On the 13th, when the moon fire slave stepped down, the green flame in his body flowed along his legs and poured down to the spirit of emptiness under his feet.


The green flame covered the surface of the red ball, emitting a "Zizi" sound, is desperately eroding the red ball.

The moon fire slave is the elemental creatures made by the fire spirits of the yuan spirit clan. The green flame that constitutes their noumenon is called "magic gold spark". The fire spirits of the yuan spirit clan can control the flame to the extreme. This magic Venus fire can be regarded as the embodiment of the peak of the fire spirits.

Although the strength of the moon fire slave was suppressed by the seventeen heaven, the power of the magic golden spark still can't be underestimated.

"Burn me to ashes, ha ha ha..." No. 13 firmly stepped on the red ball under his feet and poured out the flames without fear.

Although the surface of the red ball is sizzling, but under the continuous rolling waves, the magic gold spark can not erode the interior.




At this moment, all the people on the scene heard three buzzing sounds coming from the red ball.


A blood column rushed out from the inner diameter of the blood colored sphere. Under the rapid flow of the blood column, it turned into a huge blood hand. It grabbed No. 13, raised it high and smashed it to the ground.

"Boom! Boom... "

Under the constant impact, the armor on the surface of No. 13 also fell off one by one, and the green flame in the body began to lose shape.

The 14th, who followed, saw the scene, roared and rushed to the red ball.

However, No. 14 had not been able to get close, and a blood column burst out of the red ball again. The blood column also turned into a giant hand. It caught No. 14 with a lightning speed and began to hit it violently.

The two Moonfire slaves sometimes collided and sometimes hit the ground.

Although the Moonfire slaves are hard to get real damage due to their shape, they will still consume the energy in the spirit core when they are smashed like this, and eventually they will degenerate into the spirit core state when they are difficult to transform into shape.

As for the spirit core of killing the moon fire slaves, it is difficult for ordinary creatures on the other side to do so. These moon fire slaves once died again and again and turned into spirit core state. They were rescued again and again by the yuan spirit clan and restored to their original form.

However, the opponent now is Wukong. They have a way to completely destroy the spirit core.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

As the green flames on the two Moonfire slaves' bodies became weaker and weaker, a strong voice came from not far away, "stop!"

On the 12th, the moon fire slave held a red ball in his hand. On the other hand, there were twelve magic gold sparks with different shapes. Each magic gold spark pulled out a thin filament to form a unique array.

This is the magic gold fire explosion array, which is one of the most powerful means of the moon fire slave.

Just on the 13th and 14th, they fought with the spirit of emptiness. On the 12th, they entangled another spirit of emptiness. Just as the 12th subdued the spirit of emptiness, they saw that their two men were in danger.

Forced, it can only take the hands of the spirit of no empty threat.

Once the magic gold explosion array of No.12 explodes, even the red sphere can't protect the creatures.

"Release her from the Dharma array, and I will stop," the charming voice came from the sphere. It was the famous woman who rescued Luo Zheng who smashed the two Moonfire slaves around.

Twelve magic gold sparks on the edge of the twelfth palm floated into his body, and he threw the red ball on the ground.

The two blood hands released by the red ball on this side also quickly contracted back to the red ball after releasing the moon fire slave.

In the red ball, a skeleton emerges from the inside. This skeleton is hard hit by Luo Zheng without any damage. But because she has been holding the moon fire slave formed by the magic gold spark, there are scars on her bones. The power of the magic gold spark can be seen.


When Luo Zheng saw this scene, he was disappointed.

If both sides can be defeated, it is the scene that Luo Zheng is most happy to see.

Such a stop is acceptable to both of them, but it's bad news for Luo Zheng and Fengge!

As the flesh and blood on the bone condenses, the bone turns into the appearance of a Terran woman again, and another spirit of emptiness retreats behind the Terran woman. The Terran woman coldly says, "if you want to win or lose here, we will naturally accompany you!"

The Wukong clan has been fighting with the Yuanling clan for many years. In most cases, the Yuanling clan is in the dominant position, even in the absolute suppression position to the Wukong clan.

But the Wukong clan has never retreated, and to some extent, the Yuanling clan has no way to deal with the Wukong clan.

On the 12th, Yue Huo Nu looked at the Terran woman coldly, and then said, "I'm not in the mood to win or lose here. Our goal is to catch the boy and go back, which has nothing to do with you!"

The moon fire slave only knew that Luo Zheng had the key to the other side through the elephant race. On the 12th, he thought that the Wukong people didn't know it, but only came down after seeing their coming. He wanted to be naturally distracted. It would be better to let the two Wukong spirits retreat."It really has nothing to do with us to catch that boy," the Terran woman on the red ball said with a faint smile, "but they have the key to open the temple, which has a great relationship with us!"

Hearing this, the 12th's face sank slightly. It seemed that they knew

He thought for a moment, but said: "since everyone's goal is the temple, I think we should act together? At least open the temple first? "

Once, in order to open this temple, the three forces all spent a lot of time, and it was not easy to wait until the key on the other side came out. How could they miss this opportunity?

"That's right. That's the hand that got the boy," said the fourteenth.

On the 13th and 14th, the Terran woman hit her hard and added a lot of Stardust, which gradually recovered, and the green fire in her body became more intense.

"That hand belongs to us naturally," another spirit of emptiness sends out a voice.

"Well, whoever gets it will have it!"

No. 14 is the closest to Luo Zheng's side, and it takes them as fish on the chopping board.

Voice down, it suddenly strides straight to Luo Zheng!

"Dong Dong..."

When Luo Zheng heard that Wukong and Yuanling discussed the ownership of their arms, there was a chance of killing in the depth of their pupils.

There is absolutely no chance that he will win against the two major ethnic groups.

However, these two groups are the enemies of life and death. If you want to survive between the two groups, there is only one way to go, which is to prove your strength.

On the 14th, the moon fire slave came straight to him, and the power of the wild God burst out in Luo Zheng's body!

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