Luo Zheng turned his head and looked at the elephant chieftain faintly. He said in a cold voice: "now I know it's a misunderstanding, but just now it's going to kill me?"

After hearing this, the elephant chief said, "Hu ax, please make amends for this friend."

Hu Fu looked at Luo Zheng, who suddenly became bigger. He still had a silly expression. He had never experienced the era of the wild God, so he didn't know such a magic power. A mosquito and fly became his own size, but in the blink of an eye

However, Luo Zheng suddenly turned into a thousand feet tall, which was enough shock. Hu Fu didn't accept any more. He rolled the elephant nose on his face and apologized sincerely.

Luo Zheng didn't care too much either. He bent down and reached out to the ground and gently put Fengge on his right shoulder.

Although Fengge has heard of the God of famine, she has never seen Luo Zheng show it. All of a sudden, she sees Luo Zheng turn into a giant and become a fool.

Sitting on Luo Zheng's shoulder, looking at Luo Zheng's head like a tall building, her face was dull for a long time.

Now that the misunderstanding has been eliminated, these elephant people are much more polite to Luo Zheng.

Other elephant people began to deal with the black cattle killed by lightning wood. The elephant chief introduced himself to Luo Zheng and said, "I'm leiqiao, the chief of the elephant tribe. You are not from the other side, are you? However, the woman on your shoulder seems to be a Terran... "

The elephant man tribe is a very closed race and has little communication with the outside world. However, as a chief, he has spent so long in the seventeen days and knows much more than the ordinary elephant man.

He noticed the woman on Luo Zheng's shoulder and could clearly see her appearance. This is the life on the other side

"That's it. She's from the other side."

Luo Zheng said while paying attention to the elephant chief's expression.

He believed that there was a clue to the other side of the tribe in the seventeen days, and the other side of the creatures in the seventeen days might know something, so he deliberately called Fengge the other side of the tribe, just to see the reaction of the elephant chief.

But Reggio's face was normal. He just said, "I don't know why you came to our Terran like territory."

"I'm here to find a map of the seventeen heavens. I don't know if the elephant Terran can provide one. I can buy it with soul pill or cutting body Gangyu," Luo said.

Leiqiao was not stupid either. When Luo Zheng said the map, his face showed a clear expression, but he asked: "your purpose is to come for the temple of the seventeen heavens?"

The other side key just marks the location of the temple with a map, and there is no indication of the location on the map. If there is no big map for comparison, we can only explore a little bit.

Luo Zheng's face didn't change after being guessed by Lei Qiao.

"We don't have the whole map of the seventeen heavens, but there are maps of the south. I'll take you back to the tribe to get it," said Reggio with a wave of his hand. "As for your purchase from us, it's out of the ordinary!"

The elephant chief is bold and forthright.

The elephants overturned the black cattle and put a stone spear through their neck to string them together. They were in a group of two and carried seven or eight black cattle forward.

Luo Zheng also followed this harvest team and went south along the middle of the grassland.

The grassland in the south of the other bank is endless. When you go deep into the hinterland of the grassland, you can only see that it is green all around, as if there is no end.

Phoenix song sitting on Luo Zheng's shoulder, as if sitting on a mountain top, this feeling strange and novel.

She knew that her father and emperor, as well as Fuxi, could become very huge. That's because they had practiced the ancient god training method, and no one else practiced it like that. Fengge suspected that Luo Zheng didn't come from this era

After walking along the grassland for more than half a day, low houses appeared in front.

Of course, the "low" of these houses is relative to the huge size of the elephant people, and their absolute height is more than 1000 feet, but the appearance of these houses is very simple.

Luo Zheng didn't have much contact with the elephant race, but he probably had his own judgment that the elephant race should be the original race born in the other side.

If the creatures in chaos have experienced long-term development, even if they move to the other side, there will be more developed civilization.

The primitive races like the Terran have little contact with the outside world. They have always been isolated from the outside world. Naturally, they are very backward. Therefore, their food and clothing, including weapons, are quite simple, and they have all strength and huge bodies.

Leiqiao and his party returned to the tribe with their booty. A large number of elephant people came out of those low houses to meet them. Most of the elephant people who stayed in the tribe were old, young, sick and weak. They had to rely on the young of the tribe to hunt back their rations.

Many elephant people are surprised at the arrival of Luo Zheng. Some young elephant people hide in the corner of the house and cast curious and slightly uneasy eyes at Luo Zheng.

"Please follow me, sir, and I'll take you to get the map," said Reggio.

Luo Zheng followed leiqiao and came to the most central house of the tribe. Although the house was still simple, it was several times larger than other houses.After entering the house, there was an elephant in the middle of the house. The elephant sat cross legged and covered with colorful oil paint. The oil paint was so uniform that the original skin of the elephant could not be seen.

"This is our high priest of the valley of thunder," said Reggio.

The high priest's status was obviously higher than that of chief Reggio. After Reggio entered, he bowed to the high priest of Rego and said, "high priest, this foreign friend wants to see the map of the south."

The high priest of Leigu looked at Luo Zheng. He held the tribe together with chief leiqiao for many years and trusted him very much.

The high priest just nodded and did not ask much, so he got up and took out a board.

After turning the board over, you can see that the map is carved on the front of the board. Then the high priest of Thunder Valley stepped back and closed his eyes again.

"This is the south of the seventeen days. We are here," said Reggio, pointing to the location under the map, which is the hinterland of the grassland.

Luo Zheng's eyes swept, found that most of the grassland was surrounded by those lightning wood fence, building such a large fence is not an easy thing.

I don't know if it was built like the Terran or other creatures.

Yichongtian has a secret of yichongtian, which involves the secrets of Xiangren. Although Luo Zheng was curious, he didn't ask much. His purpose was to find the location of the temple.

After turning over his hand, the map reflected by the other bank's key had already come into view, and Luo Zheng began to look for it against the map.

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