"New comer, you belong to the Xinliu sword sect of Taiyi mountain?" Fang Wei glanced at the evil god.

The evil spirit naturally has an awe inspiring evil spirit. Fang Wei and other old people are very upset.

"Yes," the evil spirit replied calmly.

"Why didn't you enter the place of mourning with others?" Fang Wei asked again.

"I don't know," the evil spirit replied.

Fang Wei looked at the evil spirit with a cold face and frowned. He asked, "just give me your name. I'll help you put it in the ranking stone."

That group of new disciples has gradually been ranked. Since the evil god is a late comer, it is natural that he is the last on the ranking stone.

"Evil god," the evil God replied.


Hearing the name, Fang Wei almost thought his ears had heard it wrong.

"Evil god," the evil God replied again.

"Ha ha ha..."

Fang Wei and other old people burst into laughter.

That is to regard the true God realm as a realm, and Shou yuan has a long life, but there are few who call themselves evil gods in the mother world.

In the eyes of Fang Wei and other old people, this guy dare to be named an evil god.

The evil god watched these people silently, without joy or sorrow.

If it is before, these idiots have been a pile of corpses

But Luo Zheng's order is to ask him to register with Fang Wei and get to the cultivation room. The evil god should act according to Luo Zheng's instructions, and other problems are no longer under consideration.

After laughing for a while, Fang Wei said to a man beside him, "Lu Xuan, go and register his name on the ranking stone."

The man named Lu Xuan went to the ranking stone and entered the name of the evil god in it.

Then Fang Wei told the evil god about the rules. On the first day of entering the place of sword mourning, the evil god was entitled to challenge everyone on the first floor. Only after his name was assigned, could he assign the secret room according to the rank.

"Including you?" Asked the evil god.

"Of course, including me, if you dare to challenge me," Fang Wei said with a smile.

"I see. I challenge you." The evil god said without expression.

Fang Wei's face was suddenly frozen. He stared at the evil god with strange eyes. For a moment, he didn't know how to respond.

Including several people around Fang Wei, I didn't expect that the evil spirits would dare to challenge Fang Wei

"Is this guy a fool?"

"The guy with such a name must have something wrong with his brain."

"It's OK. Since I dare to challenge me, I can't refuse," said Fang Wei with a smile of self mockery.

Since Luo Zheng, a group of new disciples, trampled on the old people all the way, these new disciples have paid less and less attention to them.

Fang Wei thinks it is necessary to show his strength, otherwise these new disciples don't know how much weight they have.

Hearing these people's sarcastic remarks, the evil god still said nothing, just asked: "where do you challenge you?"

"On the platform behind, you, follow me!" Fang Wei pointed to the evil god and walked to the back door of the sword mourning place.

"There are new disciples challenging Fang Wei today!"

"It's about to start!"

"Don't miss it, elder martial brother Fang Wei has made great progress recently! Through the contest, we can see what level he is at now! "

There are still two days to go before the first day of the month. Most of the people in the sword mourning place have used up the right to challenge. No one has been on the platform for half a month.

After these people's shouting, it really attracted a lot of people's attention.

Moreover, after Luo Zheng occupied Wanling city this time, in addition to those new disciples who had a good relationship with Luo Zheng, Fang Wei got the most benefits. After all, before Luo Zheng entered Wanling City, Fang Wei was responsible for maintaining the stronghold of taiyitiangong in Wanling city.

Many people say that Fang Wei's strength will hit the top 30 on the first floor. Someone once asked him in front of him. Fang Wei just pretended to be profound and didn't answer. But it can be seen that Fang Wei has changed completely in the past 14 days.

We also want to see how far Fang Wei has been promoted.

On the other hand, Chou Si is still telling some important events in the heavenly palace. Luo Zhengning says, "Ling Shuang hasn't come to the place of sword mourning for several days?"

"Yes, I haven't seen her these days," Chou Hsien nodded.

We all know what the relationship between yinglao and lingshuang is. Now yinglao has nothing to do with lingshuang, and lingshuang doesn't feel well either. I'm afraid she can't care to come to the sword mourning place to practice, so I don't know if she has gone to the other side.

Luo Zheng pondered for a moment. Yinglao's affairs almost involve the top strong men in his mother's world. The height on the other side is not something Luo Zheng can touch. I'm afraid he can't do anything about it

At this time, the cry of several old people in the place of sword mourning came to Luo Zheng and Chou Si's ears.

"Challenge Fang Wei?" Luo Zheng was slightly stunned."I'm afraid that guy has the strength to challenge Chunhao?" Sorrow also some perplexed said.

After all, in Hunyuan world, the evil gods also slaughtered Tiangong disciples.

However, since the evil spirit was accepted by Luo Zheng, it is inconvenient for us to attack the past.

But anyway, they still recognize the strength of the evil god. The evil god should not be inferior to Luo Zheng. I'm afraid it's a waste to challenge Fang Wei

"Follow him," Luo Zheng said with a cool face, "let's go."

Fang Wei was the first to stand on the platform.

The corners of his mouth were up, his face was smiling, and his eyes were full of light.

Luo Zheng asked Chou Si to help deal with all the things in Wanling City, but how could Chou Si be so busy?

Fang Wei had previously represented the disciples of the heavenly palace to stay in Wanling City, and was familiar with many races in Wanling city. When he was cleaning up the dark bear clan, he found a very unique other shore keepsake, which was at least among the top class. At that time, Fang Wei took it as his own and did not report it.

With this other shore keepsake, it's enough to make him hit the top ten of the first floor!

Today, since the evil spirit with a bad brain bumped into the edge of the knife, he was just asked to try it out.

"Please come up," Fang Wei said.

When the evil god stepped on the competition platform without expression, he was almost instinctive and exuded a kind of evil spirit. He used to make his opponents fear just relying on this evil spirit. Now he is extremely restrained, but still can't completely disappear.

When the new disciples saw the face of the evil god and felt his breath, their faces changed greatly.

"Why him?"

"Isn't he collected into the inner world by Luo?"

"No, he was defeated before he defeated Hunyuan's spirit matrix. Now he's in Hunyuan?"

For those new disciples who have experienced evil spirits, they are just like nightmares. Probably no one wants to meet him again.

But now the evil God appeared intact in the place of sword mourning. The new disciples were confused and discussed with each other in a low voice.

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