Many children of the Luo family feel the bloody smell of Luo Bingquan's body, and their faces change.

"What a bloody smell! This is not the skill of our Luo family! "

"Isn't Luo Bingquan practicing red sandalwood boxing? Why did you suddenly change course? "

"It's like Blood is very strong This is not the skill of the demon blood prisoner. Why does Luo Bingquan practice this evil skill? "

The look of Luo Hanqin and others changed!

In order to pursue the blood prisoner, the Chongyang county government issued a detailed notice, which described in detail the blood prisoner's appearance, appearance, temperament, and even the skills used by the blood prisoner.

as like as two peas in the official circular, Luo Bingquan's blood smell from the official announcement is almost the same. But Luo Hanqin is not sure, just speculation! After all, there are certain limitations in the description of the words, and Luo Hanqin and his colleagues have never seen blood prisoners.

But one thing is basically certain. Luo Bingquan's skill is absolutely not a serious skill!

"Whew, whew, whew..."

Luo Bingquan urged the twelve swords behind him to move and draw twelve tracks in the air!

In the eyes of many Luo's children, these flying swords are like death's scythes, each of which can easily reap their lives.

With the flying of those swords, the smell of blood is more intense, just like a flying demon.

Many children of the Luo family are secretly worried. Can Luo Zheng resist these swords? Although he is powerful, will he be Luo Bingquan's opponent?

Luo Zheng wants to save the Luo family from the abyss and stabilize the foundation of the faltering Luo family. The most important thing is to defeat Luo Bingquan!

If Luo Zheng is defeated, all he said is just empty talk, and the fate of many children who support Luo Zheng will be very miserable! With Luo Bingquan's character, I'm afraid all the disciples in Yanwu hall today will be liquidated!

Luo Zheng, can you do it?

When Luo Zheng wanted to escape from the Luo family, he was forced back by Luo Bingquan's flying swords. Each flying sword made Luo Zheng step back. At that time, Luo Zheng did not dare to rob his sword.

But now in Luo Zheng's eyes, the blood red real yuan attached to these swords, though full of blood, are very complicated. This is the manifestation of a warrior's unstable foundation!

In the capital of burning heaven emperor, the true yuan of any minor scholar's collateral children is much purer than Luo Bingquan's true yuan.

In the eyes of Luo's children, those swords are like poisonous snakes, but in Luo Zheng's eyes, they are just little worms!

Seeing the twelve swords scattered and wrapped in twelve different directions, Luo Zheng only showed a cold smile on his face. He jumped down from the roof, stepped on the courtyard wall and ran towards Luo Bingquan.

One sword after another kept shooting at Luo Zheng, blocking Luo Zheng's progress.

However, Luo Zheng is like a quick monkey. Every time those swords stab Luo Zheng, they are always far away from Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng can always avoid these swords with a very small movement.

This scene, let the vast majority of Luo family children scared! After all, in their view, as long as Luo Zheng takes a wrong step, he will have 12 more holes in his body.

However, the elders in Luo's family who are slightly stronger can see the benefits of Luo Zheng's body method. Luo Zheng didn't pay attention to the twelve sharp swords at all, but only started to dodge when they were close to Chi Xu.

Only when you have absolute confidence in your speed and body method can you dare so much, Luo Zheng So strong?

After walking through the courtyard wall, Luo Zheng jumped to a small platform. Before Luo Zheng's feet fell to the ground, he heard Luo Bingquan sneer.

"Luo Zheng, do you really think you can avoid my sword? How do you know I'll step on the platform this time? "

As soon as Luo Bingquan's voice fell, twelve flying swords suddenly shot at the platform, while Luo Zheng was in the air at the moment, and could not dodge.

"Die for me!" Luo Bingquan had a look of scorn on his face. He was still a little too young. If he had practiced in Qingyun sect for ten or eight years, he would not be Luo Zheng's opponent.

But now although Luo Zheng has made a breakthrough, he has also made a breakthrough, and the blood prisoner has also inherited "blood evil spirit" to him, which has made great progress in his strength!

