The woman's face was tinged with pain, but she made no sound.

It's the punishment she should take.

It can be imagined that there will be more severe punishment waiting for her after returning to the upper class.

When she was worried, the Golden Snake said, "you don't need to come back for the time being."

"No return?" Asked the woman.

Her first reaction was to ask her to recover the civilized weapon.

However, the strength of those two people is very strong in 17 days, and she may not be their opponent. Besides, that guy must have got the weapon of civilization. How can she get it back?

"You go on down and look for a man named evil god, who is in the state of Yang soul," added the Golden Snake.

It's hard for her strength to be suppressed.

If you continue to go down, women will bear more pressure.

She was not willing to, so she asked, "it's just a Yang soul. What do you want to do with him?"

In women's eyes, those human beings in the mother world are just wishful thinking left by civilization 77, they are just a group of failed copies.

"Lead him to jueshenggu," the Golden Snake said.


The woman's eyes showed a trace of color.

There are many secrets hidden in every civilization and every clan on the other side.

Yuanling, Wukong, and even the human race naturally have no lack of such secrets, and jueshenggudi is one of them.

"Will it be too much to let a Yang soul enter jueshenggu?" The woman asked hesitantly.

Even if she was not qualified to enter the jueshenggu cultivation, how could she let an unknown guy enter?

"To do as I'm told is to find him and find him in the shortest time. I don't want this to go wrong, otherwise You understand

The last threat of the Golden Snake made the woman shiver.

After the Golden Snake finished, the golden light in her eyes darkened, and the snake body around her also loosened.

The woman frowned and repeated the word "evil god" in her mouth. After taking a look at the rats around her, she went into another small cave


After hiding Fengge's body in the middle of the 17th heaven, Luo Zheng and Fengge both withdraw from the other side.

He didn't go out of the cultivation chamber and began to merge the other shore Keepsake directly.

In the inner world, the breath of sword's eternal true meaning slowly diffuses out, and the letters gradually come.


At the time of the coming of the slips, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty was flying out of the slips and standing high in the sky.

He looked down, and his face showed a strange expression, "this inner world..."

"How can it be a place of birth?" Another figure floated out, and Zhu Rong, one of the 39 statues, came.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

Later, those spirits broke away from the book and looked at the world.

Their reaction was the same as that of Yuanshi Tianzun. They were very surprised when they noticed that this was the birthplace.

There is a way to open up a place of birth, but the inner world becomes the place of birth, which is unknown to Yuanshi Tianzun and the people present.

"That's interesting. How did the boy do it?" Fuxi asked, looking down at the distance.

Nu Wa next to her shook her head, but she looked at the emperor Yuanshi and said, "this place of birth is OK..."

"It's the right way to win the mother world," Yuanshi Tianzun interrupted Nu Wa.

Luo Zheng's inner incarnation floats not far away. Naturally, Luo Zheng hears the dialogue between Qi and soul very clearly. He hears Yuanshi Tianzun saying that they are still going to fight for the mother world?

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun gazed at Luo Zheng and asked, "can you tell me why your inner world has become like this?"

Luo Zheng didn't cover up too much. With a little smile, he briefly told the story of chaos and master Gu Bei.

At the beginning, when the spirit of sapphire saw the birthplace, it was also strange.

The spirit of green jade also knows the origin of the place where she was born, but I've never seen anyone's inner world like this

After listening to Luo Zheng's words, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty showed a color of meditation.

In his deep eyes, he seemed to have a glimpse of this matter, but he was not particularly sure. In the end, he just waved to Luo Zheng and said, "we will help you if you carry the book."

It's easy to carry this piece of civilization. It's almost no difficulty under the escort of Yuanshi Tianzun.

After all the chains wrapped the slips, the civilization tool was settled.

Standing side by side, the three instruments of civilization have an indescribable breath.

At this time, a figure flew up, and it was Luo Nian.

Luo Nian called "Dad" with a smile and went straight to heaven to hold the civilized tool of civilization.A mechanical voice came out from the civilization vessel of Tianzhi civilization, "Prefecture Level C and other tasks, expand the red training Kingdom, occupy..."

"Get the mission!" Luo Niang is right.


With a bright light from the instrument of civilization, Luo Nian succeeded in receiving the task, arched his hand to Luo Zheng again and flew away happily.

Luo Zheng didn't pay much attention to the internal world during this period. His thoughts turned slightly, and all the memories of Luo Nian in this world disappeared into his mind.

He found out that Luo Nian could practice by such means.

Luo Nian worshipped the spirit of sapphire as his teacher and worked very hard in his inner world.

But he can't cross into the other side in the inner world. Even if the body refining skill passed to him by the spirit of sapphire is extremely mysterious, in terms of the cultivation of the true God, I'm afraid there is no rival in Da Yuanman, but there is a huge gap between Da Yuanman and the strong on the other side.

Once upon a time, Luo Nian found the cube suspended in the sky, and kept chirping about the mission.

Some tasks sound incredible, far from what luonian can do.

But some of the tasks are simple and can be completed in the inner world. Luo Nian accepted one of the tasks when he wanted to try. After finishing, the cube gave him the power of the body!

In the face of such a simple and crude way of promotion, where can luonian resist?

During this period of time, almost every day and night, he received the task of releasing the instrument of civilization, and Luo Nian's physical body and strength were constantly increasing, reaching more than 30 Shenjun!

Pure strength of more than 30 Shenjun is very common for Luo Zheng.

But the strength of more than 30 Shenjun is enough to become a flag leader in Longcheng.

And this guy hasn't even stepped into the sea of truth

Yuanshi Tianzun, together with other Qi spirits, also looked at the other two pieces of civilization.

Every civilized instrument represents a civilization behind it. The original Tianzun was willing to meet the spirit of sapphire.

As for the Tianzhi civilization, they have seen that it belongs to a civilization that can not communicate at all.

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