Luo Zheng and Fengge have the ability to explore the dark area.

But Luo Zheng was worried about the other side key in the seventeen days, and didn't want to stay too long in the fifteen days, so he chose to continue to go up.

They flew up again.

Luo Zheng didn't stay too much in the sixteen days. He continued to go up with Fengge.

In the seventeen days, the star ring of the Terran was placed on the top of a mountain.

From the fourteenth day to the seventeen day, after three days, the pressure on the other side of the river increased again.

I'm afraid this pressure is not small for others, but Fengge absorbs enough soul crystals. Like Luo Zheng, it reaches the highest level of indigo soul. Naturally, it's easy to adapt to these pressures. As for Luo Zheng's physical body, there is no pressure.

"17 heavy days, still want to continue to go up?" Feng Song asked.

Standing at the top of the mountain range, she saw a large continuous desert in the distance. She felt that it was desolate. It was better to go to a higher sky.

"Right here," Luo Zheng replied.

Feng Song looked at Luo Zheng strangely, "what's important in the seventeen heaven?"

If Luo Zheng is looking for a good Keepsake on the other side, he can go up to the sky.

"Yes," Luo Zheng said, "you wait for me."

Then Luo Zheng withdrew from the other side, activated the other side keys in the two blood fixing secret seeds, and began to recite the Sanskrit that Luo Nian had deciphered.

"Bu Sha Gu Li..."

After reciting, Luo Zheng put out his hand to print the stripes on the key on the other side

When Luo Zheng came back to the other side, he had a map and lines of different lengths on his palm, which were shining with light luster.

"The other side key?" Fengge stares at the light in Luo Zheng's palm.

"Yes," Luo Zheng nodded.

There is a doubt in Fengge's eyes.

Although each other's key is of great value, the seventeen heaven is still not enough for Luo Zheng. Let alone the temple of seventeen heaven, if Luo Zheng needs it, Fengge can get a higher key.

Doubts come from doubts, but she has a kind of inexplicable trust in Luo Zheng's choice. Since he insists on exploring, the other side key must be secret.

Luo Zheng took a look at the map on his palm, then looked around and compared the surrounding terrain.

The surrounding terrain doesn't match the map on the other side key.

This is normal. After all, the area of the other bank is not small, and the terrain of the seventeen days is complex. I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to find the corresponding terrain.

The star ring of seventeen chongtian is arranged in the central mountains. Seventeen chongtian is relatively desolate on the whole. Although there are several other races on the other side, it has not built a city as big as Wanling city and Tianshui city.

After going down the mountain, Luo Zheng went south.

It is surrounded by low barren hills three or five hundred feet high, and the surrounding scenery is nothing to show.

While moving forward, Luo Zheng is also facing the core, but the place he has passed still doesn't match the map in his hand.

Under such a check, the speed of the two people's progress also slowed down.

One day and one night, they only walked more than 50 miles in a straight line to the south, and there was still a long distance to the south, not to mention the vast territory of the whole 17 days.

If you want to finish step by step and check out the map above, I'm afraid it's a matter of years.

"This can't do, it's a waste of time," Luo Zheng said with a pinch of his hand.

"They should continue to look for the seventeen Tianxiang's territory, which is a waste of nature."

Luo Zheng breathes in silence when he hears Fengge's words. His face is quite helpless. It turns out that Fengge can't find out

In other words, whether it's the Tiankui temple or the Mitian temple, Luo Zheng didn't look for it by himself relying on the map. This is the first time for Luo Zheng to look for the temple, and he really didn't have much experience.

According to Fengge, after about a hundred miles to the south, the low mountains disappeared, and a huge grassland appeared. On both sides of the grassland stood a huge fence.

"How can these fences be so tall, and the grass inside is also..." Luo Zheng looked up, and his eyes were slightly surprised.

The fences on the edge of the grassland are thousands of feet high. Compared with these fences, the low hills in front of them are just low earth bags.

As for the grassland, where is the grassland? Each green grass is tens of feet high, waving like a big tree. In contrast, Luo Zheng and Fengge are smaller than ants.

Fengge shakes her head. Although she has done her homework, there are so many things on the other side, almost including Vientiane. It's good to know that the elephant people are in the south.

"Go in and have a look," Luo Zheng said.

After crossing the fence, they went into the grassland. After ten miles in this huge grassland, they suddenly heard a long horn."Wu..."

As soon as the horn sounded, the ground began to shake, as if it were an earthquake.

Feeling the violent vibration, Luo Zheng frowned and looked back at Fengge. He reached out and gently pulled it. The thunder wings on his back flashed out and then circled.

When Luo Zheng climbed to a height of 1000 feet, he saw the situation in the distance.

A black ox with a height of two or three thousand feet is running wildly on the grassland. Behind the black ox are a group of human beings with a height of more than one thousand feet.

This humanoid creature stands on two feet, but it has a head similar to that of an elephant, and its skin is also bluish gray, which is obviously what Fengge calls an elephant.

The elephant race chases those black oxen, which makes the earth vibrate.

Luo Zheng and Feng Ge are flying in the air. For the elephant people, they are really like two mosquitoes.

Under the chase of the elephant Terran, a group of black cattle have rushed towards those fences. Although these fences are tall, they should not be able to resist the impact of the black cattle.

But just as the black cattle were approaching the fence, one of them raised his horn.

"Wu Wu Wu..."

When the horn sounded, the seemingly ordinary surface of the fence emerged with lightning like lines.


All the fence surface gathered a thick thunder, these thunder formed a chain of thunder, directly entangled in the black cattle.

The black bulls were struck by the thunder and were unable to move. They all lay on their backs.

"There's a lot of thunder in those wooden fences," Luo Zheng said as he looked at the fence.

"It's lightning wood. It's also a kind of rare Keepsake on the other side," Fengge said. "I didn't expect that there were so many lightning wood in the territory of the human race..."

Just when Fengge felt strange, a huge shadow covered them. At the same time, a dull and rough voice came from them, "chief! The damned rats sent spies again

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