Luo Zheng, you are not my opponent!

"Oh, no, I can't jump there!" One of the Luo family's children screamed.

"Luo Bingquan is so insidious. At the beginning, he planned to lay a net on that small platform, and his initial attack was estimated to be a bluff!"

At this moment, some of the Luo family's children even closed their eyes and did not dare to see. The next scene has already formed in their minds. Luo Zheng's body will inevitably have 12 bloody holes!

Even some of the elders of the Luo family with better eyesight look a little ugly now. Unexpectedly, Luo Zheng easily falls into the trap set by Luo Bingquan.Luo Dalong and Luo Yushu are also tightly clenched fists, looking forward to a miracle, but the probability of this miracle is too small!

Luo Yan stands at the back of the crowd, can't help shaking her head and sighing gently. With her brother's strong and abnormal body, I'm afraid these swords can't make a scar even if they directly poke at him.

I don't know what expression Luo Bingquan will have on his face when he sees that behind the scenes. Brother, it's going to beat him to death.

Luo Bingquan's face was full of excitement. In order to make Luo Zheng's death worse, he even tried his best to urge Zhenyuan to increase the power of flying sword by 50%! In this way, the flying sword can not only pierce into Luo Zheng's body, but also penetrate through his body, forming 24 blood holes.

However, at the moment when the flying sword stabbed Luo Zheng, the excited color on Luo Bingquan's face suddenly solidified. Instead, he was full of doubts. It seemed that for a moment, he felt that his eyes were wrong?

Why Why is Luo Zheng not pierced by his own flying sword?

Seems to be in contact with Luo Zheng's moment, by his body bounce away?

How is that possible?

If Luo Zheng's body protecting true yuan is thrown away, there is still a possibility, but the flying sword is clearly stabbing at Luo Zheng's body.

Can the human body be so strong?

No way!

This is the flying sword driven by blood evil spirit!

Although xueshajin is a local level skill, it takes the way of killing. It can get twice the result with half the effort, and its power is far more powerful than the same level skill, which is comparable to the heaven level skill!

Many children of the Luo family are also silly to see this scene.

In theory, the stronger Luo Zheng's performance, the better. The problem is that Luo Zheng's performance is suddenly beyond their imagination.

How supreme is Luo Bingquan in the eyes of the Luo family? He has the power of life and death in the whole Luo family, not because of others, but because he is strong enough to kill anyone in the Luo family.

Who dares to refuse?

One word: death.


But in the face of Luo Bingquan's full blow, Luo Zheng blocked it with his body.

Twelve flying swords, even Luo Zheng's skin could not be broken, so they were directly shot away.

"This must be the legendary invulnerability..." A child of the Luo family murmured.

Luo Jin, with dim eyes, saw that two lines of turbid tears had fallen out of the corner of his eyes, and his hoarse voice sighed: "heaven has eyes, Luo Xiao is dead, there are successors!"

Luo Zheng looked at the stunned Luo Bingquan and said coldly: "how do you say I hide? I'm afraid there's no difference between you and me at all

With that, Luo Zheng shot from the small platform again and rushed to Luo Bingquan.

Luo Bingquan is not stupid!

His strongest strike, which he had been brewing for a long time, had no effect when he hit Luo Zheng head-on, which showed that Luo Zheng's strength had already reached an unimaginable level.

Driven by great fear, Luo Bingquan had only one idea in his heart: Escape!

But how can Luo Bingquan's speed compare with Luo Zheng's? When Luo Zheng's speed was really raised, it was almost a breathing time, and Luo Zheng caught up with him.

In this crisis, Luo Bingquan had to shout out: "master, help me!"

At this moment, Luo Zheng had pasted behind Luo Bingquan and said in a cold voice, "the king of heaven is here, and I can't save you!"

With that, Luo Zheng smashed Luo Bingquan behind, and Luo Bingquan, who suffered a heavy blow, was heavily smashed into a house.

Just then, a cold voice came from a distance: "who dares to hurt my apprentice? I will swallow you alive

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