The contradiction between Luo Zheng and Taihao mountain is not small.

If it wasn't for yinglao and Yanfei, I'm afraid it's impossible to leave Taihao mountain.

It's not good news for Luo Zheng that people from Taihao mountain are sitting in the back.

However, now that taiyigong is facing a fierce enemy, taihaoshan should not be able to take revenge.

Su Kui didn't realize Luo Zheng's doubts. He stretched out his hand and pointed down: "look, that's Taihao array!"

Below, the left side of the excavation has been seen in the past.

A huge sword shaped array is carved on the ground. In the center of the sword shaped array is a high tower, which is obviously built now and looks new.

When Luo Zheng looked down, someone in the small window of the tower also looked up. The person looking up was the gorgeous lady in red.

"The disciples of the place of sword mourning have been gathering in beixuan city one after another, and the fastest group has arrived at the front line," said Xuan Niang.

Behind the gorgeous lady, there is an old man in black. The old man has a crooked nose and drooping eyes. He seems to hate the whole world. He is the wild dragon who forcibly took Luo Zheng away on the ancient Panlong road.

"Luo Zheng should also go to beixuan City," said Huang Long in a hoarse voice.

"I've sent someone to check it out," said the gorgeous lady with a beautiful curved corner of her mouth. "It's the best time to start in such chaos in Qibei state. If he dares to come, he will never come back!"

Luo Zheng has never left taiyitiangong since he had a grudge with taihaoshan.

Even if you go to Hunyuan, there are strong people in the world. It's impossible for Taihao mountain to let Xu Shou take Luo Zheng.

Now the disciples of the sword mourning place are pouring out, which is a great opportunity for Taihao mountain.


After passing through the "Taihao formation" and going on for about a hundred Li, you will see a temporary checkpoint, which is Su Kui's "bad earthquake pass".

Although this level is temporary, it is quite large-scale. After all, building a lot of houses is a very simple thing for the other shore.

In front of those buildings, there is a slender array.

The two sections of the array extend to a very far distance, and there is no end on either side.

"This is Skynet? In order to prevent the infiltration of gold and black, even this dharma array has been sacrificed, "Gu Hai said, staring at the Dharma array.

The whole sky net array is located in the northwest corner, forming a wall from left to right that reaches the sky.

As long as Skynet doesn't break, absolutely no golden crowns can get over it.

"Yes," Su Kui nodded, "Jinwu launched an impact a few days ago, but was stopped by Skynet. Let's go down."

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

When six people fell from high in the air, they attracted the attention of many people below.

There are a lot of people stationed at the bad earthquake pass. Besides a considerable number of taiyiwei, there are also some other places recruited from China, such as many alliance leaders and flag leaders in the dragon city.

"It's said that reinforcements were invited from the place of sword mourning!"

"Even if there are reinforcements, what is the significance of more and less people..."


In the face of Jinwu, these people are very pessimistic.

Naturally, Luo Zheng and others are not aware of this pessimism. Under the leadership of Su Kui, Luo Zheng and others are directly introduced into the largest building in the bad earthquake pass, where several gods and generals greet each other.

After introducing himself to each other, Su Kui said, "I'm responsible for the whole bad earthquake pass. It was su Kui who offended me just now in beixuan city. But here, you are also people with gold swords. I hope you can obey my orders completely."

Although they were not happy to hear this, they knew that military orders were like mountains, but they didn't say anything.

Then Su Kui introduced in detail the situation of the bad earthquake pass, the main points of staying here and so on, and then allocated a room for each of the five people.

After a general understanding, people can move freely in the bad earthquake pass.

Luo Zheng swam on the side of the bad earthquake pass and roughly recorded the surrounding environment in his mind.

In front of the bad earthquake pass, it is located at the end of the plain. It's very close in the shape of a snake. If the left and right sides are attacked, they can help and defend. The terrain is very good. That's why it's the key breakthrough of the Jinwu people.

After a tour, Luo Zheng found that the bad earthquake pass was divided into two layers. The upper layer was guarded by a famous taiyiwei, while the lower layer was mostly the people of yichongtian and liangchongtian.

I don't know why, when Luo Zheng passed by, there was a trace of hatred and indignation in the eyes projected by the lower class.

Luo Zheng felt strange, but did not think deeply.

Just as he was about to return to his room, a voice came from the lower floor.

"Flag Lord of the flag

Luo Zheng has not heard this name for a long time. Most people who can call him like this are those outside the dragon city.

Just as the man called, a four-star taiyiwei from the upper level yelled, "shut up! What flag Lord, this is the new God General of taiyiwei! Get the hell out of hereLuo Zheng is a god general with a golden sword.

In fact, because of the war, all the people in the place of sword mourning have been promoted to generals. Those taiyiwei are very respectful to Luo Zheng.

After being reprimanded by the four-star taiyiwei, the lower class didn't dare to speak any more, so they drew back directly.

Luo Zheng's face is a cold, stare too one Wei one eye, the tiptoe one point has already jumped from the second floor, just face the person who is retreating.

"Yuebaihao!" Luo Zheng raised his eyebrows.

That person is Yue Baihao of Dao sword palace, Yue Baihao sees Luo Zheng come down, full face is excited, "flag Lord! It's really the flag Lord! I knew I wouldn't admit it

When Luo Zheng passed through the Dragon City, he found that all the people outside the dragon city had disappeared. He had a bad feeling in his heart.

When the war is in a hurry, taiyigong is afraid to throw these people into the battlefield. Their accomplishments may be more dangerous than good.

"What about the other disciples of Daojian palace? What about Yin yuehuan? " Luo Zheng asked with concern.

Luo Zheng asked, Yue Baihao mumbled a few times, his eyes were red, and he almost cried.

Yuebaihao was just a dandy in Daojian palace, and he didn't suffer too much. Even in Longcheng, he was protected by Luo Zheng. After Luo Zheng left, Yin yuehuan became the leader of the alliance and took good care of the disciples of Daojian palace.

But not long ago, the brothers of Daojian palace were scattered after they were recruited into Qibei state by taiyigong. During this period, Yue Baicheng suffered a lot and had to give his life here!

"Flag, Lord, Qiu Siyuan has been eaten by Jinwu. There is no bones left! Others were led by Yin yuehuan's leader to guard Tianxun pass, but they were also more or less dangerous. Those taiyiwei didn't take us seriously and took our lives as bait... "

The troops guarding Qibei Prefecture can be divided into three categories. The strongest one is the high-end fighting power of Su Kui and Luo Zheng. The second one is Taiyi Wei. The major sword sects on the seven mountains also send their disciples in. Once they join, they automatically become Taiyi Wei.

And the third category is the large number of people outside the dragon city.

These people are weak and have little fighting power in the face of Jinwu. I don't know whose idea is to drive these people out of Skynet as bait to lure Jinwu.

Using living people as bait, the effect is excellent, but the lives of these people are naturally worrying.

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