After the writing of the chapter of true enlightenment, Luo Zheng folded it carefully.

Go to the first floor to find Fengge and put it in her hands.

"What is this?" Feng Song asked.

Luo Zheng's lips moved slightly, and he had already sent a message to Feng Ge, "it's the whole chapter of true enlightenment."

Hearing this, Feng GE's eyes trembled, and Luo Zheng translated the whole story!

If in the past, Fengge will be more surprised.

But after staying with Luo Zheng for a long time, I felt that I should take it for granted

"This chapter of true enlightenment was originally owned by taiyitiangong. I just deciphered it. It should be passed on by your father to the swordsmen all over the world," Luo Zheng said.

Feng Song pursed her mouth and carefully collected the true understanding chapter.

She is the daughter of the Eastern Emperor. It's too difficult for her to hide in the rear. But before she goes to Qibei, she has to go back to Taidi palace.

After delivering the chapter of true enlightenment, Luo Zheng prepared again and set out with the evil god to go to Longcheng.

In the past quite a long time, Longcheng was the most lively place.

But recently, Longcheng seems a little lonely.

This is true both inside and outside the city.

Most of the taiyiwei were concentrated in Shanhe fortress. When Jinwu captured Shanhai fortress, countless taiyiwei fought to death and suffered heavy casualties.

The flag leaders outside the Dragon City, the alliance leaders originally want to become taiyiwei, need to go through many tests.

But just a few days ago, Longcheng suddenly changed the rules.

As long as you make certain contributions, you will be promoted to taiyiwei automatically!

For the vast majority of people, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. For a while, all the alliance leaders and flag leaders took their own people to the battlefield.

There are very few people who stay outside Longcheng.

When Luo Zheng passed through the Dragon City, he wanted to visit his companions in Daojian palace. Unexpectedly, he found that they had left the dragon city.

Even the people under the flag who are not strong enough have been taken away. I'm afraid taiyitiangong will have a lot of trouble this time.

After arriving at the Hidden Dragon Pavilion in Longcheng, Luo Zheng and the evil god show their gold swords. Several taiyiwei come forward to verify the marks on the gold swords, and then take them to the teleportation array. After passing the teleportation array, they go straight to Qibei state.


Although Qibei is close to China, its population is much less.

In such a big state, there are only 16 cities, and the total population of 15 of them is equivalent to a medium-sized city by Ming Lake.

There is only one big city in Qibei Prefecture, called beixuan city.

Because of the war, the ordinary people in beixuan city had already withdrawn into zhongshenzhou.

Now beixuan city has been taken as a stronghold by taiyitiangong, which has been occupied by taiyiwei.

Luo Zheng came out of the space passage and reached beixuan city.

Many taiyiwei come and go in a hurry. In addition to taiyiwei, there are many other shores. Judging from the breath, quite a number of people only have two or three shores

Everyone's faces were solemn and silent.

Although there is no smell of blood in beixuan City, the oppressive atmosphere of war still lingers in everyone's mind.

"Disciples of the land of sword mourning, please come this way," said a five-star taiyiwei chaoluo Zheng, the evil god and others.

The place of sword mourning is very high in taiyitian palace, and the weakest has reached the realm of desire. Even the strongest five-star taiyiwei can not reach the realm of desire. When taiyiwei reaches the realm of desire, he will be recommended to go to Hunyuan world.

So the taiyiwei were respectful to the people in the sword mourning place.

Under the guidance of taiyiwei, Luo Zheng and others went through half of the city and came to an open Pavilion.

In the pavilion, some disciples from the place of sword mourning have gathered, about 20 of them. Luo Zheng also saw some familiar faces among them. After mobilization in Hechi, many disciples have come straight here.

"Brother Luo Zheng!"

"Brother Luo Zheng!"


Several disciples on the first floor said hello to Luo Zheng, while the disciples on the second floor looked at Luo Zheng with indifference, not too much.

After all, Luo Zheng's progress is too fast. Although he beat Zheng Shuangqi, it's impossible to convince everyone on the second floor.

As for the disciples on the first floor, most of them went to the fourteenth heaven and got quite skilled soul crystals in the city of ten thousand souls. They also got a lot of benefits through several other races. When they were shocked by Luo Zheng's means on the other side, they were also grateful to Luo Zheng.

Taiyiwei arranged Luo Zheng and evil gods here and left.

Luo Zheng didn't know what the war was like in Qibei Prefecture. When he arrived at beixuan City, he could wait here.

But what Luo Zheng didn't expect was that this was six or seven hours.Occasionally, taiyiwei will send the disciples to the place of sword mourning, and those taiyiwei will leave. If someone pulls those taiyiwei to ask how to arrange it, they don't know.

Luo Zheng and the evil god had a definite nature, but he just sat in his position with his knees crossed and said nothing.

More than ten hours passed until the next morning.

The disciples on the first floor and even on the second floor were a little impatient.

"We are in response to master Hechi, who came to kill Jinwu in Qibei state and was left here to waste time. What does that mean?"

said, "the war in Qi Bei state is very tight. I think they are too busy to use us."


Several disciples of the sword mourning place began to quarrel.

At this time, a burly man with several five-star taiyiwei entered the pavilion.

This man has a square inch, and his eyebrows are like arrows. Between a stroke and a stroke, there is a strong murderous spirit. This murderous spirit is cultivated in the constant killing. Although the disciples in the sword mourning place are powerful, they seldom kill, so they can't cultivate such a full murderous spirit.

Luo Zheng had been walking through a sea of fire in those years. He had already adapted to this kind of murderous atmosphere. After looking at the man, his face returned to normal.

"You disciples of the sword mourning place," the man arched his hands at the crowd after coming in, "you are the leading figures of Taiyi heavenly palace, the Pearl of the seven mountains, and the hope of the future heavenly palace..."

The disciples of the sword mourning place were already very anxious. They were praised by the man with a short cut. There was a smile of pride on their faces, but it only lasted for a moment.

"No matter how important you are and how strong your strength is, it's no different from waste in my eyes. If you want to live, you should take away the ridiculous pride in your heart."

Their smile solidified in the face, one by one glaring, ferocious stare at the men.

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