesh, it needs the array to refine.

This place is too far away from the abandoned world of Hunyuan. Luo Zheng can't let the evil gods go to refine. However, it's not difficult to arrange the array for refining. Just find a chance to inquire.

"What do you mean by what you just said?" The evil God asked again.

The evil gods are interested in the crystal of Hunyuan spirit, but they are more interested in the former sentence of Luo Zheng.

There was a smile in Luo Zheng's eyes.

He was really unwilling to trap evil spirits in it.

"I want to let you out," Luo said.

"Let me out?" The evil god's eyes moved slightly, and he could hardly believe his ears.

Ever since Luo Zheng came here, the evil god was so disappointed that he just waited for Luo Zheng to devour himself.

I didn't expect that Luo Zheng didn't devour him. He just imprisoned himself and asked him to think about Tao energy. With the wisdom of the evil god, he could understand Luo Zheng's practice.

As Luo Zheng said before, if he is really the evil idea of the world, absorbing himself will only bring more trouble to Luo Zheng.

Before I let myself go, I bound myself with spirit.

Luo Zheng is already familiar with the defects of kejilingdi. It's impossible to use the same method again. Is it

When the evil god was thinking, Luo Zheng said: "there is only one price to let you out, and you will become my Tao refining body."

Before entering the big world of Hunyuan, the evil god also understood that the way to refine the separation is the means to refine the living beings in the inner world into the separation.

Previously, the evil god also wanted to refine Luo Zheng as his own body. If he could have such a powerful body as Luo Zheng, it would be the icing on the cake!

The end result is the reverse

Luo Zheng said faintly, "but the general Dao Lian separation is to erase your consciousness and turn it into your own separation. But I intend to keep your consciousness, that is to say, most of the time you have freedom, but you can't disobey my orders."

After returning to taiyitian palace, Luo Zheng also took time to understand that the way to refine the separation is not a complicated magic power. Because he can directly control the separation, it is more practical than the way to send spirit.

It's not very useful for Luo Zheng to just refine the evil god into an ordinary part. It's not as good as his own to compete with the flesh. But some of the gifts of the evil god are better than his own. If he can use them properly, it will be a great help.

Luo Zheng then asked, "would you like to?"

"I have no choice," the evil god said with a smile.

From the bottom of my heart, the evil god is willing. No matter what, it is better than being trapped in the inner world, not to mention the separation of Tao and Lian

When the thoughts of the evil god reached this point, he stopped. Luo Zheng was able to spy on his thoughts, some of which were taboo to him now.

Luo Zheng reached out and waved to the golden fence. The whole fence broke and the mountain collapsed.

The mortals in those countries below, seeing the collapse of the mountains, showed their fear one by one.

"Lord, I..." Xiuzhu floats in the air and looks at Luo Zheng, showing an expression of supplication.

All living beings in the inner world don't know that there is a day outside, so they don't have too many ideas in their hearts.

Once we know that there is a world beyond the world, how can those people with lofty ideals want to be limited in this world?

Xiuzhu is a woman of evil spirits. She has known for a long time that there is a big world outside, but she is more willing to follow the evil spirits than to see that big world.

"You can leave with him, I have no restriction on you," Luo Zheng said directly.

Hearing this, Xiuzhu immediately looked happy and cheered: "thank you

Even the evil god was surprised, and there was a trace of joy in his eyes.

Later, with the permission of Luo Zheng, the evil god and Xiuzhu went to the main mainland to bid farewell to their children.

Although the evil god has been away for a long time, he is a legend in the world. Many mysteries of the world are in the hands of his children. Even without the evil god as a tree to rely on, their children are still the best in the world.

When the children of the evil God saw the return of the evil god, they were all very surprised. They heard that their father and mother were going to leave together, and they were reluctant to give up again. However, as the children of the evil god, they also understood their father's pursuit

Luo Zheng is scattered and internalized behind him. His consciousness is restored. When his eyes open, he feels a warm breath on his face. Then he sees that Xi Youqin's face is close at hand.

"What's this for?" Luo Zheng was startled and asked in dismay.

Xi Youqin stares at Luo Zheng and says, "look, you're settled in the yard. I'm afraid you'll have an accident..."

She thought Rowe was on the other side.Women like Ning yudie and Xun have a certain understanding of the other side, but xiyouqin is totally unable to understand and has no interest in understanding. She only knows that the other side is very dangerous.

Luo Zheng touched Xi Youqin's head and said in a soft voice, "I just look inside the body."

"What does the inner world do?" Xi Youqin asks curiously.

"Someone's coming out."

Luo Zheng got up and turned half a circle. When he faced the open space, he put his hands in the air at the lower abdomen. Xiuzhu in plain white appeared in the courtyard.

Xiuzhu came to this world for the first time. She was a little scared on her beautiful face, and she was also curious about this world.

"Lord, do you live in such a place?" Xiuzhu asked.

In Xiuzhu's eyes, Luo Zheng is omnipotent and a God that no one can match. Although this independent courtyard is exquisite, it is very ordinary after all and does not deserve the identity of the Lord, which makes Xiuzhu confused

"Husband, who is she?"

A moment ago, xiyouqin was as good as a sheep. At this moment, her face was covered with thunder clouds, as if she was about to attack.

"It's a person in my inner world, and I promised to release her," Luo explained.

"Because she's beautiful?" Xiyouqin said.

In fact, it's not only Xi Youqin, but Ning yudie's eyes also look down from the second floor. Not far away, Xiaoyin, Xiaoxin and Su Lingyun secretly look at Xiuzhu.

"You think too much," Luo Zheng said with a smile and shaking his head, "her husband has not come out yet, and let me lay a magic array."

Although Luo Zheng was not afraid of the escape of evil spirits, he should be well prepared before releasing them.

As for Xiuzhu, seeing that xiyouqin is aggressive in front of the "Lord", meimou is even bigger.

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