The white fog is obviously a huge illusion.

At this time, Luo Zheng was a little nostalgic for the eye of mind. The power contained in the eye of mind is not powerful, but the power contained in it is very useful.

The real vision can break almost all illusions, but it was a pity that it had to be burned in the war with the evil god.

Just as Luo Zheng stopped, the white fog in the rear was surging.

The white fog forms the shape of a person, and the figure of the white fog cuts Luo zhengdang's head with a big knife!


This white fog appeared very suddenly. When Luo Zheng found that he reacted, the dagger was close at hand.

In a hurry, Luo Zheng subconsciously reached out to protect him.


The power contained in the white fog sword was so sharp. When he chopped his arm, Luo Zheng only felt the shock of Hunyuan spirit in his body, and consumed the spirit of Hunyuan as much as usual!

"So strong!"

Luo Zheng's eyebrows raised, holding the Phoenix song and flying backward, while kicking at the white fog.

According to Luo Zheng's idea, the strength of the human form white fog who can split this knife must be extraordinary. Unexpectedly, with a slight kick, the human form white fog "Hua" will disperse.


Luo Zheng in the heart secret way is not good, back of thunder wings "crackle" a, the whole person up horizontal move half a foot.

Luo Zheng's quick reaction is that the white fog of human form cuts from the other side. If this knife strikes again, Hunyuan's spirit will fall into fatigue again!

While avoiding the second knife, Fengge grabs the chance and grabs it at the white fog.

In the same way, the human form will collapse as soon as it is grasped!

At the instant of collapse, Fengge immediately said, "Luo Zheng, up there!"

Luo Zheng had almost no time to respond. He subconsciously grabbed it up and broke it up again, but it just broke up and escaped from the rear.

"Hua Hua Hua..."

The white fog of the human figure with the big knife appeared and broke up continuously. Luo Zheng and Fengge did not stop at all, and even had no space for communication.

After about a long time of incense burning, the white fog of the scattered figure finally disappeared.

Fengge and Luo Zheng are gasping for breath. Just then, the physical strength consumption is very large.

"Completely defeated?" Feng Song asked.

Luo Zheng shook his head, "not sure..."

As soon as the words came to an end, three figures appeared again. They used different weapons, one with a sword, one with an axe, and the other with a gun.

Looking at the three white fog, Feng GE's face showed a trace of panic.

The white fog of one figure has already made Luo Zheng in a hurry. How about three?

Luo Zheng's eyes slightly narrowed, and he gently lifted the Phoenix song. His body had changed and quickly turned into three heads and six arms!

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

Three humanoid white fogs came straight at Luo Zheng. The attack of these humanoid white fogs was fierce and fierce, but they broke up as soon as they touched.

After mastering the propriety, Luo Zheng ignored their weapons and defeated them before they attacked him!

The three skulls can be captured by Luo Zheng from any angle. By contrast, they are much easier to deal with a white fog of human form than before.

After a long time of incense burning, the three white fog of human form disappeared again.

Luo Zheng didn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief, but nine more white fog appeared.

As before, the weapons held by human form Bai Wu are still different, weapons, swords, halberds and axes

After observing the weapons in their hands, Luo zhengxinnian also moved slightly.

He is associated with Nu Wa to see their own fantasy.

Grandfather is also a member of the human race. He created the great tribe of Jiuli. Although he is called the warlord, these weapons should also be the memory of the 77th human civilization.

It seems that the temple not far away is really related to the human race!

After the appearance of the white fog, Luo Zheng's pressure suddenly increased.

Facing the fast and intensive attack, Fengge can't help much.


An axe is cut from one side, and Luo Zheng's arm is in the middle.

Under the agitation of Hunyuan's spirit, the true meaning of Tao quickly began to repair.

When it was repaired to 80%, a sharp arrow formed by white fog shot at Luo Zheng, and the released power was borne by Hunyuan spirit again. Now the strength of Hunyuan spirit is only 30%!

There was no time to repair the true meaning of Tao, but another hammer came from top to bottom.


The hammer just fell, Luo Zheng's Hunyuan spirit finally fell into fatigue, he only felt a white light flashed, like five thunderbolts!

Even so, Luo Zheng also gritted his teeth to avoid the attack of other human forms, but his body was wobbly and indistinct!

"Luo Zheng, let me go!"

Seeing this scene, Fengge wants to get rid of Luo Zheng.She can't fly, now not only can't help, but is Luo Zheng's obstacle!

But Luo Zheng is clear, throw Phoenix song down, with her strength alone in the face of these human form white fog, I'm afraid there is no life or death, how can he fulfill Phoenix song's wish?


Luo Zheng had just left the area, and the white fog of the human form, like ghosts, followed him, and the attack was almost unbroken.

In this case, Luo Zheng was no longer able to dodge.

As those weapons were about to greet Luo Zheng, a red fist seal appeared on the body surface of all the white fog figures.

"Bo Bo Bo..."

The seal of fist burst open, and the white fog of human form around Luo Zheng broke up at the same time.

It's not a simple matter to kill these people completely.

Before Luo Zheng dealt with them, he killed them repeatedly for about a long time before they would disappear forever.

The scattered white fog reappeared in the blink of an eye, still rushing towards Luo Zheng.

"Bo Bo Bo..."

There are nine red fist marks floating on the chest of white fog, and they are defeated again.

These figures appear, regenerate, reappear, regenerate, and are repeatedly killed by the red fist seal

Luo Zheng and Feng Ge look around in surprise. They want to know who is helping.

But the thick white fog can't be opened, even if it's near, still can't be found!

After killing each human form white fog dozens of times, the nine human form white fog finally disappeared.

However, Luo Zheng and Fengge don't feel relaxed. They distinguish a little red light in the white fog. The red light gets brighter and brighter, and finally rushes out of the white fog and appears in front of Luo Zheng and Fengge.

That's one of the two void spirits of the void family.

"Even if you can't beat Wuling, you dare to break into this dangerous place. You two are brave enough..." A soft voice came from the red ball.

Luo Zheng frowned and did not refute, which is not unreasonable.

Relying on the powerful and pure means of the flesh, he thought that he could run rampant in the dark. He broke into this dangerous place without any understanding. It was really reckless.

But why does the spirit of emptiness save itself?

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